Conference Proceedings
The challenges of operating magnets in a 400 kW heavy ion facility
Radiation Effects on Superconducting Magnet Material Workshop; Tsukuba, Japan; April 15 (2013)
Fabrication of the Superconducting Superferric Cyclotron Gas-Stopper Magnet at NSCL at Michigan State University
Proceedings of EUCAS-13; Genoa, Italy; Sept. (2013)
New developments and capabilities at the coupled cyclotron facility at Michigan State University
Proc. of the Cyclotrons 2013 Conference, Vancouver, Canada
Development of Quality Control Procedures for the Processing of ReA3 Copper Plated Fundamental Power Coupler
Proceedings of SRF2013; Paris, France; Sept. 23-27 (2013)
Faced Issues in ReA3 Quarter-Wave Resonators and Their Successful Resolution
Proceedings of SRF2013; Paris, France; Sept. 23-27 (2013)
Low-Beta Cryomodule Design Optimized for Large-Scale Linac Installations
Proceedings of SRF2013; Paris, France; Sept. 23-27 (2013)
The challenges of operating magnets in a 400 kW heavy ion facility
Radiation Effects on Superconducting Magnet Material Workshop
Results from Initial Tests of the 1st Production Prototype Beta=0.29 and Beta=0.53 HWR Cavities for FRIB
Proceedings of SRF2013; Paris, France; Sept. 23-27 (2013)
Faced issues in REA3 Quarter-wave resonators and their successful resolution
SRF2013, Paris, France
Fixed-Point Implementation of Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities
2013 American Control Conference
SRF Developments at MSU for FRIB
Proceedings of SRF2013; Paris, France; Sept. 23-27 (2013)
Design integration of the FRIB driver LINAC
IPAC2013, Shanghai, China
Progress at MSU towards a Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Particle Accelerator Conference
The FRIB Project at MSU
Proceedings of SRF2013; Paris, France; Sept. 23-27 (2013)
The FRIB project at MSU
SRF2013, Paris, France
Beam Position and Phase Measurements of Microampere Beams at the Michigan State University ReA3 Facility
Pasadena, California; Sept. 29-Oct. 4 (2013)
Results from initial tests of the 1st production prototype beta=0.29 and beta=0.53 HWR cavities for FRIB
SRF2013, Paris, France
The NSCL Cyclotron Gas Stopper - Under Construction
'Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and techniques related to their applications' EMIS-16, Dec 2012, Matsue, Japan
Magnetic Shield Optimization for the FRIB Superconducting Quarter-Wave Resonator Cryomodule
Proceedings of PAC2013; Pasadena, California; Sept. 29-Oct 4 (2013)
Development n of quality control procedures for the processing of REA3 copper plated fundamental power coupler
SRF2013, Paris, France
Traveling wave ion transport for the cyclotron gas stopper
'Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and techniques related to their applications' EMIS-16, Matsue, Japan
Mechanical Design of the Cryogenic Sub-Systems for ReA6 Quarter Wave Resonator Cryomodule
North American Particle Accelerator Conference (NA-PAC13); Pasadena, California; Sept. 29-Oct. 4 (2013)
Vertical cavity test program in support of FRIB development
SRF2013, Paris, France
LEBIT II: Upgrades and developments for high precision Penning trap mass measurements with rare isotopes
'Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and techniques related to their applications' EMIS-16, Matsue, Japan
Phase Stability of the RF Reference Line for the FRIB Linac
Proceedings of PAC2013; Pasadena, California; Sept. 29-Oct. 4 (2013)
Electro-magnetic optimization and analysis of a quarter wave resonator
NAPAC2013, Pasadena, CA, USA
RF Cavity Phase Calibration Using Electromagnetic Pickups
Proceedings of NA-PAC2013, pp 1334; Pasadena, California; Sept. 29-Oct. 4 (2013)
Progress towards the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
NAPAC2013, Pasadena, CA, USA
SRF Cavity Etching Developments for FRIB Cavity Processing
Proceedings of PAC2013; Pasadena, California; Sept. 29-Oct. 4 (2013)
Status of the Rare Isotope Reaccelerator Facility REA
Proceedings of NA-PAC2013, pp 1458; Pasadena, California; Sept. 29-Oct. 4 (2013)
Progress at MSU towards a Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Proceedings of PAC2013; Pasadena, CA, USA; September 29- October 4, 2013, pp. 1453-1457.
Study of Microphonics Compensation for SRF Cavity
Proceedings of PAC2013; Pasadena, California; Sept. 29-Oct 4 (2013)
Fixed-Point Implementation of Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities
Proceedings of 2013 American Control Conference; Washington, D.C.; June 17-19, 2013, pp. 2692-2698.
Study on Particulate Retention on Polished Niobium Surfaces after BCP Etching
Proceedings of PAC2013; Pasadena, California; Sept. 29-Oct. 4 (2013)
Accelerator Lattice and Model Services
2013 International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2013); San Francisco, California; (2013)
High Power Target and Beam Dump
Expert meeting on Challenging Issues of in-flight separator; RIKEN-Japan; Dec. (2013)
Database for Accelerator Modeling
Proceedings of 2013 International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013); Shanghai, China; (2013)
Design Integration of the FRIB Driver Linac
International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2013); Shanghai, China; (2013)
Design of the FRIB RFQ
Proceedings of IPAC2013, pp. 2866-2868; Shanghai, China; (2013)
High power density targets
The 16th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to Their Applications (EMIS2012)
Status of the FRIB Front End
Proceedings of NAPAC2013, pp. 734-736; Pasadena, California; (2013)
Production cross sections of neutron rich isotopes from a 82Se beam
p. 012070
11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012)
New measurements of the properties of neutron-rich projectile fragments
p. 012102
11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012)
Production of neutron rich isotopes in the calcium region
p. 273
International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, EXON 2012
World Scientific Publishing
Many steps forward, a few steps back: Women in physics in the U.S
1517 p. 162
4th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics
American Institute of Physics
The Role of Women in the Discoveries of Isotopes
1517 p. 202
4th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics
American Institute of Physics
The ReA Electron-Beam Ion Trap Charge Breeder for Reacceleration of Rare Isotopes
1525 p. 497
'Application of accelerators in research and industry': CAARI 22, Ft Worth, TX
The ReA electron-beam ion trap charge breeder for reacceleration of rare isotopes
1525 p. 497
AIP Conference Proceedings
American Institute of Physics
DIANA - A deep underground accelerator for nuclear astrophysics experiments
1525 p. 516
AIP Conference Proceedings
American Institute of Physics
Precision lifetime measurements of exotic nuclei based on Doppler-shift techniques
1525 p. 581
International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry(CAARI) - August 2012
American Institute of Physics
Distance calculation methods used in linearization for particle identification in multi-detector arrays
1525 p. 616
AIP Conf. Proc
American Institute of Physics
Correlation measurements in nuclear beta decay using traps and polarized low energy beams
1529 p. 3
Proc. XXXV Reunião de Trabalho sobre Fisica Nuclear no Brasil, Maresias, São Paulo, Brasil (September 2012)
American Institute of Physics
Precision measurements in nuclear beta decay
214 p. 181
Proc. of the 5th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, Groningen, The
Netherlands (June 2012)
Netherlands (June 2012)
The Superferric Gas-Filled Cyclotron Gas Stopper Magnet Design and Fabrication
ASC 2012, Applied Superconductivity Conference
Exploring the neutron dripline two neutrons at a time: First observations of the 26O and 16Be ground state resonances
420 p. 012052
J. Phys: Conf. Ser
Asymmetry dependence of the nuclear caloric curve
420 p. 012085
J. Phys: Conf. Ser
Experimental signals of a nuclear liquid-gas phase transition
420 p. 012110
J. Phys: Conf. Ser
Equation of State Effects on Nucleon Transport
420 p. 012112
J. Phys: Conf. Ser
Observation of Ground-State Two-Neutron Decay
44 p. 543
Acta. Phys. Pol. B
Complete isotopic distributions of fragments produced in transfer- and fusion-induced reactions
62 p. 06006
Fission 2013 – Fifth International Workshop on Nuclear Fission and Fission Product Spectroscopy, Caen, France, May 28–31, 2013, EPJ Web of Conferences
Near-barrier reactions with radioactive ion beams at the ReA3 facility
63 p. 02003
EPJ Web of Conferences 63, 02003 (2013)
Measurement of astrophysically important excitation energies of 58Zn with GRETINA
66 p. 07013
INPC 2013 - International Nuclear Physics Conference, Firenze, Italy
Oral Contributions
New Developments and Capabilities at the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at Michigan State University
20th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Vancouver, Canada
Nuclear Structure Physics with Advanced Gamma–Detector Arrays (NSP13)
Padova, Italy
Exploring new neutron-rich nuclei with the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
2013 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science & Technology, March 4-8, 2013, New York, NY
Discovery of Isotopes: Past, Present, and Future
NUSTAR Annual Meeting, GENCO Award Talk, Darmstadt, Germany
Single-particle strengths, spectroscopic factors and effective single particle energies from experiment
ECT Workshop on “Nuclear Structure and Astrophysical Applications”, Trento, Italy
Educating the next generation of nuclear scientists; how can a center like the ECT* aid in developing modern nuclear physics educational programs?
ECT* 20th anniversary conference, European Center for Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Trento, Italy
10th Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications
Montevideo, Uruguay
Discovery of Isotopes: Past, Present, and Future
NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2013, GENCO Award Talk, February 25 – March 1, 2013, Darmstadt, Germany
Exploring new neutron-rich nuclei with the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science & Technology, New York, NY
The Superferric Gas-Filled Cyclotron Gas Stopper Magnet Design and Fabrication
Applied Superconductivity Conference
Living at the edge of stability, understanding the limits of the nuclear landscape
Institute colloquium Centre Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux Gradignan, Bordeaux, France
Design Integration of the FRIB Driver Linac
International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2013, Shanghai, China
Deceleration concepts for relativistic beams + FRIB status
International workshop on ‘Application of lasers and storage devices in atomic nuclei research’
May 2013, Poznan, Poland
May 2013, Poznan, Poland
Nuclear Structure Experiments Beyond the Neutron Dripline
International Nuclear Physics Conference, INPC2013, Florence, Italy
Updates on FRIB and FRIB theory
NUCLEI collaboration meeting in Bloomington, Indiana
Living at the edge of stability, understanding the limits of the nuclear landscape; computational and algorithmic challenges
XXV IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics, Moscow, Russia
Excited-state lifetime measurements and exotic structure of nuclei far from stability
Gordon Research Conferences, Nuclear Chemistry, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA
Gamma-ray Spectroscopy with GRETINA at NSCL
Nuclear Structure Physics with Advanced Gamma–Detector Arrays (NSP13)
10-12 June 2013
Palazzo del Bo', Padova, Italy
10-12 June 2013
Palazzo del Bo', Padova, Italy
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
International Nuclear Physics Conference, INPC2013, Florence, Italy
The Nuclear Shell Model and Nuclear Data
International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2013)
Living at the edge of stability, understanding the nuclear landscape
Theory seminar National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University
Nuclear Structure Studies with Next-generation Gamma-ray Tracking Array GRETINA, H.Iwasaki,
University and Industry Technical Interchange (UITI2013) Review Meeting, Lansing, USA
Gamma-ray Spectroscopy with GRETINA at NSCL
10th Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications
1-6 December, 2013
Montevideo, Uruguay
1-6 December, 2013
Montevideo, Uruguay
Review of low-energy nuclear workforce statistics and projected needs
Low Energy Community Meeting, East Lansing, MI
Deceleration concepts for relativistic beams at NSCL & FRIB status
IX International Workshop 'Application of Lasers and Storage Devices in Atomic Nuclei Research - Recent Achievements and Future Prospects', Poznan, Poland
Living on the edge of stability, the limits of nuclear landscape
Physics Division seminar, Argonne National laboratory, Illinois, USA
Lifetime measurements with the MSU plunger in the 1st GRETINA campaign at NSCL
Workshop on future GRETINA science campaigns, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Discovery potential of radioactive beam facilities
First International African Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, IASEN-2013, December 2–6, 2013, Cape Town, South Africa
Research Opportunities at NSSC/MSU
NSBP/NRAO Workshop: Building a National Partnership for STEM Leaders, Howard University, Washington DC
Measuring oxygen isotopes beyond the neutron dripline: Two-neutron emission and radioactivity
APS Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Newport News, VA
Living on the edge of stability, the limits of the nuclear landscape
Institute colloquium, University of Washington, St Louis, Missouri, USA
Status of Beam Thermalization at the NSCL
11th Intl. Conf. on IGISOL technique, Jyvaskla, Finland
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams: overview and status
ECOS-LINCE Workshop: Perspectives of high intensity beams at the LINCE facility in Spain, 30-31 October 2013
Bright Future for Nuclear Physics: FRIB
Conference Experience for Undergraduates at the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, Newport News, VA
Fusion with radioactive ion beams: From HRIBF to ReA3
246th National American Chemical Society Meeting, Indianapolis, IN
Living on the edge of stability, understanding the limits of the nuclear landscape
Conference on Nuclear Theory in the Supercomputing Era, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
Status of Beam Thermalization at the NSCL
Fragment Separator Experts Meeting, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Japan
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams: overview and status
ECOS-LINCE Workshop: Perspectives of high intensity beams at the LINCE facility in Spain, 30-31 October 2013
Discovery potential of radioactive beam facilities
First International African Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, IASEN-2013, Cape Town, South Africa
Near-barrier reactions with radioactive ion beams at the ReA3 facility
Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science, Canberra, Australia
End-to-End Simulations
Muon g-2 collaboration meeting, Fermilab
5th Expert Meeting on Critical Issues of Next-Generation High-Intensity In-Flight Separators
Overview of the Design of the FRIB Fragment Separator ARIS, Wako-shi, Japan
Nuclear Physics at High Luminosity
GANIL, Caen, France, 17 December 2013
Faced issues in REA3 quarter-wave resonators and their successful resolution
