The Engineering News-Record Midwest recognized the FRIB Project in the Higher Education/Research category of its 2018 Best Projects award program.
Interview with Dean Lee, a professor of physics at MSU's Facility for Rare Isotope Beams.
In 2008, the chant went “Bring FRIB to our crib” – in a bid to construct the world’s leading rare isotope research facility right here in Greater Lansing.
The Lansing State Journal posted a photo gallery about the 2018 FRIB and NSCL Open House.
A decade ago, MSU defied expectations and beat out a national laboratory for the chance to design and build the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. Some 400 scientists and engineers are now working inside the advanced nuclear research site.
Researchers from MSU and the RIKEN Nishina Center in Japan discovered eight new rare isotopes of the elements phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, scandium and, most importantly, calcium.
This year marks the 150th anniversary of the first periodic table of elements. At stages the table has been added to, as new elements are discovered or, these days, ‘manufactured’. Just how far can the table keep growing?
The Engineering Society of Detroit recognized the FRIB Project at its 44th annual ESD Construction and Design Awards. (See pages 16-17 of the magazine.)
At 150 years old, the periodic table of chemical elements is still growing. How far can the periodic table go? Some answers can be found in a paper published in the journal Nature Physics by MSU Professor Witek Nazarewicz.
MSU professor awarded grant to harvest medical isotopes at FRIB
The US Department of Energy Office of Science's Office of Nuclear Physics awarded the 'Isotope Development and Production for Research and Applications' grant to an MSU chemistry professor. It is a two-year $356,598 grant.
MSU is hosting the summer 2018 session of the U.S. Particle Accelerator School, a national graduate-level training and workforce development program in accelerator science and engineering. The program is funded by the Office of High Energy Physics, which is in the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.
As the 150th anniversary of the formulation of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements looms, a professor probes the table's limits.
MSU's FRIB will get $97.2 million in federal funding this year, as part of the $1.3 trillion federal spending bill approved Friday. The $97.2 million was the baseline amount officials were seeking for the 2018 fiscal year.
From nuclear physics to elementary and secondary education, MSU has five graduate programs ranked by U.S. News and World Reports this year as the best in the nation.
Oganesson (Og) is the heaviest chemical element in the periodic table, but its properties have proved difficult to measure since it was first synthesised in 2002. Now an advanced computer simulation has filled in some of the gaps, and it turns out the element is even weirder than many expected.
Scientists (including Peter Schwerdtfeger of the New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study and Witold Nazarewicz of Michigan State University) have been involved in calculating the structure of oganesson, a relatively new element which has proved elusive to study.
MSU establishes cryogenic initiative at FRIB
FRIB’s state-of-the-art cryogenic infrastructure is accessible to MSU’s engineering and physics programs, providing a wide range of opportunities for students interested in many aspects of cryogenic engineering.