Diffusion de Protons par des Noyaux Instables : Etudes des Reactions 40S(p,p') et 43Ar(p,p'), Developpement du Systeme de Detection MUST
Author(s): Francois Marechal
Gamow-Teller Strengths from Charge-Exchange Reactions on Light Nuclei and Mirror Asymmetry in the A=10 System,
Persistence of the Deep-Inelastic Reaction Mechanism into the Intermediate Energy Regime
Author(s): Daniel Edward Russ
Etude des reactions avec formation d'un fragment lourd dans les collisions 40Ar + Cu, Ag, et Au de 8 a 115 MeV/u
Nuclear Transport Phenomena in the Reactions 112Sn+48Ca and 112Sn+40Ca at E/A=35 MeV
Author(s): Dileep Kumar Agnihotri
Fusion of 7,11Be with 144,154Sm
Angular Momentum in Xe-U Collisions
Low-Lying Collective Excitations in Neutron-Rich Even-Even Sulphur and Argon Isotopes Studied via Intermediate-Energy Coulomb Excitation and Proton Scattering
Advisor: Thomas Glasmacher
Study of the d(7Be,8B)n Reaction
Author(s): Christopher F. Powell
Rigorous Analysis of Nonlinear Motion in Particle Accelerators
Accessing the Space-Time Development of Heavy-Ion Collisions with Theory and Experiment
Advisor: Pawel Danielewicz
Numerical Simulation of Relativistic Heavy Ion Reactions Brown David Accessing the Space-Time Development of Heavy-Ion Collisions with Theory and Experiment
Mixed-state Hall effect of high-T(c) superconductors
Author(s): Byeongwon Kang
Measuring the Transverse RMS Emittance and RMS Pulse Length of a Short Pulse, Photoinjector Produced Electron Beam with the Second Moment of Its Image Charge
Author(s): Steven John Russell
Advisor: Brad Sherrill; B. Carlsten
Conference Proceedings
Nucleus Nucleus 97 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions
Author(s): Edited by M. Thoennessen, F. E. Bertrand, J. Garrett, and C. K. Gelbke
6th International Conference on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions
Magnetic Elements for the A1900 Fragment Separator at the NSCL
Author(s): A.F. Zeller, J.C. DeKamp, D. Johnson, F. Marti, D.J. Morrissey, B.M. Sherrill, J. Wagner, X. Wu, R.C. York and R. Zink
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 43 p. 245
Short-Range Repulsion and Symmetry of Two-Body Wave Functions
Author(s): J. Yang and V. Zelevinsky
American Journal of Physics 66 p. 247
Coulomb Excitation at Intermediate Energies
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 48 p. 1
Isospin Physics in Heavy-Ion Collisions at Intermediate Energies
Author(s): B.-A. Li, C.M. Ko and W. Bauer
International Journal of Modern Physics E 7 p. 147
Using Networked Tools to Promote Student Success in Large Classes
Author(s): E. Kashy, M. Thoennessen, Y. Tsai, N.E. Davis and S.L. Wolfe
Journal of Engineering Education 87 p. 385
Invariant Mass Spectrum and α-n Correlation Function Studied in the Fragmentation of 6He on a Carbon Target