SRF2013-International Conference on RF Superconductivity, Paris, France
Nuclear Astrophysics with FRIB
Inauguration Symposium of the Center for Nuclear Astrophysics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Reflections on an Accelerator Upgrade
Argonne National Laboratory
Electron spectroscopy along N = 40 with a planar Ge detector
Gordon Research Conference in Nuclear Chemistry, New London, NH
Nuclear Physics at High Luminosity
CENBG, Bordeaux, France, 19 December 2013
The GRETINA science campaign at NSCL and FRIB update
ISOLDE workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Experiments to predict the composition of nova shrapnel
NSCL Staff Information Talk, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Status of the ReAccelerator Facility at Michigan State University
NA-PAC 2013, Pasadena, California, USA
Use of a novel planar HPGe detector for Radioactive Decay Studies
University and Industry Technical Interchange (UITI2013) Review Meeting, East Lansing, MI
Neutron star cooling and the symmetry energy
2013 International Collaborations in Nuclear Theory (ICNT) program at NSCL/FRIB, East Lansing MI, July 2013
Proposed second science campaign at NSCL
Workshop on the future of GRETINA, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA
Overview of the experimental constraints on Nuclear Symmetry Energy
Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, Canberra, Australia
The Radio Frequency Fragment Separator: A Time-of-Flight Filter for Fast Fragmentation Beams
Cyclotrons 2013 Conference, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
Columbia, Canada
Electron spectroscopy of the first excited 0+ state in 68Ni using a planar Ge detector and digital electronics
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
LEBIT Penning trap mass measurements of thermalized ions from projectile fragmentation
530. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Nuclear masses and nucleosynthesis, April 23-26, 2013
Description of nuclear reaction observables including coupling to the continuum
XX International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications, Varna, Bulgaria
Probing the symmetry energy of neutron-rich matter
, International Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics and Thermal dynamics, August 19-20, 2013, College Station, TX
Preconceptual Design of a High Rigidity Spectrograph for FRIB
5th Expert Meeting on challenging issues of next-generation high-intensity in-flight separators, RIKEN, Wako-Shi, Japan
Zeptoscale spectroscopy, Producing and Studying Radioactive Isotopes One Atom at a Time
Oakland University
Cyclotron stopper and ion surfing with radiofrequency carpets
11th IGISOL Workshop (The Conference of Stopping and Manipulating Ions - SMI13), Jyväskylä, Finland, June 11-13, 2013
Organizer and main lecturer of school
TALENT: Theory for exploring nuclear reaction experiments, GANIL Caen
Introduction to the Equation of State Working Group
Low Energy Community Meeting, East Lansing, MI
Production of Fast Rare Ion Beams
Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Dubna, Russia
Measuring oxygen isotopes beyond the neutron dripline: Two-neutron emission and radioactivity
APS Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Newport News, VA
XXXIII Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Frontiers in Nuclear Physics, Piaski, Poland, September 1 - 7, 2013
Active Target-Time Projection Chambers for Reactions Induced by Rare Isotope Beams: Physics and Technology
APS April Meeting, Denver, Colorado
Overview of the density dependence of the Nuclear Symmetry Energy
ACS Symposium on Nuclear Reactions, Indianapolis, IN
LISE++: exotic beam production with fragment separators
Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Dubna, Russia
Fusion with radioactive ion beams: From HRIBF to ReA3
National American Chemical Society Meeting, Indianapolis, IN
Overview of the FRIB High Power Rare Isotope Production Facility
Highly-charged Ion Applications. HICAPP 2014, MSU, May 22-13, 2014
Clustering Aspects in Nuclei
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China (KITPC), Institute of Theoretical Physics(ITP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Beijing
Neutron spectroscopic factors of N=27 hole-states from (p,d) transfer reactions
From nuclear structure to particle-transfer reactions and back, Trento, Italy
Identification Production cross sections of neutron rich isotopes from a 82Se beam
Division Nuclear Physics meeting, Newport News, VA
Near-barrier reactions with radioactive ion beams at the ReA3 facility
Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science, Canberra, Australia
Overview of the FRIB High Power Rare Isotope Production Facility
Highly-charged Ion Applications. HICAPP 2014, MSU, May 22-13, 2014
The Active Target-Time Projection Chamber for the study of nuclei far from stability
the American Physical Society, Denver, Colorado
Statistical Properties of Nuclei: Level Density and Resonance Width Distribution
Workshop on Level Density and Gamma Strength
Measurement of production cross sections and momentum distributions at MSU
5th expert meeting on challenging issues of next-generation generation high intensity in-flight separators, RIKEN, Japan
Probing Radioactive Nuclei with Laser Light
Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina
Overview of the FRIB High Power Rare Isotope Production Facility
Highly-charged Ion Applications. HICAPP 2014, MSU, May 22-13, 2014
Active Target detectors for low energy to high energy reaction studies
Gordon Research Conference on Nuclear Chemistry
News from A1900 operations
Invited talk at the Fifth Expert Meeting on Challenging Issues of Next-generation
High-intensity In-flight Separators, December 10–12, 2013, Wako-shi, Japan
