2025 FRIB Achievement Award for Early Career Researchers

The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) invites nominations for the 2025 FRIB Achievement Award for Early Career Researchers.

Award overview

The awards are intended to recognize one outstanding experimentalist and one outstanding theorist in nuclear science, no more than six years past their PhD award date at the time of the nomination deadline, who have made a significant contribution toward FRIB science. This contribution need not directly involve an FRIB experiment. Awardees will receive a plaque with the awardee's name and institution, and $3,000 participant support to attend the annual Low Energy Community Meeting (LECM), this year to be held at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, from 13-15 August, where they will deliver a plenary talk on their awarded work. 

How to submit a nomination

Nominations, due by 11 p.m. (EST) on 14 March 2025, require three letters of support (one of which should be the nominator’s), a one-page summary from the nominee of the contribution and impact of their work on FRIB science, CV, and copies of up to three related publications. Self-nominations will not be accepted. The nomination form to be filled in by the nominator can be found here.

After submitting the nomination form, supporting documents (i.e. the letters, summary, CV and preprints) must be emailed to FRIB Users Organization Executive Committee Secretary Wei Jia Ong by 14 March 2025. The subject line of the email should read: “FRIB early career award 2025” “Nominee’s full name” “either THEORY or EXPERIMENT”

Questions regarding the nomination process may be directed to Chair of FRIB Users Organization Executive Committee Andrea Richard.