Author(s): D.Aleksandrov, T. Aumann, L. Axelsson, T. Baumann, M.J.G. Borge, L.V. Chulkov, J. Cub, W. Dostal, B. Eberlein, Th.W. Elze, H. Emling, H. Geissel, V.Z. Goldberg, M. Golovkov, A. Grünschloss, M. Hellström, J. Holeczek, R. Holzmann, B. Jonson, A.A. Korsheninnikov, J.V. Kratz, G. Kraus, R. Kulessa, Y. Leifels, A. Leistenschneider, T. Leth, I. Mukha, G. Munzenberg, F. Nickel, T. Nilsson, G. Nyman, B. Petersen, M. Pfützner, A. Richter, K. Riisager, C. Scheidenberger, G. Schrieder, W. Schwab, H. Simon, M.H. Smedberg, M. Steiner, J. Stroth, A. Surowiec, T. Suzuki, O. Tengblad and M.V. Zhukov
Nuclear Physics A 633 p. 234
Thermal Source Parameters in Au+Au Central Collisions at 35 A MeV
Author(s): P. Désesquelles, M. D'Agostino, A.S. Botvina, M. Bruno, N. Colonna, A. Ferrero, M.L. Fiandri, E. Fuschini, F. Gramegna, I. Iori, G.V. Margagliotti, P.F. Mastinu, P.M. Milazzo A. Moroni, F. Petruzzelli, R. Rui, G. Vannini, J.D. Dinius, C.K. Gelbke, T. Glasmacher, D.O. Handzy, W.C. Hsi, M. Huang, M.A. Lisa, W.G. Lynch, C.P. Montoya, G.F. Peaslee, L. Phair, C. Schwarz, M.B. Tsang and C. Williams
Nuclear Physics A 633 p. 547
Reaction Cross Sections in Si of Light Proton-Halo Candidates 12N and 17Ne
Author(s): R.E. Warner, H. Thirumurthy, J. Woodroffe, F.D. Becchetti, J.A. Brown, B.S. Davids, A. Galonsky, J.J. Kolata, J.J. Kruse, M.Y. Lee, A. Nadasen, T.W. O'Donnell, D.A. Roberts, R.M. Ronningen, C. Samanta, P. Schwandt, J. von Schwarzenberg, M. Steiner, K. Subotic, J. Wang and J.A. Zimmerman
Nuclear Physics A 635 p. 292
Evolution of the Giant Dipole Resonance in Excited 120Sn and 208Pb Nuclei Populated by Inelastic Alpha Scattering
Author(s): T. Baumann, E. Ramakrishnan, A. Azhari, J.R. Beene, R.J. Charity, J.F. Dempsey, M.L. Halbert, P.-F. Hua, R.A. Kryger, P.E. Mueller, R. Pfaff, D.G. Sarantites, L.G. Sobotka, D.W. Stracener, M. Thoennessen, G. Van Buren, R.L. Varner and S. Yokoyama
Nuclear Physics A 635 p. 428
Author(s): M. Chartier, W. Mittig, N.A. Orr, J.-C. Angelique, G. Audi, J.-M. Casandjian, A. Cunsolo, C. Donzaud, A. Foti, A. Lépine-Szily, M. Lewitowicz, S. Lukyanov, M. Mac Cormick, D.J. Morrissey, A.N. Ostrowski, B.M. Sherrill, C. Stephan, T. Suomijärvi, L. Tassan-Got, D.J. Vieira, A.C.C. Villari and J.M. Wouters
Nuclear Physics A 637 p. 3
Beta Decay of 103In: Evidence for the Gamow-Teller Resonance Near 100Sn
Author(s): M. Karny, L. Batist, B.A. Brown, D. Cano-Ott, R. Collatz, A. Gadea, R. Grzywacz, A. Guglielmetti, M. Hellström, Z. Hu, Z. Janas, R. Kirchner, F. Moroz, A. Piechaczek, A. Plochocki, E. Roeckl, B. Rubio, K. Rykaczewski, M. Shibata, J. Szerypo, J.L. Tain, V. Wittmann and A. Wöhr
Nuclear Physics A 640 p. 3
Magnetic Dipole Moments near 132Sn: New Measurement on 135I by NMR/ON
Author(s): G.N. White, N.J. Stone, J. Rikovska, S. Ohya, J. Copnell, T.J. Giles, Y. Koh, I.S. Towner, B.A. Brown, B. Fogelberg, L. Jacobsson, P. Rahkila and M. Hjorth-Jensen
Nuclear Physics A 644 p. 277
Radioactive Nuclear Beam Facilities Based on Projectile Fragmentation
Author(s): D.J. Morrissey and B.M. Sherrill
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 356 p. 1985
Anisotropically Splayed and Columnar Defects in Untwinned YBa2Cu3O7-δ
Author(s): W.K. Kwok, L.M. Paulius, V.M. Vinokur, A.M. Petrean, R.M. Ronningen and G.W. Crabtree
