Conference Proceedings

NSCLSpecTcl Meeting the Needs of Preliminary Nuclear Physics Data Analysis
R. Fox, C. Bolen, K. Orji, and J. Venema
11th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 11-15, 2004; website
RF Conditioning and Testing of Fundamental Power Couplers for the RIA Project
M. Stirbet, J. Popielarski, T. Grimm, and M. Johnson
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Travemünde, Germany, September 8-12, 2003
Rad Hard Coils
A.F. Zeller
Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Magnets, Archamps, France, March 17-18, 2003
Radiation Effects and High-Field Magnets
A.F. Zeller
Proceedings of 43rd Workshop on Superconductors and Supermagnets, Erice, Italy, October 26 - November 1, 2003
Heavy Ion Interactions in New Nanoscale Materials
B.W. Jacobs, S.P. Song, V.M. Ayres, M.A. Crimp, C. Berger, R.M. Ronningen, A.F. Zeller, H.C. Shaw, J.B. Benavides, and J. Plante
Proceedings of Symposium on Radiation Effects in Inorganic Materials and Films, Fall 2003 Meeting of The Materials Research Society, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1-5, 2003
Superconducting RF Research and Educational Activities at Michigan State University
T.L. Grimm, V. Andreev, D. Gorelov, W. Hartung, F. Marti, S. Schriber, X. Wu, R.C. York, and Q. Zhao
DOE & NSF Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Bethesda, Maryland, July 29, 2003
Rare Isotope (Heavy Ion) Accelerators
S.O. Schriber and T.L. Grimm
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Travemünde, Germany, September 8-12, 2003
Superconducting RF Activities for the Rare Isotope Accelerator at Michigan State University
T. Grimm, V. Andreev, J. Bierwagen, S. Bricker, C. Compton, D. Gorelov, W. Hartung, M. Johnson, F. Marti, S. Schriber, X. Wu, R.C. York, Q. Zhao, P. Kneisel, G. Ciovati, and A. Facco
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Travemünde, Germany, September 8-12, 2003
Niobium Quarter-Wave Resonator Development for the Rare Isotope Accelerator
W. Hartung, J. Bierwagen, S. Bricker, J. Colthorp, C. Compton, T. Grimm, S. Hitchcock, F. Marti, L. Saxton, R.C. York, A. Facco, and V. Zviagintsev
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Travemünde, Germany, September 8-12, 2003
Mechanical Design of a 161 MHz β=0.16 Superconducting Quarter Wave Resonator with Steering Correction for RIA
V. Zviagintsev, A. Facco, C.C. Compton, T.L. Grimm, W. Hartung, F. Marti, and R. York
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Travemünde, Germany, September 8-12, 2003
A Preliminary Alignment Plan for RIA at MSU
D.P. Sanderson
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment, Geneva, Switzerland, October 4-7, 2004; CERN website
Design and Fabrication of Input Coupler Windows for the U.S. Rare Isotope Accelerator Project
Q. Shu, J. Susta, G. Cheng, T.L. Grimm, J. Popielarski, S. Einarson, and T.A. Treado
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Travemünde, Germany, September 8-12, 2003
Construction and Testing of a 161 MHz, beta=0.16 Superconducting QWR with Steering Correction for RIA
A. Facco, F. Scarpa, Lu Weixing, V. Zvyagintsev, C.C. Compton, T.L. Grimm, W. Hartung, F. Marti, R. York, R. Losito, and E. Chiaveri
p. 1015
Proceedings of the Ninth European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 5-9, 2004; European Physical Society Accelerator Group/CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 2004
Three-Dimensional Imaging Analysis of Two-Particle Correlations in Heavy-Ion Reactions
D.A. Brown, P. Danielewicz, M. Heffner, and R. Soltz
p. 105
Proceedings of the 20th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Trelawny Beach, Jamaica, March 15-20, 2004
EP Systema
Entropy and Phase Space Density at RHIC
S. Pratt and S. Pal
p. 111
