Top science and engineering careers

Science and engineering are vibrant, ever-evolving fields in which the future takes shape, complex problems find solutions, and innovation thrives. With today’s rapid advancements in technology, the demand for skilled professionals in top science careers and jobs in engineering offers a soaring array of exciting opportunities.

Within this landscape of possibilities, science and engineering careers offer promising pathways for passionate individuals to make life-changing breakthroughs—whether it’s studying the behavior of atomic nuclei, developing next-generation cryogenic systems, or creating advanced medical technologies.

On this page, we'll take a closer look at some noteworthy job opportunities these areas offer. From top science careers that unlock the universe's secrets to top engineering careers that build and create, these dynamic fields provide ample opportunity for discovery and real-world impact.

Top science careers: where curiosity meets discovery

Science careers encompass a wide array of possibilities, providing unique avenues for exploration and discovery. Whether conducting pioneering research or advancing cutting-edge technologies, innovators in top science careers are quenching their curiosities while making significant contributions to our understanding of the world.

Within this dynamic realm, opportunities abound to unveil the intricacies of life on microscopic and macroscopic scales. From the tiniest building blocks of matter to the vast expanse of the cosmos, science invites us to uncover universal mysteries.

Now, let's delve into a few of the highly in-demand science careers.

Nuclear physics and astrophysics

Nuclear physicists and astrophysicists are more than just scientists in pristine lab coats—they’re gateways to comprehending life itself. By dissecting nuclear matter and deciphering the forces that mold it, experts in these fields pave avenues for advancements in energy, medicine, and our understanding of the universe. 

Nuclear physicists specialize in the study of the intricate properties and interactions of atomic and subatomic particles, including quarks, electrons, and nuclei. Astrophysicists, on the other hand, examine the physical matter and processes of the universe on a grander scale, from cosmic gas and dust to large objects such as suns. These very disparate scales are joined together in nuclear astrophysics, which explores how nuclear physics affects the life and death of stars, and creation of the elements in the cosmos.   

Did you know? Nuclear physics research has led to life-saving medical technologies like PET scans.

Nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry

Nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry are top science careers centered around the study of radioactive materials and their interactions. 

Nuclear chemists focus on the fundamental science of nuclear reactions. They study the structure, properties, and reactions of all types of atoms, including radioactive isotopes, to deepen our understanding of nature and discover pathways for societal applications. 

Radiochemists deal with the practical applications of radioactive materials. They are instrumental in the production and use of radioisotopes in areas such as medical imaging or radiation therapy.

Did you know? Radiochemistry plays a pivotal role in cancer treatment through targeted radiation therapy.

Top engineering careers: building the future

Engineering isn't just about calculations—it's about creativity, problem-solving, and turning ideas into reality. From designing cutting-edge gadgets to constructing extraordinary and resilient structures, experts in top engineering careers are the driving force behind innovations that impact all of us in our daily lives.

In short, engineers are the ultimate problem solvers. Whether it's developing sustainable infrastructure, creating user-friendly software, or crafting next-gen medical devices, engineers are the architects of progress.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the top engineering career opportunities.

Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is a dynamic and versatile field encompassing the design, analysis, and manufacturing of various machines and systems. Mechanical engineers leverage their expertise in physics, mathematics, and engineering to tackle complex challenges. 

Experts in this top engineering career field play a key role in driving scientific progress. They conceptualize and construct equipment that supports scientific research and innovation, including telescopes, particle accelerators, medical devices, robots, and equipment that improves processes and production.

Mechanical engineers are consistently sought after in a range of diverse industries, including automotive, aerospace, energy, manufacturing, and health care. 

Did you know? Mechanical engineers are essential to the development of new renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, that can help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

Electrical and computer engineering

Electrical and computer engineering (ECE) is a broad and interdisciplinary field that encompasses the design, analysis, and application of electrical systems, circuits, and computers. Professionals in this top engineering career discipline use their knowledge of physics, mathematics, and engineering to solve complex problems in a variety of industries.

ECE engineers play a crucial role in developing new technologies that power our digital world. They design and develop communication networks, power systems, and the intricate algorithms that make our devices work. For example, ECE engineers design the chips that power our smartphones and computers, the antennas that connect us to the Internet, and the power grids that keep our homes and businesses running. 

With a strong demand for their expertise, electrical and computer engineering offers promising career opportunities and the potential for significant contributions to technological advancement.

Did you know? Electrical and computer engineers played a crucial role in developing the Internet, revolutionizing global communication.

Education and research: your path to science and engineering 

Your journey toward a science or engineering career starts with a comprehensive education, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). STEM education equips you with critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills—essential tools for navigating the world of science and engineering.

Practical experience is also a catalyst for top science careers and opportunities in engineering. Internships, co-op programs, and research opportunities offer hands-on learning that textbooks can't replicate. Imagine working alongside professionals, putting theory into practice, and gaining insights that set you apart.

Graduate student research is where you’ll dive deeper into your field of interest. Collaborating with experts and contributing to cutting-edge research isn't just education—it’s an opportunity to shape the future. A shining example of this is FRIB  at Michigan State University.

Explore science and engineering research at FRIB

The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University offers unique opportunities for aspiring scientists and engineers to expand their horizons. FRIB serves as a world-class research, teaching, and training center, hosting what is designed to be the most powerful rare isotope accelerator. Here, MSU science and engineering graduate students engage in groundbreaking research alongside their coursework. 

FRIB provides students from MSU’s top-ranked U.S. nuclear physics graduate program and other areas of study with cutting-edge tools in modern science. In preparation for top careers in science and engineering, students collaborate with faculty and leading experts from around the world, utilizing the latest technology to prepare for top science and engineering careers.

In addition, the MSU Cryogenic Initiative offers opportunities for science and engineering students to gain practical experience for top engineering careers in cryogenics and related disciplines. A collaboration between FRIB and the MSU College of Engineering, the MSU Cryogenic Initiative combines classroom education with hands-on training in cryogenic technology.

Benefits of studying at FRIB

At FRIB, you’ll receive personalized instruction and support from faculty as you conduct unique research to prepare for top science careers and jobs in engineering. Work alongside experts using cutting-edge technology to further discoveries that benefit society. 

  • Personalized instruction: Receive specialized guidance and support from expert faculty to conduct unique research.
  • Cutting-edge collaboration: Collaborate with fellow scientists, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to drive impactful scientific research.
  • Societal impact: Contribute to research that directly benefits society by advancing our understanding and capabilities.
  • Networking opportunities: Engage with a diverse community of researchers and experts, fostering professional growth and connections.

Start your journey to groundbreaking research

Gain unique experience for top science and engineering careers through hands-on research at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. To do so, you must be an MSU graduate student, so take the first step today by applying through the appropriate academic department: