2022 FRIB News

Graphic of particles
20 December 2022
A scientific team at FRIB has developed a new optical detector. This development will enable scientific users to help generate new insights and breakthroughs in nuclear physics. The team’s findings...
The Gamma-Ray Energy Tracking In-beam Nuclear Array (GRETINA)
07 December 2022
In a recent Physical Review Letters (PRL) paper, a team of scientists from Argonne National Laboratory, Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Surrey in England, and FRIB explain...
Artemis Spyrou
02 December 2022
It was a different kind of ceremony for a nuclear scientist: Formal dresses, photographers, lights, cameras, celebrities—even the president of Cyprus—in attendance, and all broadcast on television. Artemis Spyrou, a...
The figure shows the tension between the results of CREX and PREX measurements and the predictions of current global models.
02 December 2022
In a recent Physical Review Letter (PRL) paper, a team of theorists from the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg in Germany, the University of Milan in Italy, and FRIB extended their previous...
MSU College of Natural Science Dean Phil Duxbury (left) presents Alex Brown, professor of physics at FRIB and in the MSU Department of Physics and Astronomy, (right) with his 2022 Research Leadership Award.
29 November 2022
Several FRIB faculty members received awards from the Michigan State University (MSU) College of Natural Science (NatSci) at the NatSci Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony, held 18 November at MSU’s...
Cristhian Gonzalez-Ortiz
22 November 2022
Fourth-year Michigan State University (MSU) physics graduate student Cristhian Gonzalez-Ortiz has landed in the ideal place for doing his doctoral thesis research: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL). Gonzalez-Ortiz had begun...
Representatives from iThemba Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science in South Africa.
18 November 2022
On 17-18 November, FRIB hosted representatives from iThemba Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science (LABS) in South Africa. The visit was part of an initiative to create a student exchange program...
FRIB Decay Station initiator
14 November 2022
A multi-institutional team of scientific users has measured how long it takes for several kinds of exotic nuclei to decay. Their paper, published today in Physical Review Letters, marks the...
An FRIB staff member leads students on a tour of FRIB.
09 November 2022
FRIB welcomed more than 1,000 attendees for a unique physics and dance event that included a performance and a variety of activities to explore dance and science on 3, 4...
FRIB logo
02 November 2022
At the new MSU Space Electronics Center, a collaboration of MSU’s College of Engineering, FRIB, and Texas Instruments, students and researchers will focus on the effects of ionizing radiation on...
FRIB logo
28 October 2022
FRIB issued its second call for proposals today. The FRIB science program commenced in May 2022, delivering successful experiments approved in the first call for proposals. The second call invites...
FRIB logo
28 October 2022
Seven members of the FRIB user community have been named 2022 Fellows of the American Physical Society (APS): Daniel Bardayan, Jose Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, Anna Frebel, Carla Fröhlich, Daniela Leitner, Elizabeth...
Kyle Leach headshot
27 October 2022
A Colorado School of Mines professor is among the inaugural cohort of experimental physicists to receive a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Kyle Leach, associate professor of...
Nusair Hasan
25 October 2022
The Cryogenic Society of America (CSA) has awarded Nusair Hasan, cryogenics staff engineer at FRIB, with the 2022 Roger W. Boom Award. CSA’s Roger W. Boom Award is given “to...
Julie Butler
21 October 2022
Michigan State University (MSU) graduate student Julie Butler is the recipient of a highly competitive U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program (SCGSR) grant. Butler...
Graphic depicting the BEam COoling and Laser (BECOLA) spectroscopy facility.
07 October 2022
A multi-institutional team of scientific users has published an article about the precision measurement of charge radii of neutron deficient isotopes below nickel-56 in the 23 September 2022 issue of...
Performers from Dance Exchange dance in front of scientific instruments at FRIB.
07 October 2022
FRIB is sponsoring a unique dance performance and variety of activities that explore dance and science. “Of Equal Place: Isotopes in Motion” incorporates dance, video, and physics to create an...
Joan Rohlfing
22 September 2022
Joan Rohlfing, president and chief operating officer of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), will give a lecture titled “Pushing Nuclear Frontiers” on 6 October at the FRIB Laboratory. Rohlfing’s lecture...
Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz
19 September 2022
Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz, an assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has been awarded the 2022 Stuart Jay Freedman Award in Experimental Nuclear Physics by the American...
Researchers stand behind the Resonant ionization Spectroscopy Experiments (RiSE).
01 September 2022
Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz, an assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and his team designed and fabricated a new laser spectroscopy system, called Resonant ionization Spectroscopy Experiments...
Visitors from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Office of Nuclear Physics in the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.
31 August 2022
On 31 August, FRIB hosted visitors from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Office of Nuclear Physics in the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science...
Attendees of the "40 Years of Science at NSCL" event listen to a speaker.
12 August 2022
On 12 August, the FRIB Laboratory held a special event titled “40 Years of Science at NSCL” to recognize the science resulting from the successful operation of the National Superconducting...
FRIB logo
11 August 2022
Argonne National Laboratory hosted the 2022 Low Energy Community Meeting (LECM) 8-10 August. Over the course of the three days, more than 300 members of the low-energy nuclear physics community...
FRIB logo
01 August 2022
FRIB participated in several outreach programs this summer, and it was a great season full of discovery. Thank you to all the students, teachers, and volunteers who joined us to...
Group photo of participants of the Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) program.
29 July 2022
The 29th annual Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) program ran July 25-29. This year’s program marked the return to in-person events after two years of PAN online. The goals were...
This Hubble Space Telescope image centers on what’s known as a low surface brightness, or LSB, galaxy (blue), surrounded by more familiar-looking galaxies (yellow).
