The assembly and installation of all components and diagnostics for the upper Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT) line was completed on 6 March. It was then connected to the Advanced Room-TEMperature Ion Source (ARTEMIS).
ARTEMIS was FRIB’s first accelerator component to be installed, which took place last year. It is one of two electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources that FRIB will use to produce ions from elements. After ARTEMIS was installed, the first Device Readiness Review (DRR) was conducted to allow for energization and testing.
The upper LEBT is the next part of the front end to be installed and be ready for testing. FRIB’s Accelerator Systems Division (ASD) is now preparing for the second DRR on 30 March. Upon completion, it will allow for beam to be transported from ARTEMIS to the top of the vertical shaft where the beam will bend downward.