Proceedings of the 20th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Trelawny Beach, Jamaica, March 15-20, 2004
EP Systema
Spectroscopy of Light Exotic Nuclei Using Nuclear Break-Up
D. Cortina-Gil, J. Fernandez-Vazquez, T. Aumann, T. Baumann, J. Benlliure, M.J.G. Borge, L.V. Chulkov, U. Datta Pramanik, C. Forssén, L.M. Fraile, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, F. Hammache, K. Itahashi, R. Janik, B. Jonson, S. Mandal, K. Markenroth, M. Meister, M. Mocko, G. Münzenberg, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, Y. Prezado, V. Pribora, K. Riisager, H. Scheit, R. Schneider, G. Schrieder, H. Simon, B. Sitar, A. Stolz, P. Strmen, K. Sümmerer, I. Szarka, and H. Weick
p. 112
Proceedings of the International Conference on The Labyrinth in Nuclear Structure, Crete, Greece, July 13-19, 2003, AIP Conference Proceedings 701
Experimental Results of the Small Isochronous Ring
J. Rodriguez, F. Marti, R. York, and E. Pozdeyev
p. 2194
Proceedings of the Ninth European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 5-9, 2004;European Physical Society Accelerator Group/CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 2004
Evolution of the N = 32, 34 Shell Closures
S.N. Liddick
p. 229
“Nuclear Physics, Large and Small,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Microscopic Studies of Collective Phenomena, Morelos, Mexico, April 19-22, 2004, AIP Conference Proceedings 726
American Institute of Physics
Properties of 68-76Ni Isotopes with New Effective Interaction
A.F. Lisetskiy, B.A. Brown, M. Horoi, and H. Grawe
p. 231
“Nuclear Physics, Large and Small,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Microscopic Studies of Collective Phenomena, Morelos, Mexico, April 19-22, 2004, AIP Conference Proceedings 726
Recent Experimental Results from the NSCL on the Structure of Exotic Nuclei
T. Glasmacher, D. Bazin, C.M. Campbell, J.A. Church, D.C. Dinca, A. Gade, W.F. Mueller, H. Olliver, B.M. Sherrill, and K. L. Yurkewicz
p. 26
Proceedings of the International Conference on The Labyrinth in Nuclear Structure, Crete, Greece, July 13-19, 2003, AIP Conference Proceedings 701
American Institute of Physics
Beam Diagnostics of the Small Isochronous Ring
J. Rodriguez, F. Marti, and E. Pozdeyev
p. 2798
Proceedings of the Ninth European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 5-9, 2004
Correlation Entropy and the Complexity of High-Lying Single-Particle Modes - Doubling Phase Transition
Ch. Stoyanov and V. Zelevinsky
p. 295
“Nuclear Theory,” Proceedings of the XXIII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, June 14-19, 2004, edited by S. Dimitrova (Heron Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2004)
Preliminary Study of Radiation Issues at the Rare Isotope Accelerator
R.M. Ronningen, A.F. Zeller, L.H. Heilbronn, Y. Iwata, T. Murakami, H. Iwase, and T. Nakamura
p. 298
“Accelerator Applications in a Nuclear Renaissance,” Proceedings of the Sixth International Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology, American Nuclear Society, San Diego, California, June 1-5, 2003 (American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois, 2004)
Nuclear Structure Around the N=16 Subshell Closure
O. Sorlin, M. Stanoiu, Z. Dombrádi, F. Azaiez, B.A. Brown, M. Belleguic, D. Sohler, M.G. Saint Laurent, M.J. Lopez-Jimenez, Y.E. Penionzhkevich, G. Sletten, N. L. Achouri, F. Becker, J.C. Angélique, C. Borcea, C. Bourgeois, J.M. Daugas, Z. Dlouhý, C. Donzaud, J. Duprat, Zs. Fülöp, D. Guillemaud-Mueller, S. Grévy, F. Ibrahim, A. Kerek, A. Krasznahorkay, M. Lewitowicz, S. Leenhardt, S. M. Lukyanov, S. Mandal, P. Mayet, H. Van der Marel, W. Mittig, J. Mrázek, F. Negoita, F. de Oliveira-Santos, Z. Podolyák, F. Pougheon, M. G. Porquet, H. Savajols, Y. Sobolev, C. Stodel, J. Timár, and A. Yamamoto