22 July 2022
No, scientists still don’t know what dark matter is. But MSU scientists helped uncover new physics while looking for it. About three years ago, Wolfgang “Wolfi” Mittig and Yassid Ayyad...
FRIB logo
21 July 2022
A Physical Review Letters article looks at the rate at which helium and deuterium fuse to produce lithium-6. This is critical in resolving the discrepancy between Big Bang predictions and...
FRIB logo
01 July 2022
Michigan State University (MSU) received a U.S. Department of Energy grant from the Stewardship Science Academic Alliance program of the National Nuclear Security Administration. The goal is to develop advanced...
Sofia Quaglioni
22 June 2022
Sofia Quaglioni, a physicist and group leader in the Nuclear Data and Theory group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), has been named as a winner of the 2021 Ernest...
Hannah Christine Berg
17 June 2022
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) has awarded FRIB graduate assistant Hannah Christine Berg a highly competitive Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program (SCGSR) grant. Berg...
FRIB Decay Station initiator
14 June 2022
The first experiment at FRIB—which studied the beta-decay of calcium-48 fragments that are so unstable that they only exist for mere fractions of a second—concluded successfully. The first experiment was...
FRIB Decay Station initiator
03 June 2022
Scientists from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) built the FRIB Decay Station initiator (FDSi) for use at FRIB in the first experiments. FDSi is the initial stage of an FRIB...
FRIB logo
20 May 2022
The FRIB Users Organization Executive Committee and the FRIB Theory Alliance Executive Board have announced the winners of the 2022 FRIB Achievement Award for Early Career Researchers. Amy Lovell, from...
Vandana Tripathi
20 May 2022
Vandana Tripathi from Florida State University is the award recipient for the 2022 FRIB Visiting Scholar Program for Experimental Science. FRIB initiated the FRIB Visiting Scholar Program for Experimental Science...
An illustration of a classical nova, shows a bright white dwarf star near the center accumulating fuel in an orange disc from its neighboring main sequence star (shown in bright orange).
17 May 2022
MSU helps deliver insights to better characterize the nuclear physics and extreme environments of cosmic explosions An illustration of a classical nova, shows a bright white dwarf star near the...
U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm (center right) and MSU President Samuel L. Stanley Jr., M.D. (center left) cut the ribbon to officially mark the start of FRIB’s scientific mission.
02 May 2022
U.S. Secretary of Energy, other officials cut ribbon at ceremony on 2 May Michigan State University’s Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a user facility for the U.S. Department of...
 Visitors explore the demonstration tent at the FRIB Countdown event.
25 April 2022
Nearly 1,000 people toured the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams during the FRIB Countdown on 23 April. The public event included activities, demonstrations, presentations, and tours that offered the public...
FRIB logo
11 April 2022
Ribbon-cutting ceremony 2 May includes Secretary of Energy Michigan State University’s Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, a user facility for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, will open...
An FRIB researcher instructs a student.
08 April 2022
Michigan State University has a special feature looking at FRIB. Check it out to learn more about how FRIB is accelerating scientific breakthroughs and opening the doors to discovery. The...
FRIB Countdown logo.
04 April 2022
East Lansing, MI – In celebration of the anticipated opening of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) in May as a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science user...
An FRIB graduate student works with an instrument at the FRIB Laboratory.
29 March 2022
The Michigan State University (MSU) nuclear physics graduate program retained its No. 1 ranking, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report ranking for best graduate schools. The 2023...
Lisa Randall
10 March 2022
FRIB is hosting Lisa Randall, the Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science at Harvard University, for a special talk titled “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” as part of its Advanced...
Graphic of neutrino particles
14 February 2022
New theoretical research from FRIB could help answer looming questions about the ghost-like neutrino particle, including its mass and whether it is its own antiparticle Heiko Hergert grew up on...
FRIB logo
02 February 2022
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) Office of Project Assessment (OPA) held its last independent project review of FRIB 1-2 February. The purpose of the review was...
FRIB logo
26 January 2022
Three members of the FRIB user community have been named 2021 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS): Michael Annan Lisa, Filomena Nunes, and James Vary...
Beam distribution chart
25 January 2022
On 25 January, the FRIB Project team delivered the first beam to the focal plane of the FRIB fragment separator in the transfer hall. This follows the production of the...
FRIB logo
21 January 2022
Max Bee-Lindgren, a student at Decatur High School in Decatur, Georgia, and member of the FRIB-affiliated Lee Research Group, has been named a top 40 finalist in the 2022 Regeneron...
World map graphic
20 January 2022
Michigan State University-led International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics expands to include three new partners in global quest to answer science’s most important questions. Science is a team sport. Searching...
Witek Nazarewicz
19 January 2022
The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (PIASA) has awarded Witek Nazarewicz, John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor of Physics and chief scientist at FRIB, with the 2021 Casimir...
FRIB logo
19 January 2022
Sherry Yennello, professor of chemistry and Cyclotron Institute director at Texas A&M University, has been selected as the 2021 recipient of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Glenn T. Seaborg Award...
Paul Gueye instructs students at the FRIB Laboratory.
12 January 2022
Paul Guèye, an associate professor of nuclear physics at FRIB and in the Michigan State University (MSU) Department of Physics and Astronomy, is featured in a new MSU video: Excellence...
FRIB logo
04 January 2022
This year-in-review video highlights FRIB’s greatest achievements in 2021.
FRIB logo
01 January 2022
The latest issue of Nuclear Physics News (volume 31/no.4) has an article on the Association for Research at University Nuclear Accelerators (ARUNA) (pages 4-14). The ARUNA laboratories are an important...