Physical Review B 58 p. 14594
Impact Parameter Dependence of Light Charged Particle Production in 25A MeV 16O on Tb, Ta, and Au and 35A MeV 14N on Sm and Ta
Author(s): D. Prindle, A. Elmaani, C. Hyde-Wright, W. Jiang, A.A. Sonzogni, R. Vandenbosch, D. Bowman, G. Cron, P. Danielewicz, J. Dinius, W. Hsi, W.G. Lynch, C. Montoya, G. Peaslee, C. Schwarz, M.B. Tsang, C. Williams, R.T. de Souza, D. Fox and T. Moore
Physical Review C 57 p. 1305
Disappearance of Rotational Flow and Reaction Plane Dispersions in Kr+Au Collisions
Author(s): W.Q. Shen, M.B. Tsang, N. Carlin, R.J. Charity, J. Feng, C.K. Gelbke, W.C. His, M.J. Huang, G.J. Kunde, M-C. Lemaire, M.A. Lisa, W.G. Lynch, U. Lynen, Y.G. Ma, G.F. Peaslee, L. Phair, J. Pochodzalla, H. Sann, C. Schwarz, L.G. Sobotka, R.T. de Souza, S.R. Souza, W. Trautmann and C. Williams
Physical Review C 57 p. 1508
Modeling the Breakup Stage of Relativistic Heavy ion Collisions
Author(s): S. Pratt J. Murray
Physical Review C 57 p. 1907
Probing the Halo Structure of 19,17,15C and 14B
Author(s): D. Bazin, W. Benenson, B.A. Brown, J. Brown, B. Davids, M. Fauerbach, P.G. Hansen, P. Mantica, D.J. Morrissey, C.F. Powell, B.M. Sherrill and M. Steiner
Physical Review C 57 p. 2156
Decay of the Odd-Odd N=Z Nuclide 78Y
Author(s): J. Uusitalo, D. Seweryniak, P.F. Mantica, J. Rikovska, D.S. Brenner, M. Huhta, J. Greene, J.J. Ressler, B. Tomlin, C.N. Davids, C.J. Lister and W.B. Walters
Physical Review C 57 p. 2259
Optimized Discretization of Sources Imaged in Heavy-Ion Reactions
Author(s): D.A. Brown and P. Danielewicz
Physical Review C 57 p. 2474
Heavy Residue Formation in 20 MeV/nucleon 197Au - 27Al Collisions
Author(s): G.A. Souliotis, K. Hanold, W. Loveland, I. Lhenry, D.J. Morrissey, A.C. Veeck and G.J. Wozniak
Physical Review C 57 p. 3129
Proton Decay of States in 11N
Author(s): A. Azhari, T. Baumann, J.A. Brown, M. Hellström, J.H. Kelley, R.A. Kryger, D.J. Millener, H. Madani, E. Ramakrishnan, D.E. Russ, T. Suomijarvi, M. Thoennessen and S. Yokoyama
Physical Review C 57 p. 628
Low-Mass Dileptons at 200 GeV/nucleon
Author(s): J. Murray, W. Bauer and K. Haglin
Physical Review C 57 p. 882
Measurement of the 8Li(n,γ)9Li Cross Section at Astrophysical Energies by Reverse Kinematics
Author(s): P.D. Zecher, A. Galonsky, S.J. Gaff, J.J. Kruse, G. Kunde, E. Tryggestad, J. Wang, R.E. Warner, D.J. Morrissey, K. Ieki, Y. Iwata, F. Deák, Á. Horváth, Á. Kiss, Z. Seres, J.J. Kolata, J. von Schwarzenberg and H. Schelin
Physical Review C 57 p. 959
Structure of High-Spin States in 104Sn - E2 and E3 Polarization of the 100Sn Core
Author(s): M. Górska, H. Grawe, D. Kast, G. de Angelis, P.G. Bizzeti, B.A. Brown, A. Dewald, C. Fahlander, A. Gadea, A. Jungclaus, K.P. Lieb, K.H. Maier, D.R. Napoli, Q. Pan, R. Peusquens, M. De Poli, M. Rejmund and H. Tiesler
Physical Review C 58 p. 108
Meson-Exchange Enhancement in First-Forbidden Beta Transitions: The Case of 50K and 38Ca
Author(s): P. Baumann, M. Bounajma, F. Didierjean, A. Huck, A. Knipper, M. Ramdhane, G. Walter, G. Marguier, C. Richard-Serre and B.A. Brown