p. 31
Proceedings of the International Conference on The Labyrinth in Nuclear Structure, Crete, Greece, July 13-19, 2003, AIP Conference Proceedings 701
Weak Strength for Astrophysics
S.M. Austin and R. Zegers
p. 34
Proceedings of the First Argonne/MSU/JINA/INT RIA Workshop, “The r-process: The Astrophysical Origin of the Heavy Elements,” Seattle, Washington, January 8-10, 2004
World Scientific Publishing
Correlations and Fluctuations in STAR
G.D. Westfall
p. 73
Proceedings of the 20th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Trelawny Beach, Jamaica, March 15-20, 2004
EP Systema
Stuart Pittel and the f7/2 Shell Revisited: Magnetic Moments in the Ca Isotopes
N. Benczer-Koller, G. Kumbartzki, T.J. Mertzimekis, Y.Y. Sharon, K.-H. Speidel, M.J. Taylor, and L. Zamick
p. 81
“Nuclear Physics, Large and Small,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Microscopic Studies of Collective Phenomena, Morelos, Mexico, April 19-22, 2004, AIP Conference Proceedings 726
American Institute of Physics
Control System of the Small Isochronous Ring
J. Rodriguez, F. Marti, and E. Pozdeyev
p. 830
Proceedings of the Ninth European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 5-9, 2004
Study of Drip Line Nuclei Through Two-Step Fragmentation
M. Stanoiu, F. Azaiez, F. Becker, M. Belleguic, C. Borcea, C. Bourgeois, B.A. Brown, Z. Dlouhý, Z. Dombrádi, Z. Fülöp, H. Grawe, S. Grévy, F. Ibrahim, A. Kerek, A. Krasznahorkay, M. Lewitowicz, S. Lukyanov, H. van der Marel, P. Mayet, J. Mrázek, S. Mandal, D. Guillemaud-Mueller, F. Negoita, Y.E. Penionzhkevich, Z. Podolyák, P. Roussel-Chomaz, M.G. Saint-Laurent, H. Savajols, O. Sorlin, G. Sletten, D. Sohler, J. Timár, C. Timas, and A. Yamamoto
20 (2004) p. 95
Proceedings of Conference on Nuclear Structure with Large Gamma Arrays: Status and Perspectives, Legnaro-Padua, Italy, September 23-27, 2002
Widths of the Balance Function for Charged Kaon Pairs from Au+Au at √sNN = 200 GeV and p+p at √s = 200 GeV at RHIC
G.D. Westfall
30 (2004) p. S345
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, May 12-17, 2003; J. Phys. G
An Update from STAR—Using Strangeness to Probe Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
H. Caines (for the STAR Collaboration; includes M.B. Tonjes, A. Vander Molen and G.D. Westfall)
30 (2004) p. S61
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, May 12-17, 2003
The Rare Isotope Accelerator Project
M. Thoennessen
34 (2004) p. 749
Proceedings of the Fifth Latin-American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and XXVI Renuao de Trabalho Sobre Fisica Nuclear no Brasil, Santos, Brazil, September 1-5, 2003, Brazilian Journal of Physics
Study of Reaction Dynamics through the Correlation Function of Fragments from Heavy-Ion Collisions
J. Yee and G.D. Westfall
44 (2004) p. 250
J. Korean Phys. Soc
Performance of the High-Energy Single-Event Effects Test Facility (SEETF) at Michigan State University’s National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL)
R. Ladbury, R.A. Reed, P. Marshall, K.A. LaBel, N. Anantaraman, R. Fox, D.P. Sanderson, A. Stolz, J. Yurkon, A.F. Zeller, and J.W. Stetson
51(2004) p. 3664
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci
Rare Isotope Research Capabilities at the NSCL Today and at RIA in the Future
C.K. Gelbke
53 (2004) p. 363
Proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, 25th course 'Heavy Ion Reactions from Nuclear to Quark Matter', Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, Italy, September 16-24, 2003; Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys
Beam Cooling at the Low-Energy-Beam and Ion-Trap Facility at NSCL/MSU
G. Bollen, S. Schwarz, D. Davies, P. Lofy, D. Morrissey, R. Ringle, P. Schury, T. Sun, and L. Weissman
A532(2004) p. 203
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics (COOL03), Mt. Fuji, Japan, May 19-23, 2003; Nucl. Instrum. and Meth
Excitation and Decay of the Isovector Spin-Flip Giant Monopole Resonance via the 208Pb(3He,tp) Reaction at 410 MeV
R.G.T. Zegers, H. Abend, H. Akimune, A.M. van den Berg, H. Fujimura, H. Fujita, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, S. Gales, K. Hara, M.N. Harakeh, T. Ishikawa, T. Kawabata, K. Kawase, T. Mibe, K. Nakanishi, S. Nakayama, H. Toyokawa, M. Uchida, T. Yamagata, K. Yamasaki, and M. Yosoi
A731(2004) p. 121
Proceedings of the International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei under Extreme Conditions (COMEX1), Paris, France, June 10-13, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Current Status and Future of Hot Giant Dipole Studies
M. Thoennessen
A731(2004) p. 131
Proceedings of the International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei Under Extreme Conditions (COMEX 1), Paris, France, June 10-13, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Highly Selective Studies of GDR in 164Er
V. Nanal, T.L. Khoo, D.J. Hofman, B.B. Back, M.P. Carpenter, I. Dioszegi, K. Eisenman, M.L. Halbert, P. Heckman, A.M. Heinz, D. Henderson, D. Jenkins, M.P. Kelly, F.G. Kondev, T. Lauritsen, C.J. Lister, B. McClintock, S. Mitsuoka, T. Pennington, J. Seitz, R.H. Siemssen, M. Thoennessen, R.J. van Swol, R.L. Varner, P. Wilt, and Y.Alhassid
A731(2004) p. 153
Proceedings of the International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei Under Extreme Conditions (COMEX 1), Paris, France, June 10-13, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Pairing Correlations in Nuclei: Old Knowledge and New Ideas
V. Zelevinsky and A. Volya
A731(2004) p. 299
Proceedings of the International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei Under Extreme Conditions (COMEX 1), Paris, France, June 10-13, 2003; Nucl. Phys
In-Beam Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of Fast Beams at the NSCL
W.F. Mueller, D. Bazin, C.M. Campbell, J.A. Church, D.C. Dinca, A. Gade, T. Glasmacher, P.G. Hansen, K.L. Yurkewicz, H. Olliver, B.M. Sherrill, and J.R. Terry
A734(2004) p. 418
Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Moscow, Russia, June 17-21, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Nuclear Structure Studies in the Neutron-Rich A=30 Mass Region by Direct Nucleon Removal Reactions
J.R. Terry and J.L. Lecouey
A734(2004) p. 469
Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Moscow, Russia, June 17-21, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Fragmentation of 58Ni at 140MeV/u
M. Mocko, L. Andronenko, M. Andronenko, M.A. Famiano, W. Friedman, T. Ginter, M-J. van Goethem, H. Hua, W.G. Lynch, D. Oostdyk, M. Steiner, A. Stolz, O. Tarasov, M.B. Tsang, G. Verde, M.S. Wallace, and A. Zalessov
A734(2004) p. 532
Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Moscow, Russia, June 17-21, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Analysis of Momentum Distribution of Projectile Fragmentation Products
O. Tarasov
A734(2004) p. 536
Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Moscow, Russia, June 17-21, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Towards the Equation of Sate of Dense Asymmetric Nuclear Matter
W.G. Lynch
A734(2004) p. 573
Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Moscow, Russia, June 17-21, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Isospin Diffusion in Heavy Ion Collisions
M.B. Tsang
A734(2004) p. 605
Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Moscow, Russia, June 17-21, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Isospin Diffusion in Heavy Ion Collisions
M.B. Tsang and L. Shi
A738(2004) p. 115
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Nara, Japan, November 24 -29, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Isospin Fractionation and Isoscaling in Dynamical Nuclear Collisions
A. Ono, P. Danielewicz, W.A. Friedman, W.G. Lynch, and M.B.Tsang
A738(2004) p. 308
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Nara, Japan, November 24 -29, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Study of Neutron Rich Carbon and Oxygen Nuclei Up To Drip Line
M. Stanoiu, F. Azaiez, Zs. Dombrádi, O. Sorlin, B.A. Brown, M. Belleguic, D. Sohler, M.G. Saint Laurent, Y.E. Penionzhkevich, G. Sletten, C. Borcea, C. Bourgeois, A. Bracco, J.M. Daugas, Z. Dlouhý, C. Donzaud, Zs. Fülöp, D. Guillemaud-Mueller, S. Grévy, F. Ibrahim, A. Kerek, A. Krasznahorkay, M. Lewitowicz, S. Lukyanov, P. Mayet, S. Mandal, W. Mittig, J. Mrázek, F. Negoita, F. De Oliveira-Santos, Zs. Podolyák, F. Pougheon, P. Roussel-Chomaz, H. Savajols, Y. Sobolev, C. Stodel, J. Timár, and A. Yamamoto
A746(2004) p. 135
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003, edited by G. Savard, C.N. Davids, and C.J. Lister; Nucl. Phys
Tracking the Monopole Migration of the Neutron f5/2 Orbital Near the N=32 Subshell Closure
S.N. Liddick, P.F. Mantica, R.V.F. Janssens, R. Broda, B.A. Brown, M.P. Carpenter, B. Fornal, A.C. Morton, W.F. Mueller, J. Pavan, A. Stolz, S.L. Tabor, B.E. Tomlin, and M. Wiedeking
A746(2004) p. 140
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Two-Proton Knockout on Neutron-Rich Nuclei
D. Bazin, B.A. Brown, C.M. Campbell, J.A. Church, D.C. Dinca, J. Enders, A. Gade, T. Glasmacher, P.G. Hansen, W.F. Mueller, H. Olliver, B.C. Perry, B.M. Sherrill, J.R. Terry, and J.A. Tostevin
A746(2004) p. 173
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Recent Results from the Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer ISOLTRAP
K. Blaum, G. Audi, D. Beck, G. Bollen, C. Guénaut, P. Delahaye, F. Herfurth, A. Kellerbauer, H.-J. Kluge, D. Lunney, D. Rodríguez, S. Schwarz, L. Schweikhard, C. Weber, and C. Yazidjian
A746(2004) p. 305
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003, edited by G. Savard, C.N. Davids, and C.J. Lister; Nucl. Phys
Radioactive Nuclei on Accreting Neutron Stars
H. Schatz
A746(2004) p. 347
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003, edited by G. Savard, C.N. Davids, and C.J. Lister; Nucl. Phys
The 17F(p,γ)18Ne Direct Capture Cross Section
J.C. Blackmon, D.W. Bardayan, C.R. Brune, F. Carstoiu, A.E. Champagne, R. Crespo, T. Davinson, J.C. Fernandes, C.A. Gagliardi, U. Greife, C.J. Gross, P.A. Hausladen, C. Iliadis, C.C. Jewett, R.L. Kozub, T.A. Lewis, F. Liang, B.H. Moazen, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, C.D. Nesaraja, F.M. Nunes, P.D. Parker, D.C. Radford, L. Sahin, J.P. Scott, D. Shapira, M.S. Smith, J.S. Thomas, L. Trache, R.E. Tribble, P.J. Woods, and C.-H. Yu
A746(2004) p. 365
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
LISE++: Design Your Own Spectrometer
O.B. Tarasov and D. Bazin
A746(2004) p. 411
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
A Highly Selective Laser Ion Source for Bunched, Low Emittance Beam Release
K. Wendt, K. Blaum, K. Brück, Ch. Geppert, H.-J. Kluge, M. Mukherjee, G. Passler, S. Schwarz, S. Sirotzki, and K. Wies
A746(2004) p. 47
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003
Nuclear Structure of Light Exotic Nuclei from Break-Up Reactions
D. Cortina, J. Fernandez-Vazquez, T. Aumann, T. Baumann, J. Benlliure, M.J.G. Borge, L.V. Chulkov, U. Datta Pramanik, C. Forssén, L.M. Fraile, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, F. Hammache, K. Itahashi, R. Janik, B. Jonson, S. Mandal, K. Markenroth, M. Meister, M. Mocko, G. Münzenberg, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, Y. Prezado, V. Pribora, K. Riisager, H. Scheit, R. Schneider, G. Schrieder, H. Simon, B. Sitar, A. Stolz, P. Strmen, K. Sümmerer, I. Szarka, and H. Weick
A746(2004) p. 479
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Masses Along the rp-process Path and Large Scale Surveys on Cu, Ni and Ga with ISOLTRAP
F. Herfurth, G. Audi, D. Beck, K. Blaum, G. Bollen, P. Delahaye, C. Guénaut, A. Kellerbauer, H.-J. Kluge, D. Lunney, D. Rodríguez, S. Saxena, S. Schwarz, L. Schweikhard, G. Sikler, and C. Yazidjian
A746(2004) p. 487
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Single Proton Knock-out from 24F
M. Thoennessen, T. Baumann, B.A. Brown, J. Enders, N.H. Frank, P.G. Hansen, P. Heckman, B.A. Luther, J.P. Seitz, A. Stolz, and E. Tryggestad
A746(2004) p. 536
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Radioactive Ion Beams in the Region of 100Sn and 78Ni at the NSCL
A. Stolz, A. Estrade, A.D. Davies, T.N. Ginter, P.T. Hosmer, E. Kwan, S.N. Liddick, P.F. Mantica, T.J. Mertzimekis, F.A. Montes, D.J. Morrissey, A.C. Morton, M. Ouellette, E. Pellegrini, P. Santi, H. Schatz, M. Steiner, A.E. Stuchbery, B.E. Tomlin, W.B. Walters, A. Woehr, O. Arndt, K.-L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer, and P. Reeder
A746(2004) p. 54
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003, edited by G. Savard, C.N. Davids, and C.J. Lister; Nucl. Phys
Half-Life Limit of 19Mg
N. Frank, T. Baumann, D. Bazin, R.R.C. Clement, M.W. Cooper, P. Heckman, W.A. Peters, A. Stolz, M. Thoennessen, and M.S. Wallace
A746(2004) p. 551
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
Towards Precision Experiments with LEBIT at NSCL/MSU
G. Bollen, S. Schwarz, D. Davies, P. Lofy, D.J. Morrissey, R. Ringle, P. Schury, T. Sun, and L. Weissman
A746(2004) p. 597
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
What Are the Advantages of a Three Body Model with Core Excitation for 21Ne and 21Na?
F.M. Nunes and I.J. Thompson
A746(2004) p. 61
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003
Towards High-Precision Mass Measurements on 74Rb for a Test of the CVC Hypothesis and the Unitarity of the CKM Matrix
A. Kellerbauer, G. Audi, D. Beck, K. Blaum, G. Bollen, P. Delahaye, F. Herfurth, H.-J. Kluge, V. Kolhinen, M. Mukherjee, D. Rodriguez, and S. Schwarz
A746(2004) p. 635
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
First Extraction Tests of the NSCL Gas Cell
L. Weissman, P.A. Lofy, D.A. Davies, D.J. Morrissey, P. Schury, S. Schwarz, T. Sun, and G. Bollen
A746(2004) p. 655
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB-6), Argonne, Illinois, September 22-26, 2003; Nucl. Phys
5-Quark Baryon θ+ and Related Topics of Spring-8
H. Kohri, D.S. Ahn, J.K. Ahn, H. Akimune, Y. Asano, W.C. Chang, S. Date, H. Ejiri, H. Fujimura, M. Fujiwara, K. Hicks, T. Hotta, K. Imai, T. Ishikawa, T. Iwata, H. Kawai, Z.Y. Kim, K. Kino, N. Kumagai, S. Makino, T. Matsumura, N. Matsuoka, T. Mibe, K. Miwa, M. Miyabe, Y. Miyachi, M. Morita, N. Muramatsu, T. Nakano, M. Niiyama, M. Nomachi, Y. Ohashi, T. Ooba, H. Ohkuma, D.S. Oshuev, C. Rangacharyulu, A. Sakaguchi, T. Sasaki, P.M. Shagin, Y. Shiino, H. Shimizu, Y. Sugaya, M. Sumihama, H. Toyokawa, A. Wakai, C.W. Wang, S.C. Wang, K. Yonehara, T. Yorita, M. Yoshimura, M. Yosoi, and R.G.T. Zegers
B35 (2004) p. 1003
Proceedings of 28th Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Krzyze, Poland, August 31 – September 7, 2003; Acta Phys. Polon
Mass Measurements and Nuclear Physics – Recent Results from ISOLTRAP
F. Herfurth, F. Ames, G. Audi, D. Beck, K. Blaum, G. Bollen, A. Kellerbauer, H.-J. Kluge, M. Kuckein, D. Lunney, R.B. Moore, M. Oinonen, D. Rodriguez, E. Sauvan, C. Scheidenberger, S. Schwarz, G. Sikler, C. Weber, and the ISOLDE collaboration
B36 (2004) p. 931
Proceedings of the International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Interactions, Wildbad-Kreuth, Germany, August 25-30, 2002; Journal of Physics
Penning Trap Mass Measurements on Rare Isotopes - Status and New Developments
G. Bollen and S. Schwarz
B36 (2004) p. 941
Proceedings of the International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Interactions, Wildbad-Kreuth, Germany, August 25-30, 2002; Journal of Physics
Fluctuations and Correlations in STAR
G.D. Westfall (for the STAR Collaboration)
G30 (2004) p. S1389
Proceedings of Quark Matter 2004 - the 17th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Oakland, California, January 11-17, 2004

Oral Contributions

Supernova Collapse Calculations
W. Bauer
Cosmic Ray International Seminar - GZK and Surroundings, CRIS 2004, Catania, Italy, May 31 – June 4, 2004
Deep Heating in Accreting Neutron Stars
E.F. Brown
Neutron Stars:
Structure and Cooling, ECT, Trento, Italy, September 2004
Nuclear Astrophysics
H. Schatz
Lectures at European Graduate School on Complex Systems of Hadrons and Nuclei, Rauischholzhausen, Germany, February 24-28, 2004
Super-Radiance - From Optics and Nuclear Physics to Pentaquarks
V. Zelevinsky
89th Symposium, "Physics of the Microworld: From Quarks to Nanostructures," New York, New York, October 15-16, 2004
The Science of RIA
B.M. Sherrill
XXII International Linear Accelerator Conference, Lübeck, Germany, August 16-20, 2004
Ion Extraction Studies with the NSCL Gas-Cell System
D.J. Morrissey
European Ion Catcher Meeting, Krakow, Poland, June 3-5, 2004
Direct Reactions of Exotic Beams with γ-ray Spectroscopy
T. Glasmacher
International Workshop on Spectroscopic Factors, Trento, Italy, March 2-12, 2004
30 Years of Superconducting Cyclotron Technology
H.G. Blosser
17th International Conference on Cyclotrons and Their Applications, Tokyo Japan, October 18-22, 2004
End-to-End Beam Simulations for the MSU RIA Driver Linac
X. Wu
XXII International Linear Accelerator Conference, Lübeck, Germany, August 16-20, 2004
Nuclear Physics on Accreting Neutron Stars - From X-ray Bursts to Superbursts
H. Schatz
Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Congress, Winnipeg, Canada, June 13-16, 2004
Direct Reactions with Fast Radioactive Beams
P.G. Hansen
International Workshop on Spectroscopic Factors, Trento, Italy, March 2-12, 2004
Radioactive Beam Facilities in USA: Current Status and Future
G. Bollen
17th International Conference on Cyclotrons and Their Applications, Tokyo Japan, October 18-22, 2004
Nuclear Symmetry Energy
P. Danielewicz
Hokkaido Workshop on Supernova Explosion and Nuclear Equation of State, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, August 18, 2004
Isoscaling in Nuclear Reactions
M.B. Tsang
2004 Chemistry Gordon Conference, New London, New Hampshire, June 13-18, 2004
Absolute Occupancies of Single-Particle Orbitals in Drip-Line Nuclei
P.G. Hansen
International Workshop on Spectroscopic Factors, Trento, Italy, March 2-12, 2004
Study of Space Charge Effects Using a Small Storage Ring that Works in the Isochronous Regime
F. Marti
17th International Conference on Cyclotrons and Their Applications, Tokyo Japan, October 18-22, 2004
Spectroscopic Studies of Exotic Nuclei
T. Glasmacher
11th Euro Summer School on Exotic Beams, Guildford, United Kingdom, August 19-27, 2004
Nuclear Transport Theory
P. Danielewicz
Second World Consensus Initiative 2004 (WCI-II 2004) Workshop, Northampton, Massachusetts, June 18-19, 2004
Astrophysics with RIA
H. Schatz
RIA Facility Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, March 9-13, 2004
Status of the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at NSCL