High-intensity In-flight Separators, December 10–12, 2013, Wako-shi, Japan
LISE++: Modeling Exotic Beam Production with Fragment Separators
5th expert meeting on challenging issues of next-generation generation high intensity in-flight separators, RIKEN, Japan
Precision Measurements in Beta Decay of Nuclear Mirror Transitions
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Low-Beta Cryomodule Design Optimized for Large-Scale Linac Installations
SRF2013; Paris, France; Sept. 23-27 (2013)
33rd Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Piaski, Poland
Research Opportunities at NSSC/MSU
NSBP/NRAO Workshop: Building a National Partnership for STEM Leaders, September 27, 2013, Howard University, Washington DC
Lectures on Reaction Theory
TALENT course 6, Caen
Probing Radioactive Nuclei with Laser Light
Department of Chemistry, Truman State University
Measurements of Correlations in Beta Decay of Mirror Transitions
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA
LEBIT Penning trap mass measurements of thermalized ions from projectile fragmentation
WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Nuclear masses and nucleosynthesis
Review of low-energy nuclear workforce statistics and projected needs
Low Energy Community Meeting, August 23–24, 2013, East Lansing, MI
Overview of Nuclear Theory
Physics of Atomic Nuclei Program, East Lansing
Accelerated-based Nuclear Chemistry at Michigan State University
National Nuclear Chemistry Summer School, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Measurements of Polarization Correlations in Muon and Nuclear Beta Decays
HEP seminar, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams At MSU
IX International Workshop on Application of Lasers and Storage Devices in Atomic Nuclei Research (LASER 2013)
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
International Nuclear Physics Conference, INPC2013, June 2–7, 2013, Florence, Italy
GRETINA workshop
Argonne National Lab
Laser Spectroscopy at an In-Flight Production Facility: BECOLA at NSCL
Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science, Canberra, Australia
Selected Issues with Operation of the A1900
5th Expert Meeting on challenging issues of next-generation high-intensity in-flight separators, RIKEN, Wako-Shi, Japan
Cyclotron stopper and ion surfing with radiofrequency carpets
11th IGISOL Workshop (The Conference of Stopping and Manipulating Ions - SMI13), Jyväskylä, Finland
Nuclear Structure Experiments Beyond the Neutron Dripline
International Nuclear Physics Conference, INPC2013, June 2–7, 2013, Florence, Italy
Invited review talk
FAIRNESS 2013 conference, Berlin - Germany
Science opportunities with GRETA at FRIB
Low-energy Community Meeting, NSCL, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
Dissipation and Dynamics in Quantum Many-Body Systems
Pawel Danielewicz
Ion Beam Extraction from Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources and Subsequent Low Energy Beam Transport
Daniela Leitner
Development of the “Ion Surfing” Method for Thermal Ion Transport in Buffer Gas"
Dave Morrissey
Nuclear structure evolution far from stability: study of 74Ni collectivity by Coulomb excitation
Giovanna Montagnoli
First Direct Double-Beta Decay Q-value Measurement of the Neutrinoless Double-Beta
Decay Candidate 82Se and Development of a High-Precision Magnetometer
Georg Bollen
Probing the Nuclear Symmetry Energy with Heavy Ion Collisions
William Lynch
Scattering Processes in Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology
Vladimir Zelevinsky
Relativistic Viscous Hydrodynamics for High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
Scott Pratt
Investigation of the Triple-Alpha Reaction in a Full Three-Body Approach
Filomena Nunes
Investigation of active slip systems in high purity single crystal niobium
Thomas Bieler
Role of metallurgy in the thermal conductivity of superconducting niobium
Neil Wright
Etude du noyau peu lie de 26F pour sonder l'evolution des forces nucleaires a l'approche de la limite de liaison nucleaire
Olivier Sorlin
Using Emitted Light Clusters as a Probe of the Symmetry Energy
William Lynch
Off-Line Production of Singly-Charged, Transition-Metal Beams and Subsequent Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Neutron, Stable, 55Mn and 56Fe
Paul Mantica
Neutron-Rich Chromium and Manganese Isotopes and the Role of the 0g9/2 and 1d5/2 Neutron Orbitals in the Region Below 68Ni
Alexandra Gade
The Superferric Cyclotron Gas Stopper Magnet Design and Fabrication
Acta Physica Hungarica 23 p. 4101805
Search for intruder states in 68Ni and 67Co
Acta Physica Polonica B 44 p. 371
Observation of Ground-state Two-neutron Decay
Acta Physica Polonica B 44 p. 543
Precision measurements in nuclear beta-decay with LPCTrap
Annals of Physics 525 p. 576
Prospects for precision measurements in nuclear beta decay in the LHC era
Annals of Physics 525 p. 600
The Neutron Star Mass-Radius Relation and the Equation of State of Dense Matter
Astrophysical Journal 765 p. L5
A Change in the Quiescent X-Ray Spectrum of the Neutron Star Low-mass X-Ray Binary MXB 1659-29
Astrophysical Journal 774 p. 131
Continued Neutron Star Crust Cooling of the 11 Hz X-Ray Pulsar in Terzan 5: A Challenge to Heating and Cooling Models
Astrophysical Journal 775 p. 48
Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA): Planets, Oscillations, Rotation, and Massive Stars
Astrophysical Journal Supplement 208 p. 4
Discovery of samarium, europium, gadolinium, and terbium isotopes
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 99 p. 22
Discovery of palladium, antimony, tellurium, iodine, and xenon isotopes
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 99 p. 22
Discovery of isotopes of elements with Z ≥100
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 99 p. 312
Discovery of actinium, thorium, protactinium, and uranium isotopes
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 99 p. 345
Discovery of the thallium, lead, bismuth, and polonium isotopes
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 99 p. 365
Discovery of astatine, radon, francium, and radium isotopes
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 99 p. 497
Discovery of dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, and ytterbium isotopes
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 99 p. 520
Discovery of isotopes of the transuranium elements with 93≤Z≤98
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 99 p. 96
A high-performance Fortran code to calculate spin- and parity-dependent nuclear level densities
Computer Physics Communications 184 p. 215
Computational nuclear quantum many-body problem: The UNEDF project
Computer Physics Communications 184 p. 2235
Radiative capture reactions with heavy beams: extending the capabilities of DRAGON
European Physical Journal A 49 p. 60
Quantum signal transmission through a single-qubit chain
European Physical Journal B 86 p. 368
Engineering progress of the linear IFMIF prototype accelerator (LIPAc)
Fusion Engineering and Design 88 p. 2497
Progress in IFMIF Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities
Fusion Engineering and Design 88 p. 631
The Superferric Cyclotron Gas Stopper Magnet Design and Fabrication
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 23
The Superferric Cyclotron Gas Stopper Magnet Design and Fabrication
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 23
Iron dominated 2 T superconducting dipoles for the second folding segment of the FRIB folded linac
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 23
Experimental investigation of the ion surfing transport method
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 336 p. 53
Penning trap mass spectrometry of rare isotopes produced via projectile fragmentation at the LEBIT facility
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 349 p. 87
Scintillation Degradation of YAG: Ce Under Low-energy Ion Bombardment
IOP Science, Journal of Instrumentation 8
Scintillation Degradation of YAG: Ce Under Low-energy Ion Bombardment
Journal of Instrumentation
Scintillation degradation of YAG: Ce under low-energy ion bombardment
Journal of Instrumentation 8 p. P01001
An X-ray-UV correlation in Cen X-4 during quiescence
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 433 p. 1362
Daily multiwavelength Swift monitoring of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary Cen X-4: evidence for accretion and reprocessing during quiescence
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 436 p. 2465
SuN: Summing NaI(Tl) gamma-ray detector for capture reaction measurements
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 703 p. 16
A non-contact laser-based alignment system (LBAS) for nuclear-physics experiments
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 707 p. 64
The performance of the Gamma-Ray Energy Tracking In-beam Nuclear Array GRETINA
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 709 p. 44
Commissioning of the collinear laser spectroscopy system in the BECOLA facility at NSCL
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 709 p. 85
High efficiency beta-decay spectroscopy using a planar germanium double-sided strip detector
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 727 p. 59
Comparison of deuterated and normal liquid scintillators for fast-neutron detection
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 729 p. 188
Novel techniques to search for neutron radioactivity
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 729 p. 207
In-Situ Electric Resistance Measurements and Annealing Effects of Graphite Exposed to Swift Heavy Ions
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 314 p. 125
In-Situ Electric Resistance Measurements and Annealing Effects of Graphite Exposed to Swift Heavy Ions
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 314 p. 125
State-of-the-art post-accelerators for radioactive beams
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 314 p. 235
Possible evolutions of rare isotope production methods and the associated instrumentation
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 186
Possible evolutions of rare isotope production methods and the associated instrumentation
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 186
Quadrupole magnet field mapping for FRIB
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 270
SHARAQ spectrometer for high-resolution studies for RI-induced reactions
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 305
ISLA: An Isochronous Spectrometer with Large Acceptances
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 319
Design of the Advanced Rare Isotope Separator ARIS at FRIB
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 349
Design of the advanced rare isotope separator ARIS at FRIB
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 349
High power density targets
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 369
Commissioning results of the ReA EBIT charge breeder at the NSCL: First reacceleration of stable-isotope beams
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 399
The NSCL cyclotron gas stopper – Under construction
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 463
Traveling wave ion transport for the cyclotron gas stopper
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 468
LEBIT II: Upgrades and developments for high precision Penning trap mass measurements with rare isotopes
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 510
Development of CVD diamond detector for time-of-flight measurements
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 710
Production cross section measurements of radioactive isotopes by BigRIPS separator at RIKEN RI Beam Factory
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317 p. 756
Search for 21C and constraints on 22C
Nuclear Physics A 909 p. 69
Observation of a low-lying neutron-unbound state in 19C
Nuclear Physics A 912 p. 1
Excitation Energies in Rare Isotopes as Indicators of Shell Evolution
Nuclear Physics News 23(4) p. 10
Living on the edge of stability, the limits of the nuclear landscape
Physica Scripta T152 p. 014022
Electron shakeoff following the beta+ decay of trapped 35Ar+ ions
Physical Review A 88 p. 041403
Collinear laser spectroscopy on the ground state and an excited state in neutral 55Mn
Physical Review A 88 p. 042701
Effect of mild baking on superconducting niobium cavities investigated by sequential nanoremoval
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 16 p. 012001
High-resolution study of Gamow-Teller transitions in the 47Ti(3He, t)47V reaction
Physical Review C 87 p. 014321
Electromagnetic transition rates in the N=80 nucleus 58138Ce
Physical Review C 87 p. 014323
Low-energy level schemes of 66,68Fe and inferred proton and neutron excitations across Z=28 and N=40
Physical Review C 87 p. 014325
Two-proton removal from 44S and the structure of 42Si
Physical Review C 87 p. 027601
In-medium similarity renormalization group with chiral two- plus three-nucleon interactions
Physical Review C 87 p. 034307
Universal properties of infrared oscillator basis extrapolations
Physical Review C 87 p. 044326
Constraining the initial temperature and shear viscosity in a hybrid hydrodynamic model of √sNN=200 GeV Au+Au collisions using pion spectra, elliptic flow, and femtoscopic radii
Physical Review C 87 p. 044901
Experimental studies of di-jets in Au+Au collisions using angular correlations with respect to back-to-back leading hadrons
Physical Review C 87 p. 044903
Resonant α scattering of 6He: Limits of clustering in 10Be
Physical Review C 87 p. 054301
Production Cross Sections from 82Se Fragmentation as Indications of Shell Effects in Neutron-Rich Isotopes Close to the Drip-Line
Physical Review C 87 p. 054612
Investigation of the triple-α reaction in a full three-body approach
Physical Review C 87 p. 054615
Structure of 8B from elastic and inelastic 7Be+p scattering
Physical Review C 87 p. 054617
Interplay of anisotropies of momentum distribution and mean field in heavy-ion collisions
Physical Review C 87 p. 054619
Systematic study of (p,γ) reactions on Ni isotopes
Physical Review C 87 p. 055802
Experimental 64Zn(d,t)63Zn Spectroscopic Factors: Guidance for Superallowed Isospin-Symmetry-Breaking Theory
Physical Review C 87 p. 064306
Sub-barrier fusion enhancement with radioactive 134Te
Physical Review C 87 p. 064612
System-size dependence of transverse momentum correlations at √sNN=62.4 and 200 GeV at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
Physical Review C 87 p. 064902
Shell-model studies of the astrophysical rp reaction 29P(p,γ)30S
Physical Review C 87 p. 065803
Astrophysical S factor of 3He(α,γ)7Be
Physical Review C 87 p. 065804
High-resolution study of Tz=+2→+1 Gamow-Teller transitions in the 44Ca(3He,t)44Sc reaction
Physical Review C 88 p. 014308
Statistical multifragmentation model with discretized energy and the generalized Fermi breakup: Formulation of the model
Physical Review C 88 p. 014607
Elliptic flow of identified hadrons in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=7.7-62.4 GeV
Physical Review C 88 p. 014902
Third harmonic flow of charged particles in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV
Physical Review C 88 p. 014904
Neutrino Pair Emission from Hot Nuclei During Stellar Collapse
Physical Review C 88 p. 015807
Neutron-Hole State in 45Ar from 1H(46Ar, d) 45Ar Reactions
Physical Review C 88 p. 017604
β-decay properties for neutron-rich Kr–Tc isotopes from deformed pn-quasiparticle random-phase approximation calculations with realistic forces
Physical Review C 88 p. 024314
Collectivity of neutron-rich Ti isotopes
Physical Review C 88 p. 024326
Structure of unbound neutron-rich 9He studied using single-neutron transfer
Physical Review C 88 p. 034301
Investigating β-decay properties of spherical nuclei along the possible r-process path
Physical Review C 88 p. 034304
Freeze-out dynamics via charged kaon femtoscopy in √sNN=200 GeV central Au+Au collisions
Physical Review C 88 p. 034906
Examination of the possible enhancement of neutrinoless double-electron capture in 78Kr
Physical Review C 88 p. 035502
Resonant scattering of 22Na + p studied by the thick-target inverse-kinematic method
Physical Review C 88 p. 035801
Half-life of the yrast 2+ state in 188W: Evolution of deformation and collectivity in neutron-rich tungsten isotopes
Physical Review C 88 p. 044301
Collectivity of light Ge and As isotopes
Physical Review C 88 p. 044311
Single-neutron excitations in 18N
Physical Review C 88 p. 044317
Ab initio no-core Gamow shell model calculations with realistic interactions
Physical Review C 88 p. 044318
Relativistic two-phonon model for the low-energy nuclear response
Physical Review C 88 p. 044320
The ratio method: A new tool to study one-neutron halo nuclei
Physical Review C 88 p. 044602
Precision measurement of the 238Pu(n,γ) cross section
Physical Review C 88 p. 044607
Influence of secondary decay on odd-even staggering of fragment cross sections
Physical Review C 88 p. 044613
Method for the analysis of forward-backward multiplicity correlations in heavy-ion collisions
Physical Review C 88 p. 044903
Constraining nova observables: Direct measurements of resonance strengths in 33S(p,γ)34Cl
Physical Review C 88 p. 045801
