2010 FRIB News

20 December 2010
Brookhaven National Laboratory reports good progress on their FRIB-funded research and development of radiation resistant magnets for the FRIB fragment separator.

16 December 2010
The FRIB Quality Assurance (QA) group is performing training throughout the FRIB Project. Individuals from the project’s technical, procurement, and safety groups have been selected to participate in the training...

08 December 2010
Barton Malow Company has been selected to serve as the Construction Manager-Agency (CM) for the FRIB Project. Barton Malow was chosen following a selection process which evaluated firms based on...

19 November 2010
Paul Chu will join the FRIB Project as a professor and lead the application software group in the Controls Department within the Accelerator Systems Division. Paul joins FRIB from SLAC...

11 November 2010
The Project Management Advisory Committee (PMAC) finished its review today at Michigan State University. The committee reviewed the status and progress of the project management activities as FRIB continues preliminary...

02 November 2010
We welcome Daniel Stout to the FRIB Project as FRIB Project Chief Engineer. Dan will provide engineering leadership and coordinate the design and integration of engineering systems including accelerator and...

22 October 2010
Dr. Jie Wei joined the FRIB Project as Accelerator Systems Division Director in late August, and has some good impressions about his first couple months on the job. "It has...

15 October 2010
Matt Roush, author of the blog Great Lakes Innovation and Technology Report ( GLITR), visited Michigan State University as part of his Tech Tour 2010. GLITR aims to build up...

14 October 2010
Dr. William F. Brinkman, the Director of the DOE Office of Science, visited FRIB and MSU on October 14, 2010. During a breakfast meeting MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon...

08 October 2010
A workshop organized by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and MSU on “Isotope Harvesting at FRIB” took place in Santa Fe, New Mexico from September 29 – October 1. The...

27 September 2010
Michigan lawmakers including Rep. Ed Clemente (D-Lincoln Park) and Sen. Gretchen Whitmer (D-East Lansing) visited the future site of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) for a hearing on...

24 September 2010
More than 70 members from the Capital Area Information Technology and Capital Area Manufacturing Council met at FRIB to learn about business opportunities at FRIB. Thomas Glasmacher, FRIB Project Manager...

22 September 2010
A U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) environmental study of Michigan State University’s (MSU) proposed Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) has resulted in the DOE issuing a FONSI, or Finding...

01 September 2010
Dr. Patricia M. Dehmer, DOE Office of Science (DOE-SC) Deputy Director for Science Programs, approved Critical Decision 1 (CD-1) for FRIB this morning following a meeting of the DOE-SC Energy...

20 August 2010
BOSTON, MA -- A symposium entitled "Radiochemistry at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams" was held in conjunction with the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston...

28 June 2010
SmithGroup has been selected to serve as the architecture and engineering (AE) consultant for the FRIB Project. As FRIB AE, SmithGroup will provide architectural and engineering support for preliminary and...

10 June 2010
MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon charged an independent review panel to assess the FRIB Project’s readiness for Critical Decision 1 (CD-1). CD-1 is DOE’s determination that a preferred alternative...

21 April 2010
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Assistant Director Kei Koizumi visited the laboratory yesterday morning during a whirlwind tour of the research capabilities at Michigan State University. Following...

23 March 2010
The DOE NEPA hearing on the draft Environmental Assessment for FRIB at MSU was held last night. Vice President Gray greeted DOE and members of the public on MSU’s behalf...

12 March 2010
A symposium "Radiochemistry at FRIB" will be held during the Fall 2010 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society August 22-26, 2010 in Boston, MA. FRIB, the Facility for Rare...

25 February 2010
The FRIB Equipment Workshop took place February 20-22 in East Lansing. More than 200 FRIB users from around the world attended the workshop to discuss concepts for specific experimental equipment...

24 February 2010
During the conceptual design phase for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), large numbers of users are already visiting East Lansing anticipating the science that a new facility will...

03 February 2010
The budget request that President Obama submitted to Congress includes $10 million for the engineering and design of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams.