2015 FRIB News

22 December 2015
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow and MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon toured the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams today, a week after the federal government approved $100 million for FRIB...

04 December 2015
The 12th meeting of the Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee took place 1-3 December. The focus of the review was to assess the Accelerator Systems Division’s (ASD) transition from design to...

30 November 2015
FRIB-1, the first fully populated cryomodule for the FRIB driver linear accelerator, is complete. This is significant because it means great strides have been made in assembly time: FRIB-1 was...

20 November 2015
The DOE-SC Office of Project Assessment’s (OPA) review of FRIB was held November 17-18. The main focus of the review was to assess overall FRIB Project progress since the last...

04 November 2015
FRIB civil construction is still progressing swiftly. The tunnel and surface buildings are 10 weeks ahead of the baseline schedule, with a goal of starting installation of front-end equipment in...

18 October 2015
At the October 15-16 meeting of the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee, the 2015 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science "Reaching for the Horizon" was accepted unanimously. The report provides strong...

08 October 2015
The National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory and the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Project hosted a special "50 Years of Beam at MSU" event today. Former and current laboratory employees, peers...

08 October 2015
The National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory and the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Project hosted a special "50 Years of Beam at MSU" event today. A unique portion of the program...

04 September 2015
A review of FRIB Experimental Systems by the Experimental Systems Advisory Committee (ESAC) was held 2-4 September. This was the first ESAC under the new chair, Jim Kerby (Argonne National...

23 August 2015
With more than 200 registered participants, the 2015 Low Energy Community Meeting (LECM) was held August 21-22 at Michigan State University. Also this year, the community’s annual gathering provided an...

20 August 2015
Construction of FRIB’s new office tower, which will house both permanent FRIB staff and visiting researchers, is progressing quickly this summer. The caissons (drilled piers, which are essentially concrete columns...

11 August 2015
On August 11, FRIB hosted President Yongmin Kim of the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), in Pohang, South Korea. President Kim spent a day at Michigan State University...

10 July 2015
FRIB civil construction is currently nine weeks ahead of schedule. Structural steel placement for the linear accelerator tunnel lid was completed in June. So far, 55 percent of the required...

30 June 2015
FRIB’s 0.085 cryomodule prototype has been fully tested and validated. This is an important milestone in the technical construction of FRIB as it is the first validation of a cryomodule...

25 June 2015
The 4K liquid helium supply transfer line for the Vertical Test Area dewars was delivered to FRIB. The delivery establishes the connection between the cryoplant and the test area. The...

12 June 2015
FRIB is testing its remote-handling equipment with a prototype target module. The equipment used to produce rare isotopes at FRIB will become activated but must still be maintained. For example...

12 May 2015
FRIB will produce rare isotopes for experiments when the high-intensity primary beam reacts with a production target at the entrance of the Advanced Rare Isotope Separator (ARIS). In this process...

04 May 2015
Superconducting radio frequency (RF) cavities accelerate ions from low velocity to about half the speed of light. FRIB will use four different types of superconducting cavities, each optimized for a...

29 April 2015
The Quality Management System ISO9001 audit concluded today, April 29. Our registration body, National Sanitation Foundation-International Strategic Registrations (NSF-ISR), had no audit findings and renewed the laboratory’s certification. This successful...

23 April 2015
FRIB’s Accelerator Systems Division and Conventional Facilities and Infrastructure Division are coordinating efforts and optimizing construction sequencing to install critical components of the FRIB linear accelerator now. Solid-state radio frequency...

04 March 2015
On March 3-4, the largest concrete placement of the entire FRIB Project took place. Over the course of 35 hours, 3,563 cubic yards of concrete was placed for the last...

11 February 2015
On this date in 1965, the cyclotron at Michigan State University accelerated its first beam from the K50 cyclotron. Fifty years later, MSU is poised for the next generation of...

06 February 2015
Today, the MSU Board of Trustees approved construction for a new FRIB office addition, east of the most recent office tower addition. The new office tower will house both permanent...