Science programs and science festivals

FRIB’s outreach program engages the public, generates enthusiasm and learning among young people for scientific careers, and builds innovative collaborations that cross disciplines to illustrate and translate the power of research in physics and other areas. FRIB hosts and/or participates in a number of science programs and science festivals to allow students and young researchers the opportunity to explore the world of science.

Science programs

FRIB is participating in the following events throughout 2025. Specific information about the time/location of FRIB's participation will be noted for each event. A list of 2025 events will be posted soon.

Science festivals

FRIB researchers often take their enthusiasm for nuclear science on the road, visiting classrooms and science festivals to share their work with curious students.

Look for FRIB scientists at events at:

Exhibits often include demonstrations of:

  • Nuclear fragmentation
  • Detector physics
  • Cosmic rays
  • Isotope separation by mass
  • Superconductivity
  • Radioactivity