Measurement of the 90,92Zr(p,γ)91,93Nb reactions for the nucleosynthesis of elements near A=90
Physical Review C 88 p. 045802
Coupled-cluster studies of infinite nuclear matter
Physical Review C 88 p. 054312
Single-particle and collective excitations in 63Ni
Physical Review C 88 p. 054314
Evidence for the existence of the astrophysically important 6.40-MeV state of 31S
Physical Review C 88 p. 055803
New half-lives of very neutron-rich iron isotopes
Physical Review C 88 p. 064320
Spurious finite-size instabilities in nuclear energy density functionals
Physical Review C 88 p. 064323
Skyrme functional from a three-body pseudopotential of second order in gradients: Formalism for central terms
Physical Review C 88 p. 064326
Separable representation of phenomenological optical potentials of Woods-Saxon type
Physical Review C 88 p. 064608
Reactions of a 10Be beam on proton and deuteron targets
Physical Review C 88 p. 064612
Determining the 7Li(n,γ) cross section via Coulomb dissociation of 8Li
Physical Review C 88 p. 065808
Reexamining the half-lives of 195Os and 195Ir
Physical Review C 88 p. 067301
Ab initio Gorkov-Green's function calculations of open-shell nuclei
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 87 p. 011303
First observation of the 13Li ground state
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 87 p. 011304
Electron capture on 116In and implications for nuclear structure related to double-β decay
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 87 p. 031303
Structure of 14B and the evolution of N=9 single-neutron isotones
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 88 p. 011304
Probing the production mechanism of the light p-process nuclei
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 88 p. 011603
First direct determination of the 48Ca double-beta decay Q value
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 88 p. 022501
Low-energy limit of the radiative dipole strength in nuclei
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 88 p. 031302
First observation of 15 Be
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 88 p. 031303
Excited 0+ states in 62Zn populated via the 64Zn(p,t)62Zn reaction
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 88 p. 031306
Configuration mixing and relative transition rates between low-spin states in 68Ni
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 88 p. 041302
Exploiting neutron-rich radioactive ion beams to constrain the symmetry energy
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 88 p. 041601
Quadrupole collectivity in neutron-deficient Sn nuclei: 104Sn and the role of proton excitations
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 88 p. 051301
First Direct Double-β Decay Q-Value Measurement of 82Se in Support of Understanding the Nature of the Neutrino
Physical Review Letters 110 p. 012501
Is γ-Ray Emission from Novae Affected by Interference Effects in the 18F(p,α)15O Reaction?
Physical Review Letters 110 p. 032502
Spectroscopy of 26F to Probe Proton-Neutron Forces Close to the Drip Line
Physical Review Letters 110 p. 082502
Observation of an Energy-Dependent Difference in Elliptic Flow between Particles and Antiparticles in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Physical Review Letters 110 p. 142301
Study of Two-Neutron Radioactivity in the Decay of 26O
Physical Review Letters 110 p. 152501
Spins and Magnetic Moments of 49K and 51K: establishing the 1/2+ and 3/2+ level ordering beyond N = 28
Physical Review Letters 110 p. 172503
Optimized Chiral Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction at Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order
Physical Review Letters 110 p. 192502
Shell-Model Analysis of the 136Xe Double Beta Decay Nuclear Matrix Elements
Physical Review Letters 110 p. 222502
Quadrupole collectivity in neutron-rich Fe and Cr isotopes
Physical Review Letters 110 p. 242701
Measurement of Radiative Proton Capture on 18F and Implications for Oxygen-Neon Novae
Physical Review Letters 110 p. 262502
Measurement of J/ψ Azimuthal Anisotropy in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN=200 GeV
Physical Review Letters 111 p. 052301
Mirror Energy Differences at Large Isospin Studied through Direct Two-Nucleon Knockout
Physical Review Letters 111 p. 072501
Nuclear Pairing Gap: How Low Can It Go?
Physical Review Letters 111 p. 162502
In-Beam γ-Ray Spectroscopy of 34,36,38Mg: Merging the N=20 and N=28 Shell Quenching
Physical Review Letters 111 p. 212502
Fully Dynamical Simulation of Central Nuclear Collisions
Physical Review Letters 111 p. 222302
Constraints on the Skyrme Equations of State from Properties of Doubly Magic Nuclei
Physical Review Letters 111 p. 232502
Classical-Nova Contribution to the Milky Way’s 26Al Abundance: Exit Channel of the Key 25Al(p,γ)26Si Resonance
Physical Review Letters 111 p. 232503
Split Isobaric Analog State in 55Ni: Case of Strong Isospin Mixing
Physical Review Letters 111 p. 262501
Single spin asymmetry AN in polarized proton-proton elastic scattering at √s=200 GeV
Physics Letters B 719 p. 62
Penning-trap Q-value determination of the 71Ga(ν,e-)71Ge reaction using threshold charge breeding of on-line produced isotopes
Physics Letters B 722 p. 233
J/ψ production at high transverse momenta in p+p and Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV
Physics Letters B 722 p. 55
First study of the negative binomial distribution applied to higher moments of net-charge and net-proton multiplicity distributions
Physics Letters B 724 p. 51
Current status and future potential of nuclide discoveries
Reports on Progress in Physics 76 p. 056301
Charge Strippers of Heavy Ions for High Intensity Accelerators
Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology 6 p. 221
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