2011 FRIB News

27 December 2011
Located inside the superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cryomodules, cold beam position monitors (BPM) are critical for threading beam through the 330 superconducting cavities planned for FRIB. To demonstrate signals from...

20 December 2011
The Technology Demonstration Cryomodule (TDCM) has been assembled at FRIB, completing an important milestone for the Accelerator Systems Division. The cryomodule contains two beta=0.53 superconducting RF half-wave resonator cavities and...

19 December 2011
The Experimental Systems Advisory Committee (ESAC) met 14-16 December to evaluate progress and readiness of the FRIB Experimental Systems Division. The committee found the Division ready to support a successful...

12 December 2011
The FRIB Environmental, Safety and Health (ES&H) program was found ready to support a successful CD- 2/3A review in April 2012 and ready to support the start of conventional construction...

02 December 2011
MSU is relocating utilities near the FRIB site to prepare for the start of civil construction in 2012. This project includes the relocation of chilled water main distribution, electrical and...

23 November 2011
The Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee (ASAC) met November 15-17 to evaluate progress and readiness of the Accelerator Systems Division. The committee found the Division ready to support a successful CD-2/3A...

20 November 2011
Membership of FRIB Users Organization (FRIBUO) jumped from 875 to more than 1,000 following votes in November to merge the NSCL User Group and FRIB Theory Users Group with FRIBUO...

11 November 2011
U.S. Representative Tim Walberg from Michigan's 7th Congressional District toured FRIB and received a project update from Thomas Glasmacher, FRIB Project Manager, on November 22. He was impressed by the...

18 October 2011
The Superconducting Particle Accelerator Forum of the Americas (SPAFOA) held a meeting at FRIB on Tuesday, 18 October to brief SPAFOA membership on FRIB progress and discuss how interactions with...

04 October 2011
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) Office of Project Assessment conducted a review of the FRIB Project last week, Sept. 27-29. Charged by the Office of Nuclear...

14 September 2011
An article published at nature.com ("Isotope factory accelerates") covered the joint meeting of user groups from FRIB, NSCL, ATLAS, and HRIBF that took place 18-20 August at MSU. The story...

22 August 2011
FRIB will be a new national user facility, enabling scientists to make discoveries. Potential users of the facility are already working together to articulate emerging research opportunities and instrumentation needs...

17 August 2011
Staff members from eleven of Michigan's federal congressional offices were updated on the FRIB Project's status on Monday. FRIB Project Manager Thomas Glasmacher briefed the group on research capabilities FRIB...

11 August 2011
The superconducting radio frequency (SRF) design (i.e. the cold mass, which is primarily cavity, tuner, and coupler) was evaluated by a peer review committee this week and found to be...

08 August 2011
A peer review conducted last week of the fragment separator, mechanical design, target, beam dump, and magnet design affirmed that present status and progress in those areas are on track...

05 August 2011
An FRIB Environmental, Health and Safety Advisory Committee (ESHAC) meeting and an external audit of NSCL-FRIB’s Environmental, Safety and Health Management System, were each conducted recently. Both resulted in favorable...

06 July 2011
A peer review conducted July 5-6 found the FRIB fragment separator optics design and diagnostic approach on track for Critical Decision 2 (approve performance baseline) and 3A (approve start of...

24 June 2011
Several editorial articles have been published in newspapers around the state during the past week. The general theme of each is the same – FRIB will bring innovation and economic...

17 June 2011
A peer review found the FRIB conventional facilities preliminary design on track for Critical Decision 2 (approve performance baseline) and 3A (approve start of civil construction) in spring 2012. The...

13 June 2011
In its Strategic Plan, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) defines its goal to “maintain a vibrant U.S. effort in science and engineering as a cornerstone of our economic prosperity...

07 June 2011
First beam accelerated to full energy through the beta=0.041 ReA cryomodules at Michigan State University 07 June 2011 On Thursday, June 2, an ion beam was accelerated through the beta=0.041...

02 June 2011
Conventional Facilities Division adds space, prepares for final conventional facilities design by December 2011 02 June 2011 More work space - in the form another prefabricated trailer - was added...

16 May 2011
President's Project Advisory Committee affirms FRIB progress 16 May 2011 MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon hosted and attended a meeting of the President's Project Advisory Committee (PPAC) today at...

02 May 2011
FRIB Deputy Project Manager selected 02 May 2011 We are pleased to announce the selection of Donna M. Donovan, JD, to be the FRIB Deputy Project Manager. Ms. Donovan graduated...

17 April 2011
Beam accelerated through first ReA3 cryomodule 17 April 2011 Beam commissioning of the ReA3 reaccelerator continued last week through the first cryomodule. On Friday, April 14, an ion beam was...

29 March 2011
DOE finds FRIB Project making progress toward baseline review 29 March 2011 The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Project Assessment and the Office of Nuclear Physics conducted a...

13 March 2011
Thinking of our colleagues in Japan 13 March 2011 Our thoughts and support go out to friends and collaborators in Japan following the recent earthquake and tsunami. FRIB and its...

08 March 2011
February 18-19 FRIB Science Advisory Committee meeting 08 March 2011 The FRIB Science Advisory Committee (SAC) met on February 18-19 to consider the 16 FRIBUO Working Group updates submitted by...

16 February 2011
First accelerated beam from reaccelerator identified 16 February 2011 The first accelerated beam through the ReA3 reaccelerator was identified today during commissioning of the radio frequency quadrupole accelerator (RFQ). ReA3...

14 February 2011
Experimental Systems and Accelerator Systems advisory committees meet 14 February 2011 The FRIB Project hosted two peer advisory committee reviews last week. The Experimental Systems Advisory Committee (ESAC) met Monday...

04 February 2011
FRIB hosts meetings for experts for target, beam dump 04 February 2011 Representatives from the FRIB Project met with experts from the University of Michigan, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Brookhaven...

25 January 2011
Thomas Borden named Experimental Systems Division Director 25 January 2011 We welcome Thomas Borden to the FRIB Project as Experimental Systems Project Engineer. Tom will provide engineering leadership and coordinate...

19 January 2011
In the news: Project updates in Detroit Free Press, Lansing State Journal 19 January 2011 The Detroit Free Press published a front page story about the progress and promise of...

14 January 2011
Sherrill named AAAS Fellow 14 January 2011 Brad Sherrill, FRIB Chief Scientist, was one of six Michigan State University researchers who earned recognition from their peers nationwide by being named...

05 January 2011
In the News: MSU Video Producer Wins Award for FRIB Rap Video Story 05 January 2011 Troy Hale, who splits his time between teaching in in Telecommunication, Information Studies &...