
Below is a list of seminars related to the Accelerator Science and Engineering Traineeship (ASET) program.

The ASET program at MSU leverages unique campus-based equipment, systems, and experts at FRIB, extensive ASET faculty and research support in several MSU academic programs, and resources at U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories. 


24 January 2025
Resonance Control for SRF Cavities
Dr. Crispin Contreras-Martinez, Fermi National Laboratory

An SRF cavity is used to accelerate a beam of particles in a linac. In order to accelerate the beam efficiently and without interruptions the cavity must be tuned to the nominal frequency. During operation an SRF cavity experiences a wide variety of vibrations which perturb the cavity frequency. Many design efforts are implemented to mitigate the vibrations on the cavity and they result in a reduction. However, not all the vibrations can be eliminated and some while reduced are still present. In this talk a review of the vibration sources in LCLS-II and LCLS-II-HE cryomodules will be discussed. Cavity tuners are used to mitigate the vibrations that couldn’t be eliminated. The components of the tuner are discussed. Finally, a discussion on some resonance control algorithms will be done. Resonance control algorithms for both pulsed and continuous wave (CW) will be presented. 

21 February 2025
EIC RF Systems: A Good RF Challenge to Have
Dr. Zack Conway, Brookhaven National Laboratory

The Electron Ion Collider Project will upgrade the Brookhaven National Laboratory Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider complex to collide highly polarized (>70%) electrons and ions, from deuterons to the heaviest stable nuclei, with center-of-mass energies spanning 20 to 100 GeV at luminosities of 1033-1034 cm-2 s-1.  To achieve these goals a set of 4 unique superconducting radio frequency systems are required for beam acceleration, storage, and crabbing.  This seminar will briefly review the EIC as it relates to the radio-frequency systems, and then focus on the high-intensity beam interactions with the superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) systems.  Examples will include the 800 kW 2.0 K SRF cryomodules necessary for storing up to 2.5 A electron beams with ~ 10 MW of continuous power loss, 25 mrad crossing angle crab cavities, and the state-of-the-art damping required for all of the superconducting cavities.

Past seminars are found on the archive page.