2013 FRIB News

04 December 2013
On this day 100 years ago, Frederick Soddy used the term isotope for the first time. In his published paper he wrote: “The same algebraic sum of the positive and...

01 November 2013
The FRIB Science Advisory Committee met on October 29th to review the status of FRIB equipment planning and recommend near-term actions the FRIB Laboratory should take to assist users in...

04 October 2013
Wednesday, October 2, the framework of the SRF highbay was completed and celebrated with a topping off of the final beam. The beam, covered in signatures, was raised to the...

05 August 2013
On August 1, 2013, the Department of Energy’s Office of Science approved Critical Decision-2 (CD-2), Approve Performance Baseline, and Critical Decision-3a (CD-3a), Approve Start of Civil Construction and Long Lead...

06 June 2013
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC) assessed FRIB’s progress on June 4-5. The two-day review, organized by the DOE-SC Office of Project Assessment, was charged by the...

04 June 2013
FRIB has successfully completed the annual ISO 14001 (Environmental) and OHSAS 18001 (Safety and Health) audits of its Environment, Safety and Health Management System (ESHMS). The FRIB ESHMS incorporates the...

15 May 2013
FRIB has successfully completed the annual ISO 9001 surveillance audit of the Quality Management System (QMS). On May 13th and 14th, two auditors from the NSF-ISR (National Sanitation Foundation International...

10 May 2013
The high power beam dump is required to intercept all primary beam at powers of up to 325 kW. The water-filled drum rotates at 400 rpm while water flows through...

11 April 2013
The baseline charge stripper is a flowing windowless film of liquid lithium approximately 10 µm thick flowing at about 50 m/s. The lithium film system, conceived and developed at Argonne...