2021 FRIB News

23 December 2021
In collaboration with an international team of researchers, Michigan State University (MSU) has helped create the world’s lightest version, or isotope, of magnesium to date. Forged at the National Superconducting...

11 December 2021
On Saturday, 11 December, at 5:46 p.m., the FRIB Project team produced and identified the first rare isotopes in FRIB, including selenium-84 from a krypton-86 beam. This marks the demonstration...

08 December 2021
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) is now connected to the world’s fastest science network, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Sciences Network (ESnet). FRIB, Michigan State University...

07 December 2021
Uncertainty is part of life. There’s just no escaping it, even in a science as precise as nuclear physics. While scientists work to develop ideas and experiments to minimize that...

29 November 2021
Ragnar Stroberg, a theoretical nuclear physicist at Argonne National Laboratory, has received the Zdzisław Szymański Prize from the Dean of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. Stroberg...

25 November 2021
The deformed nucleus of zirconium-80 is lighter than the sum of the masses of its 40 protons and 40 neutrons. The missing mass is converted into binding energy through E=mc...

10 November 2021
How gentle nuclear reactions with fragile nuclei could help us better understand the universe and fight cancer It’s strange to think that there are nuclear reactions that physicists classify as...

03 November 2021
Scientists can use the charge radii of a pair of mirror nuclei as one way to study the nature of neutron stars. This pair is shown in the illustration in...

01 November 2021
Filomena Nunes, professor of physics at FRIB and in MSU’s Department of Physics and Astronomy and the managing director of the FRIB Theory Alliance, has received the American Physical Society...

15 October 2021
In 1876, Edward Alexander Bouchet became the first African American to earn a doctorate in physics and the sixth person to graduate with a Ph.D. in physics from an American...

13 October 2021
Four members of the FRIB user community have been named 2021 Fellows of the American Physical Society (APS): Jason Clark, Christian Forssen, Yury Litvinov, and Artemis Spyrou. APS is the...

12 October 2021
Charlie Hultquist, an undergraduate research assistant at the FRIB Laboratory and the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL), has been nominated by Michigan State University (MSU) for three nationally competitive graduate-school...

04 October 2021
Students will perform research at national laboratories The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) selected three Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) graduate students at Michigan State University...

01 October 2021
The FRIB Laboratory has successfully passed its three-year Information Security Management System (ISMS) audit. Auditors assessed that FRIB’s ISMS is in conformance to the external ISO 27001 information security standard...

28 September 2021
A team of FRIB scientific users completed the first experiment using SOLARIS, the SOLenoid spectrometer Apparatus for ReactIon Studies, in the Active-Target Time-Projection Chamber (AT-TPC) mode. SOLARIS will allow pivotal...

08 September 2021
Michigan State University (MSU) has released a new video showcasing the university as one of the nation’s leading research institutions. The FRIB Laboratory and several of its team members are...

03 September 2021
Sebastian König, an assistant professor of physics at North Carolina State University (NC State) and FRIB Theory Alliance (FRIB-TA) bridge faculty member, has received a Faculty Early Career Development Award...

03 September 2021
In August, FRIB completed installing all of its magnets in the fragment preseparator. The fragment preseparator is the initial filter to purify the desired rare-isotope beam from unwanted beam particles...

20 August 2021
The FRIB Program Advisory Committee (PAC) has peer-reviewed the first set of science proposals for experiments that will be conducted after FRIB commences user operation in early 2022. The PAC-recommended...

14 August 2021
The 2021 Low Energy Community Meeting (LECM) was held online 9-11 August, jointly hosted by the FRIB Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory. Over the course of the three days, more...

12 August 2021
The FRIB-affiliated Lee Research Group authored a research paper (“Rodeo Algorithm for Quantum Computing”) that was recently published in Physical Review Letters. The members of the group who carried out...

11 August 2021
On 10 August, Michigan State University Board of Trustees members Renee Knake Jefferson and Rema Vassar visited FRIB. FRIB Laboratory Director Thomas Glasmacher and Chief Administrative Officer BJ Abrams hosted...

09 August 2021
FRIB/NSCL remotely hosted 16 undergraduate students from across the country for the 2021 Nuclear Science Summer School (NS 3) from 2-6 August. NS 3 introduces the field of nuclear physics...

02 August 2021
The 28 th Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) program remotely hosted 36 high-school students from 18 states 26-30 July. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics - Center for the Evolution...

01 August 2021
FRIB resumed its on-site functions 1 August in line with MSU requirements: Effective 1 August, all individuals are required to wear face coverings indoors. Learn more at msu.edu/together-we-will.