Physical Review C 58 p. 1970
Shell-Model plus Hartree-Fock Calculations for the Neutron-Rich Ca Isotopes
Author(s): B.A. Brown and W.A. Richter
Physical Review C 58 p. 2099
Time Scales from Two-Neutron Intensity Interferometry for the Reaction 40Ar + 165Ho at E/A=25 MeV
Author(s): S.J. Gaff, A. Galonsky, C.K. Gelbke, T. Glasmacher, M. Huang, J.J. Kruse, G.J. Kunde, R. Lemmon, W.G. Lynch, M.B. Tsang, J. Wang, P.D. Zecher, F. Deák, Á. Horváth, Á. Kiss, Z. Seres, K. Ieki and Y. Iwata
Physical Review C 58 p. 2161
New Skyrme Interaction for Normal and Exotic Nuclei
Physical Review C 58 p. 220
Decay of the 12O Ground State
Author(s): A. Azhari, R.A. Kryger and M. Thoennessen
Physical Review C 58 p. 2568
Sensitivity of Two-Fragment Correlation Functions to Initial-State Momentum Correlations
Author(s): R. Popescu, T. Glasmacher, J.D. Dinius, S.J. Gaff, C.K. Gelbke, D.O. Handzy, M.J. Huang, G.J. Kunde, W.G. Lynch, L. Martin, C.P. Montoya, M.B. Tsang, N. Colonna, L. Celano, G. Tagliente, G.V. Margagliotti, P.M. Milazzo, R. Rui, G. Vannini, M. Bruno, M. D'Agostino, M.L. Fiandri, F. Gramegna, A. Ferrero, I. Iori, A. Moroni, F. Petruzzelli, P.F. Mastinu, L. Phair and K. Tso
Physical Review C 58 p. 270
New Evidence for Deformation in 73Zn
Author(s): M. Huhta, P.F. Mantica, D.W. Anthony, P.A. Lofy, J.I. Prisciandaro, R.M. Ronningen, M. Steiner and W.B. Walters
Physical Review C 58 p. 3187
Neutron Yields from 435 MeV/nucleon Nb Stopping in Nb and 272 MeV/nucleon Nb Stopping in Nb and Al
Author(s): L. Heilbronn, R. Madey, M. Elaasar, M. Htun, K. Frankel, W.G. Gong, B.D. Anderson, A.R. Baldwin, J. Jiang, D. Keane, M.A. McMahan, W.H. Rathbun, A. Scott, Y. Shao, J.W. Watson, G.D. Westfall, S. Yennello and W.-M. Zhang
Physical Review C 58 p. 3451
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of 42K and 43K
Author(s): M. Moralles, P. Jänker, H. Leitz, K.E.G. Löbner, K. Rudolph, F.J. Schindler, H.-G. Thies, T. Winkelmann, P.R. Pascholati and B.A. Brown
Physical Review C 58 p. 739
Temperature Measurement of Fragment Emitting Systems in Au+Au 35 MeV/nucleon Collisions
Author(s): P.M. Milazzo, G. Vannini, M. Azzano, D. Fontana, G.V. Margagliotti, P.F. Mastinu, R. Rui, F. Tonetto, N. Colonna, A. Botvina, M. Bruno, M. D'Agostino, M.L. Fiandri, F. Gramegna, I. Iori, A. Moroni, J.D. Dinius, S. Gaff, C.K. Gelbke, T. Glasmacher, M.J. Huang, G.J. Kunde, W.G. Lynch, L. Martin, C.P. Montoya and H.Xi
Physical Review C 58 p. 953
Splintering Central Collisions: Systematics of Momentum and Energy Deposition for (17-115)A MeV 40Ar
Author(s): E. Colin, R. Sun, N.N. Ajitanand, J.M. Alexander, M.A. Barton, P.A. De Young, A. Elmaani, C.J. Gelderloos, E.E. Gualtieri, D. Guinet, S. Hannuschke, J.A. Jasma, L. Kowalski, R.A. Lacey, J. Lauret, E. Norbeck, R. Pak, G.F. Peaslee, M. Stern, N.T.B. Stone, S.D. Sundbeck, A.M. Vander Molen, G.D. Westfall and J. Yee
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 57 p. R1032
Dynamics of Radial Collective Energy in Near-Central Collisions for 1A GeV Au+C
