Booking and logistics
Requesting beam
In order to expedite your beam time request, each customer is required to complete these steps:
1. Refer to the table of available testing dates below.
2. Fill out the FSEE Intake Request Form (PDF).
3. Once your beam time is approved, the Manager for User Relations will send a Proprietary User Agreement for completion. Please note: if additional people will be joining the test and are not employees of the company listed on the Intake Request form, the following is required:
3.a. A Proprietary User Agreement is needed from the company of the additional individuals OR
3.b. An official letter is needed from management at the company listed on the Intake Request form that states the following: “[Person’s full name] is acting as a Participant of [Company listed on Intake Request Form] per the Proprietary User Agreement for the purpose of performing the experiment(s) accepted and approved for performance at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB).”
After the beam time is approved, users will work with the Manager for User Relations to create a test plan that indicates the parameters and sequence of beam delivery.
The FRIB operations staff will create a run profile to efficiently support the experimental plan. Approximately a week before the user’s arrival, the Manager for User Relations will schedule a meeting between the testing team and FRIB operations staff to discuss the beam plan. During the run, a specific beam cocktail will be loaded. However, users may request changes of certain parameters during operations (for example: flux).
Changes to the beam parameters may be made per user request and/or following the approved test plan. Below are current time estimates for parameter changes.
Beam parameter change | Time to change and validate |
Species (Gas-Gas) | 1-1.5 Hours |
Species (Gas-Solid) | 1.5-2 Hours |
Energy | 30-60 Minutes |
Flux (CW) | 5-15 Minutes |
Flux (Chopped) | < 1 Minute |
To start the beam request process, contact the FRIB Manager for User Relations.
Available testing dates
The FRIB FSEE facility runs 16-hour shifts from 8 a.m. to midnight on each day given below. Upon agreement between the FSEE user group and FRIB operations staff, 24-hour shifts may be available.
Available dates Italicized text indicates dates in the past |
2025 |
22-31 May |
27 April-6 May |
27 February-8 March |
9-17 February |
11-18 January |
2024 |
9-15 December |
17-23 November |
17-23 October |
1-7 July |
12-17 June |
31 May-6 June |
6-15 May |
3-11 April |
10-16 March |
18-24 February |
10-16 January |
2023 |
10-17 December |
11-16 November |
17-23 October |
31 July-12 August |
2-7 July |
17-22 June |
18-23 May |
24-29 April |
22-27 March |
20-25 February |
12-18 January |
2022 |
2-5 December |
4-8 November |
17-25 September |
6-9 September |
29 August-2 September |
22-26 August |