For scientific users
FRIB is a DOE-SC scientific user facility supporting scientific proprietary and non-proprietary research.
Proprietary research
FRIB facilities are available for proprietary research and applications at full cost recovery. The FRIB Laboratory Director approves requests for such beam time. Researchers interested in beam time for proprietary work should visit the FRIB Single Event Effects (FSEE) Facility for more information.
Non-proprietary research
FRIB is open to researchers from around the world based on the merit of their proposals for scientific research consistent with DOE-SC policy and U.S. law. Beam time is granted by the FRIB Laboratory Director based on recommendations from a Program Advisory Committee (PAC). There is no charge for beam time under the condition that researchers publish their results, making them available to the scientific community. The process to apply for non-proprietary beam time is explained in detail on the FRIB Scientific User Portal. FRIB is committed to providing an outstanding scientific user experience and assisting scientists in completing high-impact research with rare isotopes. A list of PAC-recommended experiments is found here.
FRIB capabilities
FRIB has a number of unique research capabilities. These are described in the links on the right. An estimate of the available rare isotopes and their rates as fast, stopped, and reaccelerated beams is provided online.
FRIB Users Organization
Scientists who perform experiments at FRIB are organized in the independent scientific user organization of approximately 1,800 scientists, postdoctoral research associates, and graduate students from universities, national laboratories, and industry. It is anticipated that up to 1,000 scientific users will visit the facility each year.
FRIB Visiting Scholar Program for Experimental Science
In 2016, FRIB initiated the FRIB Visiting Scholar Program for Experimental Science. The goal of the program is to encourage and help junior researchers to establish a research program at FRIB. The award supports short-term stays at FRIB for junior/non-tenured faculty or staff members. It consists of a stipend intended for travel and local expenses. The application period for the FRIB Visiting Scholar Program for Experimental Science 2024 is now closed (as of 1 February 2024). Learn more.
FRIB Achievement Award for Early Career Researchers
The FRIB Achievement Award for Early Career Researchers is intended to recognize one outstanding experimentalist and one outstanding theorist in nuclear science, no more than six years past their PhD award date at the time of the nomination deadline, who have made a significant contribution toward FRIB science. This contribution need not directly involve an FRIB experiment. Awardees receive a plaque with the awardee's name and institution, and $3,000 participant support to attend the annual Low Energy Community Meeting (LECM), where they deliver a plenary talk on their awarded work. Learn more.