Author(s): J. Lauret, S. Albergo, F. Bieser, N.N. Ajitanand, J.M. Alexander, F.P. Brady, Z. Caccia, D. Cebra, A.D. Chacon, J.L. Chance, Y. Choi, P. Chung, S. Costa, P. Danielewicz, J.B. Elliott, M. Gilkes, J.A. Hauger, A.S. Hirsch, E.L. Hjort, A. Insolia, M. Justice, D. Keane, J. Kintner, R.A. Lacey, V. Lindenstruth, M.A. Lisa, H.S. Matis, R. McGrath, M. McMahan, C. McParland, W.F.J. Müller, D.L. Olson, M.D. Partlan, N.T. Porile, R. Potenza, G. Rai, J. Rasmussen, H.G. Ritter, J. Romanski, J.L. Romero, G.V. Russo, H. Sann, R. Scharenberg, A. Scott, Y. Shao, B.K. Srivastava, T.J.M. Symons, M. Tincknell, C. Tuvè, S. Wang, P. Warren, T. Wienold, H.H. Wieman and K. Wolf
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 57 p. R1051
Anomalous p-Shell Isoscalar Magnetic Moments: Remeasurement of 9C and the Influence of Isospin Nonconservation
Author(s): M. Huhta, P.F. Mantica, D.W. Anthony, B.A. Brown, B.S. Davids, R.W. Ibbotson, D.J. Morrissey, C.F. Powell and M. Steiner
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 57 p. R2790
Examining the Cooling of Hot Nuclei
Author(s): H. Xi, M.J. Huang, W.G. Lynch, S.J. Gaff, C.K. Gelbke, T. Glasmacher G.J. Kunde, L. Martin, C.P. Montoya, S. Pratt, M.B. Tsang, W.A. Friedman, P.M. Milazzo, M. Azzano, G.V. Margagliotti, R. Rui, G. Vannini, N. Colonna, L. Celano, G. Tagliente, M. D'Agostino, M. Bruno, M.L. Fiandri, F. Gramegna, A. Ferrero, I. Iori, A. Moroni, F. Petruzzelli and P.F. Mastinu
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 57 p. R462
Sideways-Peaked Angular Distributions in Hadron-Induced Multifragmentation: Shock Waves, Geometry, or Kinematics?
Author(s): W-C. Hsi, K. Kwiatkowski, G. Wang, D.S. Bracken, E. Cornell, D.S. Ginger, V.E. Viola, N.R. Yoder, R.G. Korteling, F. Gimeno-Nogues, E. Ramakrishnan, D. Rowland, S.J. Yennello, R. Huang, W.G. Lynch, M.B. Tsang, H.Xi, H. Breuer, K.B. Morley, S. Gushue, L.P. Remsberg, W.A. Friedman and A. Botvina
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 58 p. R13
Temperature Dependence of the Giant Dipole Resonance in 120Sn
Author(s): G. Gervais, M. Thoennessen and W.E. Ormand
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 58 p. R1377
Dynamical Emission and Isotope Thermometry
Author(s): H.F. Xi, G.J. Kunde, O. Bjarki, C.K. Gelbke, R.C. Lemmon, W.G. Lynch, D. Magestro, R. Popescu, R. Shomin, M.B. Tsang, A.M. Vandermolen, G.D. Westfall, G. Immé, V. Maddalena, C. Nociforo, G. Raciti, G. Riccobene, F.P. Romano, A. Saija, C. Sfienti, S. Fritz, C. Gross, T. Odeh, C. Schwarz, A. Nadasen, D. Sisan and K.A.G. Rao
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 58 p. R2636
Author(s): D. Brown and P. Danielewicz
Physical Review D 58 p. 094003-1
Invariant Correlational Entropy and Complexity of Quantum States
Author(s): V.V. Sokolov, B.A. Brown and V. Zelevinsky
Physical Review E 58 p. 56
Correlations in Nuclear Arrhenius-Type Plots
Author(s): M.B. Tsang and P. Danielewicz
Physical Review Letters 80 p. 1182
Probing Proton Halos Through Pion Photoproduction
Author(s): S. Karataglidis and C. Bennhold
