The award recipients for the 2025 Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Visiting Scholar Program for Experimental Science are:
- Xing Fan from Harvard University, and
- Julian Kahlbow from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
They were awarded for their outstanding record and potential impact on the FRIB science program.
In addition, Taiki Tanaka from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency received a travel stipend to support work on a new detector design for fusion experiments at FRIB.
FRIB initiated the FRIB Visiting Scholar Program for Experimental Science in 2016. The goal of the program is to encourage and help junior researchers to establish a research program at FRIB.
The award supports short-term stays at FRIB for junior/non-tenured faculty or staff members and includes a stipend to support travel to FRIB and for establishment of a research program at FRIB.
Michigan State University (MSU) operates the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) as a user facility for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC), with financial support from and furthering the mission of the DOE-SC Office of Nuclear Physics.