30 July 2021
The FRIB Users Organization Executive Committee and the FRIB Theory Alliance Executive Board have announced the winners of the inaugural FRIB Achievement Award for Early Career Researchers. Jack Bishop, from...

14 July 2021
Scientists from the University of Surrey and the FRIB Laboratory at MSU teamed up to explore the origin of aluminum-26, a rare isotope that offers a window into dying stars...

13 July 2021
Jonathon Howard, a graduate assistant at the FRIB Laboratory, is the 2021 recipient of the Klaus and Jean Timmerhaus Graduate Scholarship. Howard is a third-year graduate student at Michigan State...

05 July 2021
FRIB remotely hosted the 2021 International Conference on Radio-Frequency Superconductivity (SRF’21) from 28 June to 2 July. The SRF conferences are held every two years. They allow attendees to exchange...

30 June 2021
FRIB has successfully commissioned its liquid lithium charge stripper installed in FRIB’s linear accelerator (linac). FRIB is the first operating accelerator facility to use liquid lithium to charge-strip heavy-ion beams...

16 June 2021
Dennis Mücher from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, is the award recipient for the FRIB Visiting Scholar Program for Experimental Science 2021. FRIB initiated the FRIB Visiting Scholar...

11 June 2021
A team of FRIB scientific users have completed the first experiment using SOLARIS, the SOLenoid spectrometer Apparatus for ReactIon Studies, in the Active-Target Time-Projection Chamber (AT-TPC) mode. Argonne National Laboratory...

02 June 2021
On 2 June, FRIB accelerated a uranium-238 beam ( 238U 37+) to a beam energy of 20 million electron-volts per nucleon (MeV/u), setting a record for the highest uranium beam...

27 May 2021
Five scientists who have performed or will perform research at FRIB have received 2021 U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) Early Career Research Program awards. The FRIB scientific...

13 May 2021
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) Office of Project Assessment (OPA) held its independent project review of FRIB via remote participation 11-13 May. The main focus of...

12 May 2021
Following the commissioning of NSCL’s ReAccelerator facility ReA6 on 16 April, the NSCL stand-alone ReA6 user program began as scheduled on 12 May with its first experiment. Dr. Kelly Chipps...

11 May 2021
Zachary Constan, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory and FRIB outreach coordinator, and Daniel Puentes, doctoral student in physics at FRIB, have won awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Center for...

05 May 2021
Maya Wallach is a high-school student who follows the Michigan State University (MSU) physics curriculum and takes courses at MSU. She is gaining first-hand experience at the FRIB Laboratory as...

28 April 2021
Following its fifth Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR05) 21- 22 April, FRIB commissioned the entire linear accelerator (linac) on 25 April. The FRIB team commissioned a krypton-86 beam to 212 million...

23 April 2021
FRIB’s fifth Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR05) was held 21-22 April to assess FRIB’s readiness to operate all segments of the superconducting linear accelerator, including all 46 beam-accelerating cryomodules along with...

20 April 2021
International research team helps create cosmic conditions at RIKEN’s heavy-ion accelerator in Japan An artist’s impression shows two translucent orbs, which represent tin nuclei, colliding and shattering in a shower...

16 April 2021
The National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) reached an important milestone on 16 April with first acceleration of beam in the ReAccelerator facility ReA6. ReA6 is the upgraded ReAccelerator facility at...

15 April 2021
The Technical Systems Advisory Committee (TSAC) held a review of FRIB via remote participation 13-15 April. The main focus of the review was to assess overall FRIB Project development since...

08 April 2021
Two FRIB researchers create computer model to help explain and make nuclear discoveries Michigan State University’s Witold Nazarewicz has a simple way to describe the complex work he does at...

26 March 2021
Charlie Hultquist, a research assistant at the FRIB Laboratory and the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL), has earned a Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship. Hultquist is a Michigan State University (MSU)...

01 March 2021
Sylvester Agbemava joined the FRIB Laboratory as a P. Gregers Hansen Postdoctoral Fellow in October 2020. During his time at the laboratory, Agbemava has worked with the nuclear theorists at...

24 February 2021
As FRIB readies to commence user operation in early 2022, scientists submitted experiment proposals in response to FRIB’s first call for proposals . Eighty-two proposals requesting 9,784 hours of beam...

11 February 2021
The FRIB Laboratory is entering the eleventh year of its nuclear science research in the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium (NSSC). Funded by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), eleven...

29 January 2021
New grant helps harvest unused FRIB isotopes for variety of research fields It’s no secret that Michigan State University is a leader in nuclear science. The university boasts the nation’s...

04 January 2021
This year-in-review video highlights FRIB’s greatest achievements in 2020.