A rendering showing a completed view (facing east) of a new addition to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB): the K500 Chip Testing Facility at FRIB.
28 June 2024
Today, the Michigan State University (MSU) Board of Trustees (BOT) authorized construction of a high-bay addition to the west end of FRIB. The addition will triple the testing capacity of...
Graphic of isotopes and scientific equipment.
26 June 2024
A scientific research team studied how the barium-139 nucleus captures neutrons in the stellar environment in an experiment at Argonne National Laboratory ’s (ANL) CARIBU facility using FRIB’s Summing Nal...
A graphic of silicon-32 and argon-32
25 June 2024
A scientific research team measured the nuclear charge radii of stable isotopes silicon-28, silicon-29, and silicon-30 at FRIB’s BEam COoler and LAser spectroscopy (BECOLA) facility . The team also measured...
FRIB logo
07 June 2024
The FRIB Users Organization Executive Committee and the FRIB Theory Alliance Executive Board have announced the winners of the 2024 FRIB Achievement Award for Early Career Researchers . Timothy Gray...
Graphic of a rare proton halo
29 May 2024
Theoretical physicists and experimentalists work together to measure the mass of a rare isotope expected to form a rare proton halo, publishing the first results from FRIB’s precision measurement program...
