Conference Proceedings
Beam dynamics influence from quadrupole components in FRIB quarterwave resonators
Proceedings of HB 2014; East Lansing, Michigan; Nov. 10-14 (2014)
Accelerator challenges of high intensity linacs and the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Proceedings of HB 2014; East Lansing, Michigan; Nov. 10-14 (2014)
FRIB Fragment Preseparator Radiation Environment Studies
18th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection & Shielding Division of ANS; CD-ROM, American Nuclear Society; LaGrange Park, Illinois; (2014)
Beam dynamics studies for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams driver linac
Proceedings of HB 2014; East Lansing, Michigan; Nov. 10-14 (2014)
Radiation Transport Calculations in Support of FRIB Target Building Local Shield Design
18th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection & Shielding Division of ANS; CD-ROM, American Nuclear Society; LaGrange Park, IL; (2014)
HTS magnets in high radiation areas
Presented at 2nd Workshop on HTS Magnet Technology for High Energy Physics; Kyoto, Japan; Nov. 12-14 (2014)
From NSCL (National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory) to FRIB (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams) at MSU
North Central Regional Conference of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Michigan State University; April 11-12 (2014)
Comparison between PHITS and Beam Physics Codes Calculations in Support of FRIB Dipole Magnet Design
Proceedings of the SATIF-12 held at Fermilab; Batavia, Illinois; April 28-30 (2014)
Evaluation of Radiation Environment at FRIB Linac
Proceedings of the SATIF-12 held at Fermilab; Batavia, Illinois; April 28-30 (2014)
Validating PHITS for Heavy Ion Fragmentation Reactions
Proceedings of the SATIF-12 held at Fermilab; Batavia, Illinois; April 28-30 (2014)
Dealing with Radiation Issues in the FRIB Fragment Separator
Workshop on Radiation Effects on Superconducting Magnet Materials; Wroclaw, Poland; May 13 (2014)
Radiate: Graphite Status Report
RaDIATE collaboration meeting; Fermi lab- Batavia; May 19 (2014)
Radiation damage of materials relevant for FRIB production target and beam dump
Fifth High Power Targetry Workshop; Fermi lab- Batavia-USA; May 20-23 (2014)
The Very High Intensity Future
Proceedings of IPAC 2014; Dresden, Germany; June 15-20 (2014)
Commissioning Plan for the FRIB Driver Linac
Proceedings of LINAC 2014; Geneva, Switzerland; Aug. 31-Sept. 5 (2014)
MSU Re-Accelerator ReA3 0.085 QWR Cryomodule Status
Proceedings of LINAC 2014; Geneva, Switzerland; Aug. 31-Sept. 5 (2014)
Progress and Plan of Open XAL Applications for FRIB
Proceedings of LINAC 2014; Geneva, Switzerland; Aug. 31-Sept. 5 (2014)
Measuring Nothing: Limitations of Quantitative Confirmation Analysis and the National Trend
Toward Zero Tolerant Per Se THC Limits in Drivers
66th Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, WA
Beam Physics Challenge in FRIB Driver Linac
Proceedings of LINAC 2014; Geneva, Switzerland; Aug. 31-Sept. 5 (2014)
Superconducting RF Development for FRIB at MSU
Proceedings of LINAC 2014; Geneva, Switzerland; Aug. 31-Sept. 5 (2014)
Low energy heavy irradiation damage in Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-4V-1B: Study of the microstructure and mechanical properties
MatX-2, GSI Helmholtz Centre; Darmstadt, Germany; Nov. 2-4 (2014)
Proceedings of the 5th Joint International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and International Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions
5th Joint International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and International Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions (HFI/NQI 2014), Canberra, Australia, 21–26 September 2014
High Power Beam Dump for FRIB
MaTx-2, GSI Helmholtz Centre; Darmstadt, Germany; Nov. 2-4 (2014)
Radiation Damage and Annealing in Graphite: Ways to Improve the Lifetime of Targets
MatX-2, GSI Helmholtz Centre; Darmstadt, Germany; Nov. 2-4 (2014)
Thermal, Mechanical and Fluid Flow Challenges of the FRIB Primary Beam Dump
MaTx-2, GSI Helmholtz Centre; Darmstadt, Germany; Nov. 2-4 (2014)
RMS emittance measures for solenoid transport and Facility for Rare Isotope Beams front-end simulations
Proceedings of HB 2014; East Lansing, Michigan; Nov. 10-14 (2014)
Structure and decay correlations of two-neutorn systems beyond the dripline
p. 012033
J. Phys: Conf. Ser
American Institute of Physics
Design limitations on a thermal siphon 4 K helium loop for cooling-down the cyclotron gas stopper magnet coils
1573 p. 1543
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference - CEC, Anchorage, Alaska June 2013
American Institute of Physics
Multiparticle-multihole configuration mixing description of nuclear many-body systems
1619 p. 138
AIP Conference Proceedings
American Institute of Physics
Statistical approach to nuclear level density
1619 p. 152
AIP Conference Proceedings
American Institute of Physics
Superradiance in a two-channel quantum wire
1619 p. 162
AIP Conference Proceedings
American Institute of Physics
Exploring dynamics of unstable many-body systems
1619 p. 181
AIP Conference Proceedings
American Institute of Physics
Energy spread and time structure of ion beams extracted from the ReA-EBIT rare isotope charge breeder
1640 p. 80
18–21 May 2014; East Lansing, Michigan
American Institute of Physics
Understanding the origin of the elements: experiments at the dripline
503 p. 012022
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Oral Contributions
Nuclear Astrophysics
Physics of Atomic Nuclei, East Lansing, MI, USA
Nuclear physics, symmetries and quantum chaos
REU program, MSU
The future of the graduate physics curriculum and exam structure
APS March Meeting, March 3–7, 2014, Denver, CO
End-to-End Simulations and Rates
Muon g-2 collaboration meeting, Fermilab
Trapping Atoms the "Old-Fashioned" Way: New Results & Opportunities
Department of Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee
Continuum shell model and new challenges
GANIL, France
Nuclear Physics at High Luminosity
IMP, Lanzhou, China, 8 August 2014
Review of the SSC Optics Design and Layout
FCC-hh Study, CERN
Surprises! & Puzzles? From Laser Probing Atoms Trapped in Frozen Neon
Department of Physics Seminar, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts
Do we understand quantum decay?
GANIL, France
SIPT - An Ultrasensitive Mass Spectrometer for Rare Isotopes
2014 DNP/JPS meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii, October 6-11, 2014
p-process: Towards Radioactive beam experiments
11th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics, Russbach, Austria
Why is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
Department of Physics Seminar, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts
Collinear laser spectroscopy and bNMR at NSCL/MSU
the 5th Joint International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and International Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions (HFI/NQI 2014), Canberra, Australia
LEBIT : Controls and Data Analysis
CS Workshop at the University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany, April 10-11, 2014
Nuclear structure studies far east and out west on the nuclear chart
11th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics – Shell Model and Nuclear Structure: Achievements of the past two decades in honor of Aldo Covello, Ischia, Italy
NSCL and FRIB Laboratory Overview
Highly-charged Ion Applications. HICAPP 2014, MSU, May 22-13, 2014
From Designer Nuclei to Stellar Explosions - A new era in experimental nuclear science at NSCL/FRIB
KVI, The Netherlands
New Results from GRETINA at NSCL
APS Hawaii mtg: 4th Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and the Physical Society of Japan
GRETA and lifetime measurements
GRETINA-GRETA Advisory Committee and User Executive Committee Meeting on the Future of GRETA, June 10-11, 2014, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Nuclear structure around N=40 from in-beam spectroscopy at NSCL
Workshop on “The structure of 68Ni: current knowledge and open questions", Leuven, Belgium
FRIB Harvesting Infrastructure
3rd FRIB Isotope Harvesting workshop, St. Louis, MS, May 5-7, 2014
Studies of Gamow-Teller strengths at NSCL and applications in astroand neutrino physics
Neutrino nuclear responses for neutrino studies in nuclei (NNR14), Osaka, Japan
Nuclear structure studies with fast beams at NSCL ... or the Si isotopic chain revisited
Progress in nuclear shell-model calculations in CNS-RIKEN collaboration, RIKEN Wako Campus, Japan
Knockout reactions: a tool for spectroscopy of exotic nuclei
PKU-CUSTIPEN Workshop on Nuclear Reactions, Beijing, China, 10-14 August 2014
Quadrupole collectivity in neutron-deficient Sn isotopes
APS April meeting, Savannah, Georgia, USA
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams under Construction
Nuclear Structure 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Jul 20 - Jul 25, 2014
Studies of Gamow-Teller strengths at NSCL and applications in astro and neutrino physics
Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics, Zakopane, Poland
The GRETINA science campaign at NSCL
EGAN 2014, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Opportunities with direct reactions
Low Energy Community Meeting, Texas A&M, 21-23 August 2014
The GRETINA science campaign at MSU
2nd Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure, Bormio, Italy
Nuclear Physics Low Energy Facilities and the SBIR/STTR Program
DOE NP SBIR/STTR Exchange Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD, August 6-7, 2014
Charge-Exchange Reactions and Weak Reaction Rates for Astrophysics
Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS) Tokyo, Japan
The FRIB benchmarks and the science case for GRETA
GRETA/GRETINA Advisory Committee and User Executive Committee Meeting on the Future of GRETA, Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA
Bright Future for Nuclear Physics: FRIB
Conference Experience for Undergraduates at the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, October 23–26, 2013, Newport News, VA
Three-body forces in two neutron decay experiments
ECT* Workshop: “Three-body forces: From Matter to Nuclei”, Trento, Italy
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams under Construction
International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, Exon 2014, Kaliningrad, Russia, Sep 7-13, 2014
Charge-exchange reactions with rare-isotope beams
2nd Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure - Advances in Nuclear Structure at Extreme Conditions, Bormio
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy with GRETINA at NSCL
Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS 2014), Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan
Gamma-ray Spectroscopy with GRETINA at NSCL
Fourth Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and The Physical Society of Japan
October 7-11, 2014
Hawaii, USA
October 7-11, 2014
Hawaii, USA
Towards Radioactive beam experiments for the astrophysical p-process
23rd CAARI, San Antonio, Texas
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams under Construction
ISOLDE Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, Dec 5-17, 2014
Heating and Cooling in Accreting Neutron stars
Fourth Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and The Physical Society of Japan, Waikoloa, Hawaii
The Electron-Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) charge breeder of the ReA post-accelerator
Nuclear Physics Seminar at the University of Notre Dame
Introduction to Classical Novae
Classical Novae in the Cosmos workshop - Debrecen, Hungary
p-process overview: (p,γ) and (α,γ) reactions in regular and inverse kinematics
Nuclei in the Cosmos 2014, Debrecen, Hungary
Nuclear Science and Accelerator Physics
Colloquium, Physics and Astronomy, MSU, Feb 6, 2014
Summary of the 2014 Nuclear Astrophysics Town Meeting
Fourth Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and The Physical Society of Japan, Waikoloa, Hawaii
An EBIT charge breeder for post-acceleration of rare isotopes and the future national user Facility for Rare Isotopes Beams (FRIB)
Atomic physics special seminar at NIST
Science Opportunities at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland, College Park
Theoretical developments in the study of deuteron induced reactions
Nuclear structure and reactions: Experimental and Ab-initio theoretical perspectives, TRIUMF
6He decay: a sensitive window to search for physics beyond the SM
April Meeting of the American Physical Society, Savannah, Georgia, Apr. 2014
Rare Isotopes Heating and Cooling the Crust of Neutron Stars
15th International Symposium on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Dresden, Germany
FRIB theory: a broad perspective
University of Washington St. Louis
Nuclear Chemistry Research at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
National Nuclear Chemistry Summer School, San Jose State University
Structure and decay correlations of two-neutron unbound systems beyond the dripline
State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics Workshop (SOTANCP3), Yokohama, Japan
Towards a measurement of the beta energy spectrum in 6He decay
Solvay Workshop on Beta-Decay Weak Interaction Studies in the Era of LHC,
Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 2014
Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 2014
Nuclear Astrophysics
20th Particles and Nuclei International Conference, Hamburg, Germany
Theory of nuclear reactions
Exotic Beam Summer School, Oak Ridge
Electron Spectroscopy and E0 transitions in 68Ni
Workshop on Structure of 68Ni, Leuven, Belgium
Fusion with radioactive ion beams
National American Chemical Society Meeting, Dallas, TX
Beta decay experiments with separated fragmented beams
ACFI-FRIB workshop on Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes,
Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, Oct. 2014
Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, Oct. 2014
Rare Isotopes Heating and Cooling the Crust of Neutron Stars
APS April Meeting, Savannah, Georgia
Recent reaction theory results and plans
Center of Excellence RIBSS retreat, East Lansing, MI
Isomer Research at NSCL
Application of Highly-charged Ions, East Lansing, MI
Nuclear Science at the NSCL/FRIB and in Society
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Symposium Day, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Type Ia Supernovae: Theory and Modeling
Type Ia Supernovae: Progenitors, explosions, and cosmology, University of Chicago, September 2014
Constraints on Esym(ρ)-L from RIB induced reactions
4th International Symposium on the Nuclear Symmetry Energy (NuSYM14), University of Liverpool, England
Status of Beam Thermalization at the NSCL
NuStar Annual Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany
NNSA Workforce Development
DNP Education and Innovation Town Meeting, East Lansing, MI
Beta decay as a probe of explosive nucleosynthesis in classical novae
23rd Conference on Application of Accelerators and Research in Industry, San Antonio, TX, USA
Soft X-ray Transients
Physics of Neutron Stars-2014, Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 2014
New Science at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Chemistry Seminar, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
Studying a spectrum of nuclear reaction mechanisms with Walter Loveland
ACS Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Award Symposium, Dallas, TX
Nuclear Structure from Decay Studies
Exotic Beam Summer School 2014
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
The 15th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Dresden, Germany
A way forward in the study of the symmetry energy: Astronomy
4th International Symposium on the Nuclear Symmetry Energy (NuSYM14), Liverpool, UK, July 2014
New Science at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Physics and Astronomy Fall 2014 Colloquium, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, TX
Production of Unstable Nuclei for Astrophysical Studies and the new Accelerator Project at MSU
Intl. School of Nuclear Physics, 36th Course, Erice, Italy
Nuclear charge radius measurements by laser spectroscopy in singly charged ions
Workshop on application of highly charged ions, Michigan State University
The future of the graduate physics curriculum and exam structure
APS March Meeting, Denver, CO
Neutron-unbound nuclei
4th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan, Oct. 7–11, 2014, Waikoloa, HI
Theory of Nuclei and Their Reactions
Joint DNP Town Meetings on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics, Texas A{\&}M University
Theory opportunities with Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Colloquium at Colorado School of Mines
Atomic nucleus and quantum chaos
Western Michigan University
Fission and the discovery of isotopes
International conference on 75-years of Nuclear Fission: Present status and Future Perspectives, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
Study of neutron-unbound states with MoNA-LISA
VII International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei EXON 2014, September 8–13, 2014, Kaliningrad, Russia
Theory Challenges
Workshop on Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes, Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions
Theoretical developments in the study of deuteron induced reactions
Nuclear structure and reactions: Experimental and Ab-initio theoretical perspectives, TRIUMF
Closed and open quantum systems: chaos and super-radiance
Department of Mathematics, MSU
Report from the Town Meeting on Education and Innovation
Joint DNP Town Meetings on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics, August 21–23, 2014, College Station, TX
Status of Beam Thermalization at the NSCL
NuStar Annual Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany
Nuclear Astrophysics and Fundamental Symmetries via Beta Decay at NSCL
Colloquium, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Fundamental symmetries and quantum chaos
Study of neutron-unbound states with MoNA-LISA
International conference “DREB2014 – Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams†June 30 – July 4, 2014, Darmstadt, Germany
Studying a spectrum of nuclear reaction mechanisms with Walter Loveland
ACS Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Award Symposium, Dallas, TX
Nuclear Reactions in Novae
Joint DNP Town Meetings on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
Atomic nucleus and fundamental symmetries
Notre Dame University
Fission and the discovery of isotopes
International conference on 75-years of Nuclear Fission: Present status and Future Perspectives, May 8–10, 2014, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India
6He decay: a sensitive window to search for physics beyond the SM
April Meeting of the American Physical Society, Savannah, Georgia
One and Two Neutron Removal Cross-Sections of 24O via Projectile Fragmentation
Carl Brune
Investigation of ion capture in an electron beam ion trap charge-breeder for rare isotopes
Georg Bollen
Energy Dependence of Fluctuation and Correlation Observables of Transverse Momentum in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Gary Westfall
Experimental Investigations on the Nuclear Structure of the Neutron-rich Nuclides 44S and 20O
Ingo Wiedenhoever
Quadrupole Collectivity in Neutron-Deficient Sn Nuclei: 104Sn
Alexandra Gade
An Advanced Ion Guide for Beam Cooling and Bunching for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Rare Isotope Beams
Georg Bollen
Modeling of Accelerator Systems and Experimental Verification Of Quarter-Wave Resonator Steering
Michael Syphers
From Fundamental Fullerenes to the Cardinal Calcium Candidate: The Development of a Laser Ablation Ion Source and its Diverse Application at the LEBIT Facility
Georg Bollen
Unbound States in the Lightest Island of Inversion: Neutron Decay Measurements of 11Li, 10Li and 12Be
Michael Thoennessen
Single-Particle Structure in Neutron-Rich Silicon Isotopes and the Breakdown of the N=28 Shell
Alexandra Gade
The Search for Cluster Structure in 14C with the Prototype AT-TPC
Wolfgang Bauer
Studies of the Neutron-Rich Nuclei near N = 40 through Beta Decay
Sean Liddick
Gamma-ray Spectroscopy and Lifetime Measurements of Nuclei in the A = 70, N = Z Region
Robert Wadsworth
Measurement of Excitation Energy of Neutron-Rich Precursor Fragments
David Morrissey
A Study of the Structure of Light Tin Isotopes via Single-Neutron Knockout Reactions
Kate Grzywacz-Jones
Isotope Harvesting at Heavy-Ion Fragmentation Facilities
Lee Sobotka
Experimental investigation of the 8Li -> 7Li+n Coulomb breakup process
Akos Horvath
The 30P(p, gamma)31S reaction in classical novae: progress and prospects
AIP Advances 4 p. 041004
On Silicon Group Elements Ejected by Supernovae Type Ia
Astrophysical Journal 787 p. 149
Heavy-ion Collisions: Direct and indirect measurements of the density and temperature dependence of Esym
European Physical Journal A 50 p. 31
How Much Cooler would it be with some more neutrons? Exploring the asymmetry dependence of the nuclear caloric curve and the liquid-gas phase transition
European Physical Journal A 50 p. 35
Non-exponential and oscillatory decays in quantum mechanics
Europhysics Letters 107 p. 40001
Integration of System-Dynamics, Aspect-programming, and Object-Orientation in System Information Modeling
IEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 p. 847
Superferric Cold Iron Quadrupole Magnets for FRIB Fragment Separator
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24
Design and Fabrication of Iron Dominated Magnets and Cryomodule Magnetic Shielding for the Re-Accelerator Project at MSU
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24 p. 1
Iron Dominated Mixed Multipole Magnets with conventional or Superconducting Coils
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 24 p. 1
2013 Update of the Discoveries of Nuclides
International Journal of Modern Physics E 23 p. 1430002
The oxygen isotopes
International Journal of Modern Physics E 26
A way forward in the study of the symmetry energy: experiment, theory, and observation
Journal of Physics G 41 p. 093001
β decay of 72Co and microsecond isomers in even-mass neutron-rich nickel isotopes
Journal of Physics G Nucl. Part p. 115104
Nuclear Theory and Science of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Modern Physics Letters A 29 p. 1430010
Strong neutrino cooling by cycles of electron capture and β- decay in neutron star crusts
Nature 505 p. 62
Exploring New Neutron-rich Nuclei with the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Nuclear Data Sheets 118 p. 85
β-decay and β-delayed Neutron Emission Measurements at GSI-FRS Beyond N=126, for r-process Nucleosynthesis
Nuclear Data Sheets 120 p. 81
Ion beam properties after mass filtering with a linear radiofrequency quadrupole
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 735 p. 382
Prediction and suppression of two-point 1st order multipacting
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 735 p. 596
Prediction and suppression of two-point 1st order multipacking
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 735 p. 596
Digital data acquisition system implementation at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 741 p. 163
Design and construction of a water target system for harvesting radioisotopes at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 747 p. 62
First application of the γ-summing technique in inverse kinematics
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 757 p. 62
Sifting through the remnants of heavy-ion collisions for observables sensitive to the nuclear equation of state
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 761 p. 1
Extraction of thermalized projectile fragments from a large volume gas cell
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 763 p. 543
A new beam loss detector for low-energy proton and heavy-ion accelerators
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 767 p. 262
Molecular-flow time properties of RIB type vapour-transport systems using a fast-valve
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 329 p. 30
Molecular-flow time properties of RIB type vapour-transport systems using a fast-valve
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 329 p. 30
The Kuo--Brown effective interaction: From 18O to the Sn isotopes
Nuclear Physics A 921
NSCL and the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Project
Nuclear Physics News 24 p. 28
NSCL and the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Project
Nuclear Physics News 24 p. 28
Contributions of dielectronic, trielectronic, and metastable channels to the resonant intershell recombination of highly charged silicon ions
Physical Review A 90 p. 052704
Linear envelope model for multicharge state linac
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 17
Linear envelope model for multicharge state linac
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 17
Linear envelope model for multicharge state linac
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 17 p. 034001
Gamow-Teller transition strengths from 56Fe extracted from the 56Fe(t,3He) reaction
Physical Review C
Fluctuations of charge separation perpendicular to the event plane and local parity violation in √sNN=200 GeV Au+Au collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
Physical Review C 88 p. 064911
Coupled-cluster calculations of nucleonic matter
Physical Review C 89 p. 014319
Nuclear three-body problem in the complex energy plane: Complex-scaling Slater method
Physical Review C 89 p. 014330
Multi-shell effective interactions
Physical Review C 89 p. 024313
Charge-exchange scattering to the isobaric analog state at medium energies as a probe of the neutron skin
Physical Review C 89 p. 024317
Ab initio self-consistent Gorkov-Green's function calculations of semi-magic nuclei: Numerical implementation at second order with a two-nucleon interaction
Physical Review C 89 p. 024323
Two-neutron transfer reaction mechanisms in 12C(6He,4He)14C using a realistic three-body 6He model
Physical Review C 89 p. 024602
Disappearance of Mott oscillations in sub-barrier elastic scattering of identical heavy ions, and the nuclear interaction
Physical Review C 89 p. 024610
Accounting for backflow in hydrodynamic-Boltzmann interfaces
Physical Review C 89 p. 024910
Gamow-Teller response in deformed even and odd neutron-rich Zr and Mo isotopes
Physical Review C 89 p. 034311
β decay of 61,63V and low-energy level schemes of 61,63Cr
Physical Review C 89 p. 034317
Determining fundamental properties of matter created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
Physical Review C 89 p. 034917
Thermonuclear 42Ti (p,γ)43V rate in type-I x-ray bursts
Physical Review C 89 p. 035802
Precise comparison of the Gaussian expansion method and the Gamow shell model
Physical Review C 89 p. 044317
Measurement of charge multiplicity asymmetry correlations in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions at √sNN= 200 GeV
Physical Review C 89 p. 044908
Baryon annihilation and regeneration in heavy ion collisions
Physical Review C 89 p. 044911
Astrophysical weak-interaction rates for selected A=20 and A=24 nuclei
Physical Review C 89 p. 045806
Quasiparticle coupled cluster theory for pairing interactions
Physical Review C 89 p. 054305
Fine structure of the isovector giant dipole resonance in 208Pb: Characteristic scales and level densities
Physical Review C 89 p. 054322
Excited states in the neutron-rich nucleus 25F
Physical Review C 89 p. 054323
Reexamining surface-integral formulations for one-nucleon transfers to bound and resonance states
Physical Review C 89 p. 054605
Neutrinoless double-β decay of 82Se in the shell model: Beyond the closure approximation
Physical Review C 89 p. 054605
Measurement of the 58Ni(α,γ)62Zn reaction and its astrophysical impact
Physical Review C 89 p. 054611
Gamow-Teller transitions in the A=40 isoquintet of relevance for neutrino captures in 40Ar
Physical Review C 89 p. 064313
Experimental cross sections of 165Ho (α,n)168Tm and 166Er(α,n)169Yb for optical potential studies relevant for the astrophysical γ process
Physical Review C 89 p. 065808
Proton spectroscopy of 48Ni,46Fe, and 44Cr
Physical Review C 90 p. 014311
2π1ν states populated in 135Te from 9Be-induced reactions with a 132Sn beam
Physical Review C 90 p. 014322
Total prompt γ-ray emission in fission of 235U, 239, 241Pu, and 252Cf
Physical Review C 90 p. 014602