Physical Review Letters 80 p. 1614
Quadrupole Collectivity in 32,34,36,38Si and the N=20 Shell Closure
Author(s): R.W. Ibbotson, T. Glasmacher, B.A. Brown, L. Chen, M.J. Chromik, P.D. Cottle, M. Fauerbach, K.W. Kemper, D.J. Morrissey, H. Scheit and M. Thoennessen
Physical Review Letters 80 p. 2081
β+ Decay Partial Half-Life of 54Mn and Cosmic Ray Chronometry
Author(s): A.H. Wuosmaa, I. Ahmad, S.M. Fischer, J.P. Greene, G. Hackman, V. Nanal, G. Savard, J.P. Schiffer, P. Wilt, S.M. Austin, B.A. Brown, S.J. Freedman and J.J. Connell
Physical Review Letters 80 p. 2085
Half-Life of 44Ti as a Probe for Supernova Models
Author(s): J. Görres, J. Meissner, H. Schatz, E. Stech, P. Tischhauser, M. Wiescher, D. Bazin, R. Harkewicz, M. Hellström, B. Sherrill, M. Steiner, R.N. Boyd, L. Buchmann, D.H. Hartmann and J.D. Hinnefeld
Physical Review Letters 80 p. 2554
Temperatures of Exploding Nuclei
Author(s): V. Serfling, C. Schwarz, R. Bassini, M. Begemann-Blaich, S. Fritz, S.J. Gaff, C. Gross, G. Immé, I. Iori, U. Kleinevoss, G.J. Kunde, W.D. Kunze, U. Lynen, V. Maddalena, M. Mahi, T. Möhlenkamp, A. Moroni, W.F.J. Müller, C. Nociforo, B. Ocker, T. Odeh, F. Petruzzelli, J. Pochozalla, G. Raciti, G. Riccobene, F.P. Romano, A. Saija, M. Schnittker, A. Schüttauf, W. Seidel, C. Sfienti, W. Trautmann, A. Trzcinski, G. Verde, A. Wörner, H. Xi and B. Zwieglinski
Physical Review Letters 80 p. 3928
Vortex Pinning of Anisotropically Splayed Defects in YBa2Cu3O7-δ
Author(s): W.K. Kwok, L.M. Paulius, V.M. Vinokur, A.M. Petrean, R.M. Ronningen and G.W. Crabtree
Physical Review Letters 80 p. 600
Study of the 56Ni(d,p)57Ni Reaction and the Astrophysical 56Ni(p,γ)57Cu Reaction Rate
Author(s): K.E. Rehm, F. Borasi, C.L. Jiang, D. Ackermann, I. Ahmad, B.A. Brown, F. Brumwell, C.N. Davids, P. Decrock, S.M. Fischer, J. Görres, J. Greene, G. Hackman, B. Harss, D. Henderson, W. Henning, R.V.F. Janssens, G. McMichael, V. Nanal, D. Nisius, J. Nolen, R.C. Pardo, M. Paul, P. Reiter, J.P. Schiffer, D. Seweryniak, R.E. Segel, M. Wiescher and A.H. Wuosmaa
Physical Review Letters 80 p. 676
Measurement of E2 Transitions in the Coulomb Dissociation of 8B
Author(s): B. Davids, D.W. Anthony, Sam M. Austin, D. Bazin, B. Blank, J.A. Caggiano, M. Chartier, H. Esbensen, P. Hui, C.F. Powell, H. Scheit, B.M. Sherrill, M. Steiner, P. Thirolf, J. Yurkon and A. Zeller
Physical Review Letters 81 p. 2209
Disappearance of Elliptic Flow: A New Probe for the Nuclear Equation of State
Author(s): P. Danielewicz, R.A. Lacey, P.-B. Gossiaux, C. Pinkenburg, P. Chung, J.M. Alexander and R.L. McGrath
Physical Review Letters 81 p. 2438
Spectroscopy of Radioactive Beams from Single-Nucleon Knockout Reactions: Application to the sd Shell Nuclei 25Al and 26,27,28P
Author(s): A. Navin, D. Bazin, B.A. Brown, B. Davids, G. Gervais, T. Glasmacher, K. Govaert, P.G. Hansen, M. Hellström, R.W. Ibbotson, V. Maddalena, B. Pritychenko, H. Scheit, B.M. Sherrill, M. Steiner, J.A. Tostevin and J. Yurkon
Physical Review Letters 81 p. 5089
Breakup of 11Be: Prompt or Delayed?
