2012 FRIB News

10 December 2012
Final design of FRIB technical systems is underway and progress in the Accelerator Systems Division was successfully reviewed last week at a meeting of the Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee (ASAC)...

15 November 2012
Steering high power ion beams cleanly through the FRIB driver linac and onto the rare isotope production target will be essential to achieving the FRIB scientific objectives. The beam position...

26 October 2012
FRIB will need a production target different than what is presently used at NSCL. The beam power is 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than the Coupled Cyclotron Facility. Static targets...

17 October 2012
Faculty members from Central Michigan University have joined into an academic partnership with Michigan State University to participate in nuclear physics research at FRIB. See the article at www.cm-life.com, and...

01 October 2012
Last week, the MSU Board of Trustees authorized construction of a new high bay for FRIB. The 27,000-square-foot building will provide research and assembly space to test and assemble superconducting...

28 September 2012
A team of MSU researchers has been awarded a grant to study how teams work together. The three-year study, funded by a $1.1 million grant from the National Science Foundation...

07 September 2012
The Michigan State University Board of Trustees has given its approval to the next step in the development of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, a world-class nuclear research facility...

24 August 2012
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University continues to progress with additional activities at the site. The placement of pilings for the earth-retention system began this week...

31 July 2012
The second workshop on the collection of rare isotopes at FRIB, or Isotope Harvesting, was held on the campus of Michigan State University on July 23-24, 2012. This workshop focused...

26 June 2012
In its fourth decadal survey of nuclear physics, the National Research Council (NRC) outlines the impressive accomplishments of the field in the last decade and recommends a long-term strategy for...

21 June 2012
The MSU Foundation Grants Committee recently awarded a Strategic Partnership Grant to a group of MSU researchers – including several at NSCL and FRIB – in order to establish a...

21 June 2012
The MSU Board of Trustees approved today the planning for a new 19,000 square foot high bay which will be used to house superconducting radio frequency technical facilities at MSU...

21 June 2012
The Detroit Free Press reported comments from U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today in support of FRIB. “We want to fund it and plan to fund it,” Chu told the...

17 May 2012
The ion source and low energy beam transport system used at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) is being installed and re-commissioned in the ReA3...

27 April 2012
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) Office of Project Assessment conducted a review of the FRIB Project this week, April 24-26. Charged by the Office of Nuclear...

18 March 2012
The Independent CD-2/3A Readiness and Cost Assessment Review, charged by MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon, was conducted last week at the Henry Center on the MSU campus. The review...

04 March 2012
One of the β=0.53 SRF cavities built by U.S. industry was shipped from MSU to Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) where it was successfully processed following the FRIB protocols...

22 February 2012
Successful ECR ion source tests conducted at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) produced record levels of current for a high charge state of uranium. VENUS, the superconducting Electron Cyclotron Resonance...

13 February 2012
Representatives from building trades organizations across Michigan met at FRIB on February 10 to discuss the role of building trades as FRIB begins construction. Brad Bull, FRIB Conventional Facilities Division...

08 February 2012
For FRIB production, SRF cavities will be jacketed with titanium helium vessels. The fabrication process requires mechanical joints to be made between titanium vessel subassemblies and direct connections to the...

30 January 2012
The Michigan State University Board of Trustees has given its approval to the next step in the development of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. In approving the MSU administration’s...

25 January 2012
In the State of the Union Address last night, President Obama called for continued support from the federal government for basic science research. "Innovation also demands basic research," said President...

24 January 2012
Recycled steel shielding blocks (Duratek blocks) are being staged close to FRIB for just-in-time delivery for FRIB construction. The first 18 blocks have been trucked from Energy Solutions in Tennessee...

17 January 2012
Multiple media reports speculated about funding for FRIB following a speech by Department of Energy Secretary Chu at the Detroit Economic Club on Wednesday, January 11 (WXYZ-TV, Detroit Free Press...

13 January 2012
The complete set of high temperature superconductor (HTS) coils have been assembled onto their support structure and tested at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The coils of the first quadrupole magnet...

04 January 2012
Utility relocation work for FRIB is making good progress by moving the steam tunnels and other utilities out from under the footprint of the future FRIB buildings. Utility relocation is...