Coulomb problem in momentum space without screening
Physical Review C 90 p. 014615
Low-lying neutron unbound states in 12Be
Physical Review C 90 p. 024309
Three-nucleon forces and spectroscopy of neutron-rich calcium isotopes
Physical Review C 90 p. 024312
Properties of nuclear matter within the JISP16 NN interaction
Physical Review C 90 p. 024324
Subthreshold pion production within a transport description of central Au + Au collisions
Physical Review C 90 p. 024605
J/ψ production at low pT in Au+ Au and Cu+ Cu collisions at √sNN= 200 GeV with the STAR detector
Physical Review C 90 p. 024906
Magnetar giant flare oscillations and the nuclear symmetry energy
Physical Review C 90 p. 025802
Two-proton decay from the isobaric analog state in 8B
Physical Review C 90 p. 027304
Single-particle structure of silicon isotopes approaching 42Si
Physical Review C 90 p. 034301
High-precision B(E2) measurements of semi-magic 58,60,62,64Ni by Coulomb excitation
Physical Review C 90 p. 034309
Lifetime measurements of the yrast 8+ and 9+ states in 70As
Physical Review C 90 p. 034310
Decay through a doorway state and the puzzle of 180Ta
Physical Review C 90 p. 034315
Shell structure of potassium isotopes deduced from their magnetic moments
Physical Review C 90 p. 034321
Monte Carlo uncertainty of the 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction rate
Physical Review C 90 p. 035804
Influence of the density of states on the odd-even staggering in the charge distribution of the emitted fragments in nuclear heavy-ion collisions
Physical Review C 90 p. 054616
Systematics of intermediate-energy single-nucleon removal cross sections
Physical Review C 90 p. 057602
Ultraviolet extrapolations in finite oscillator bases
Physical Review C 90 p. 064007
Elastic breakup cross sections of well-bound nucleons
Physical Review C 90 p. 064615
Dielectron azimuthal anisotropy at mid-rapidity in Au+ Au collisions at √sNN= 200 GeV
Physical Review C 90 p. 064904
Modification of the Brink-Axel hypothesis for high-temperature nuclear weak interactions
Physical Review C 90 p. 065808
Two-parameter Fermi function fits to experimental charge and point-proton densities for 208Pb
Physical Review C 90 p. 067304
First characterization of sd-shell nuclei with a multiconfiguration
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 89 p. 011306
Constraints on Skyrme equations of state from properties of doubly magic nuclei and ab initio calculations of low-density neutron matter
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 89 p. 011307
Shape coexistence in 68Ni
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 89 p. 021301
Shell and shape evolution at N=28: The 40Mg ground state
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 89 p. 041303
Dipole excitations via isoscalar probes: The splitting of the pygmy dipole resonance in 124Sn
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 89 p. 041601
Event-plane-dependent dihadron correlations with harmonic νn subtraction in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 89 p. 041901
Chiral two- and three-nucleon forces along medium-mass isotope chains
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 89 p. 061301
Shell-model studies of the astrophysical rapid-proton-capture reaction 30P (p,γ)31S
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 89 p. 062801
Inverse-kinematics proton scattering on 50Ca: Determining effective charges using complementary probes
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 90 p. 011305
Ab initio multireference in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations of even calcium and nickel isotopes
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 90 p. 041302
Pairing-induced speedup of nuclear spontaneous fission
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 90 p. 061304
Separable representation of proton-nucleus optical potentials
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 90 p. 061602
Symmetry energy dependence of long-timescale isospin transport
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 90 p. 061605
Neutral pion cross section and spin asymmetries at intermediate pseudorapidity in polarized proton collisions at √s= 200 GeV
Physical Review D 89 p. 012001
Measurement of the parameter ξ′′ in polarized muon decay and implications on exotic couplings of the leptonic weak interaction
Physical Review D 90 p. 112003
Energy Dependence of Moments of Net-Proton Multiplicity Distributions at RHIC
Physical Review Letters 112 p. 032302
Effective Helium Burning Rates and the Production of the Neutrino Nuclei
Physical Review Letters 112 p. 111101
Observation of Low- and High-Energy Gamow-Teller Phonon Excitations in Nuclei
Physical Review Letters 112 p. 112502
