Cryogenic student opportunities

Engineer your future with cutting-edge training at FRIB at Michigan State University

Conduct unique research at the most advanced rare isotope research facility, tailor your education to your interests and goals, and open doors to various careers through studying cryogenic engineering at FRIB at Michigan State University (MSU).

As a graduate student at MSU, you will train with top faculty and staff and use FRIB’s state-of-the-art systems and equipment. This includes 4.5- and 2-kelvin (K) helium refrigeration systems that support the superconducting accelerator and enable world-class physics research. You’ll also work with other helium refrigeration systems that support laboratory test facilities — including those that are dedicated to cryogenic engineering research and development.

Beyond this work, you will also receive further training in cryogenic engineering through student jobs and internships. These opportunities will introduce you to coupled fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, and real fluid properties and material properties across a range of temperatures, plus complex and coupled thermal systems and mechanical designs.

Take part in these exciting opportunities and gain the skills, experience and credentials you need to establish yourself in cryogenics at MSU.

Develop proficiency in nuclear science and cryogenic engineering at FRIB

At FRIB, the collegiate environment couples with FRIB’s capabilities, allowing students to experience a unique synergy among your fellow graduate students, faculty members and staff. The advanced, peerless cryogenic systems developed for FRIB bring us to the forefront for large 2 K systems applied to particle accelerators.

FRIB built and runs its own cryogenic plant, or cryoplant, that operates at 4 K (or 4 degrees above absolute zero) and can be further cooled to 2 K.

Experience the MSU Cryogenic Initiative

The demand for cryogenic engineering support is on the rise, and FRIB offers students unique opportunities to educate and train so you may join the next generation of cryogenic system innovators and prepare for various roles in cryogenics engineering and related fields.

At MSU, FRIB and the College of Engineering collaborate for the MSU Cryogenic Initiative, which combines classroom education with training on cutting-edge cryogenics, accelerator and superconducting radio frequency technology.

Students receive hands-on learning and research opportunities at FRIB.

Experiential learning opportunities that provide career readiness

Your cryogenic engineering training at FRIB will open doors to career opportunities in myriad roles, ranging from basic research to industrial research and development or societal applications, e.g., in medicine.

That’s because at FRIB, you’ll explore coupled fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, engineering principles, complex simulation and modeling, and much more, allowing you to set yourself apart from other candidates in the job market in cryogenic engineering.

After graduation, you may join the ranks of other MSU graduates pursuing opportunities at U.S. Department of Energy laboratories and user facilities, NASA, large aerospace energy and industrial corporations, and many others.

Train with state-of-the-art tech at FRIB

The cornerstone of FRIB is its high-power, superconducting linear accelerator, which can accelerate ion beams to more than half the speed of light to strike a target and create rare isotopes.

This will provide you with the space and equipment to uncover the many benefits of nuclear science and meet critical needs in physics and engineering of large accelerators, radio frequency power engineering and large-scale cryogenic systems.

Find fellowships and other graduate opportunities

As a cryogenic engineering student at MSU, you’ll find graduate fellowships and other opportunities to expand your knowledge and training—especially if you’re someone who is self-motivated, naturally curious and creative.

MSU course work and projects at FRIB includes studies in thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, materials engineering, mechanical design and/or computer programming. Completing advanced course work in any or all of these areas will also make you a highly desirable candidate for a graduate fellowship as well as other opportunities for graduate cryogenic engineering students at MSU.

“I would highly recommend the MSU Cryogenic Initiative program to other students. It isn’t often that a graduate student would have the opportunity to be involved in the construction of a world-class accelerator facility. Working at FRIB allows insight into the process of creating the entire system involved with the accelerator and would be very valuable to any student interested in going into a career associated with accelerators or accelerator support systems.”

Jonathon Howard
PhD Candidate

Learn more about pursuing cryogenic engineering at MSU FRIB

To study and conduct research in cryogenics and other areas at FRIB, apply for the program you would like to pursue through the appropriate department:

Apply to the Department of Chemistry

Apply to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Apply to the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Apply to the Department of Physics and Astronomy