Author(s): J.E. Bush, P.A. Hausladen, D.P. Balamuth, K.R. Pohl, D. Bazin, J.A. Brown, J.A. Caggiano, L.L. Chen, B.S. Davids, D.J. Morrissey, B.M. Sherrill and M. Thoennessen
Physical Review Letters 81 p. 61
Isospin Independence of the H-He Double Isotope Ratio "Thermometer"
Author(s): G.J. Kunde, S. Gaff, C.K. Gelbke, T. Glasmacher, M.J. Huang, R. Lemmon, W.G. Lynch, L. Manduci, L. Martin, M.B. Tsang, W.A. Friedman, J. Dempsey, R.J. Charity, L.G. Sobotka, D.K. Agnihotri, B. Djerroud, W.U. Schröder, W. Skulski and J. Tõke
Physics Letters B 416 p. 56
Gamow-Teller Strengths from (t,3He) Charge-Exchange Reactions on Light Nuclei
Author(s): I. Daito, H. Akimune, S.M. Austin, D. Bazin, G.P.A. Berg, J.A. Brown, B.S. Davids, Y. Fujita, H. Fujimura, M. Fujiwara, R. Hazama, T. Inomata, K. Ishibashi, J. Jänecke, S. Nakayama, K. Pham, D.A. Roberts, B.M. Sherrill, M. Steiner, A. Tamii, M. Tanaka, H. Toyokawa and M. Yosoi
Physics Letters B 418 p. 27
Observation of Mott Effect in Heavy Ion Collisions
Author(s): P.Bozek, P. Danielewicz, K.Gudima and M. Ploszajczak
Physics Letters B 421 p. 31
Nuclear Temperature Measurements with Helium Isotopes
Author(s): H. Xi, M.B. Tsang, M.J. Huang, W.G. Lynch, J.D. Dinius, S.J. Gaff, C.K. Gelbke, T. Glasmacher, G.J. Kunde, L. Martin, C.P. Montoya, M. Azzano, G.V. Margagliotti, P.M. Milazzo, R. Rui, G. Vannini, L. Celano, N. Colonna, G. Tagliente, M. D'Agostino, M. Bruno, M.L. Fiandri, F. Gramegna, A. Ferrero, I. Iori, A. Moroni, F. Petruzzelli and P.F. Mastinu
Physics Letters B 431 p. 8
Author(s): M. Ramdhane, P. Baumann, A. Knipper, G. Walter, Z. Janas, A. Plochocki, J. Äystö, P. Dendooven, A. Jokinen, M. Oinonen, H. Pentilä, W. Liu, M. Górska, H. Grawe, Z. Hu, R. Kirchner, O. Klepper, E. Roeckl, Y. Fujita and B.A. Brown
Physics Letters B 432 p. 22
rp-Process Nucleosynthesis at Extreme Temperature and Density Conditions
Author(s): H. Schatz, A. Aprahamian, J. Görres, M. Wiescher, T. Rauscher, J.F. Rembges, F.-K. Thielemann, B. Pfeiffer, P. Möller, K.-L. Kratz, H. Herndl, B.A. Brown and H. Rebel
Physics Reports 294 p. 167
Verified Integration of ODEs and Flows with Differential Algebraic Methods on Taylor Models
Author(s): M. Berz and K. Makino
Reliable Computing 4 p. 361
Computation and Application of Taylor Polynomials with Interval Remainder Bounds
Author(s): M. Berz and G. Hoffstätter
Reliable Computing 4 p. 83
Solar Fusion Cross Sections
Author(s): E. Adelberger, S.M. Austin, J.N. Bahcall, A.B. Balantekin, G. Bogaert, L.S. Brown, L. Buchmann, F.E. Cecil, A.E. Champagne, L. de Braeckeleer, C.A. Duba, S.R. Elliott, S.J. Freedman, M. Gai, G. Goldring, C.R. Gould, A. Gruzinov, W.C. Haxton, K.M. Heeger, E. Henley, C.W. Johnson, M. Kamionkowski, R.W. Kavanagh, S.E. Koonin, K. Kubodera, K. Langanke, T. Motobayashi, V. Pandharipande, P. Parker, R.G.H. Robertson, C. Rolfs, R.F. Sawyer, N. Shaviv, T.D. Shoppa, K.A. Snover, E. Swanson, R.E. Tribble, S. Turck-Chièze and J.F. Wilkerson
Reviews of Modern Physics 70 p. 1265