Nuclear Structure Towards N=40 60Ca: In-Beam γ-Ray Spectroscopy of 58,60Ti
Physical Review Letters 112 p. 112503
Jet-Hadron Correlations in √sNN=200 GeV p+p and Central Au+Au Collisions
Physical Review Letters 112 p. 122301
Evolution of Collectivity in 72Kr: Evidence for Rapid Shape Transition
Physical Review Letters 112 p. 142502
Beam-energy dependence of the directed flow of protons, antiprotons, and pions in Au+ Au collisions
Physical Review Letters 112 p. 162301
β+ Gamow-Teller Transition Strengths from 46Ti and Stellar Electron-Capture Rates
Physical Review Letters 112 p. 252501
Dielectron Mass Spectra from Au+ Au Collisions at √sNN= 200 GeV
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 022301
Determining the rp-Process Flow through 56Ni: Resonances in 57Cu (p,γ)58Zn Identified with GRETINA
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 032502
Measurement of the Isoscalar Monopole Response in the Neutron-Rich Nucleus 68Ni
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 032504
Beam-energy dependence of charge separation along the magnetic field in Au+ Au collisions at RHIC
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 052302
Measurement of longitudinal spin asymmetries for weak boson production in polarized proton-proton collisions at RHIC
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 072301
Breakdown of the Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation for the A=20 and 21 Multiplets
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 082501
Beam energy dependence of moments of the net-charge multiplicity distributions in Au+ Au collisions at RHIC
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 092301
Observation of D0 meson nuclear modifications in Au+ Au collisions at √sNN= 200 GeV
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 142301
Nonperturbative Shell-Model Interactions from the In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 142501
Quadrupole Transition Strength in the 74Ni Nucleus and Core Polarization Effects in the Neutron-Rich Ni Isotopes
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 182501
Observation of Long-Range Three-Body Coulomb Effects in the Decay of 16Ne
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 232501
Novel technique for Constraining r-Process (n, γ) Reaction Rates
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 232502
Large Low-Energy M1 Strength for 56,57Fe within the Nuclear Shell Model
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 252502
Nuclear Structure Aspects of Neutrinoless Double-β Decay
Physical Review Letters 113 p. 262501
Benchmarking nuclear models for Gamow Teller response
Physics Letters B 730 p. 307
Constraints on nucleon effective mass splitting with heavy ion collisions
Physics Letters B 732 p. 186
Collectivity in A~70 nuclei studied via lifetime measurements in 70Br and 68,70Se
Physics Letters B 733 p. 52
Suppression of Υ production in d+ Au and Au+ Au collisions at √sNN= 200 GeV
Physics Letters B 735 p. 127
Neutron spectroscopic factors of 55Ni hole-states from (p,d) transfer reactions
Physics Letters B 736 p. 137
Pygmy dipole resonance in 124Sn populated by inelastic scattering of 17O
Physics Letters B 738 p. 219
Beta-delayed proton emission of 69Kr and the 68Se rp-process waiting point
Physics Letters B 738 p. 453
J/Ψ polarization in p+ p collisions at √s= 200 GeV in STAR
Physics Letters B 739 p. 180
Continuum shell model and nuclear physics at the edge of stability
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 77 p. 1024
Development of a production target for FRIB: thermo-mechanical studies
Radiation Research 299 p. 933
Coupled-cluster computations of atomic nuclei
Reports on Progress in Physics 77 p. 096302
Space-Charge Compensation Measurements in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source Low Energy Beam Transport Lines with a Retarding Field Analyzer
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 p. 02A739
Metallic Beam development for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beam (FRIB)
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 p. 02A957
First charge breeding of a rare-isotope beam with the electron-beam ion trap of the ReA post-accelerator at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 p. 02B701
Determination of the ReA Electron Beam Ion Trap electron beam radius and current density with an X-ray pinhole camera
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 p. 073302
A field programmable gate array-based time-resolved scaler for collinear laser spectroscopy with bunched radioactive potassium beams
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 p. 093503
FRIB Driver Linac Vacuum Model and Benchmarks
Vacuum 104 p. 13
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