Program Advisory Committee (PAC)

The FRIB Program Advisory Committee (PAC) is a group of international experts who review proposals for non-proprietary beam time requests submitted to FRIB. PAC makes recommendations to the FRIB Laboratory Director about beam-time allocation.

PAC includes world-leading scientists who are highly regarded in the low-energy community. The term for PAC membership is three years. The FRIB Scientific Director is a non-voting convener, and the FRIB Manager for User Relations is a non-voting administrator. Observer status is offered to the DOE-SC Office of Nuclear Physics and a representative of the FRIB Users Organization.

Members of the PAC3 Committee

  • Jens Dilling (chairperson), Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Georg Bollen, Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
  • Mike Carpenter, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Paul Fallon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Sean Freeman, University of Manchester and CERN ISOLDE
  • Magda Gorska, GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research
  • Alison Laird, University of York
  • Peter Mueller, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Jorge Piekarewicz, Florida State University
  • David Radford, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Grisha Rogachev, Texas A&M University
  • Chris Ruiz, TRIUMF
  • Nicolas Schunck, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Patrick Talou, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Sherry Yennello, Texas A&M University