P.S. Miller
17th International Conference on Cyclotrons and Their Applications, Tokyo Japan, October 18-22, 2004
Nuclear Symmetry Energy
P. Danielewicz
Symposium on Nuclear Equation of State Used in Astrophysics Models, Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, August 22-26, 2004
Experimental Case for the Liquid-Gas Phase Transition
W.G. Lynch
Second World Consensus Initiative 2004 (WCI-II 2004) Workshop, Northampton, Massachusetts, June 18-19, 2004
New Magic Numbers Towards the Drip Lines
B.A. Brown
CMA Workshop on Computational Advances in the Nuclear Many-Body Problem, Oslo, Norway, March 11-13, 2004
*Knockout Reaction Studies of Neutron-Rich Nuclei near N=28
P. Cottle
NSCL User Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, October 25-26, 2004
Probing Dense Asymmetric Matter
W.G. Lynch
Symposium on Nuclear Equation of State Used in Astrophysics Models, Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, August 22-26, 2004
Comparison of Statistical Models for Fragment Production
M.B. Tsang
Second World Consensus Initiative 2004 (WCI-II 2004) Workshop, Northampton, Massachusetts, June 18-19, 2004
Correlations and Fluctuations in STAR
G.D. Westfall
20th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Trelawny Beach, Jamaica, March 15-20, 2004
*Investigating 7He and 11Be with MoNA and the Sweeper: First Results
P. DeYoung
NSCL User Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, October 25-26, 2004
Nuclear Physics of X-ray Bursts as Probe of Neutron Stars
H. Schatz
Symposium on Nuclear Equation of State Used in Astrophysics Models, Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, August 22-26, 2004
Chemical Evolution of the Universe and the Role of Radioacitve Nuclear Beams
B.M. Sherrill
2004 International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2004), Göteborg, Sweden, June 27 - July 2, 2004
Resource Sharing of Online Teaching Materials: The LON-CAPA Project
W. Bauer
March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004
NSCL Facility Overview
T. Glasmacher
NSCL User Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, October 25-26, 2004
Random Interactions and Ground State Spin of Finite Fermi Systems
V. Zelevinsky
XII International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 23-27, 2004
First Observation of 60Ge
M. Thoennessen
2004 International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2004), Göteborg, Sweden, June 27 - July 2, 2004
Kinetic Theory for Heavy Ion Collisions and Stellar Collapse - Unified Approach
W. Bauer
International Workshop on Hot and Dense Matter in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Budapest, Hungary, March 24-27, 2004
*Beta Delayed Neutron and Gamma Rays from Decay of Neutron Rich Cobalt Isotopes and Production Rates and Background for 45Fe
C. Mazzocchi
NSCL User Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, October 25-26, 2004
Spartak T. Belyaev – Recipient of the Feenberg Medal
V. Zelevinsky
XII International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 23-27, 2004
The Nuclear Pairing Problem: New Perspectives
V. Zelevinsky
2004 International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2004), Göteborg, Sweden, June 27 - July 2, 2004
Towards the Three-Dimensional Imaging of Sources
P. Danielewicz
International Workshop on Hot and Dense Matter in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Budapest, Hungary, March 24-27, 2004
*Isomer Studies in the Neutron-Rich Zn and Cu Isotopes
J. Ressler
NSCL User Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, October 25-26, 2004
Nuclear Spectroscopy with Fast Exotic Beams
A. Gade
XXXIX Zakopane School of Physics, International Symposium on Atomic Nuclei at Extreme Values of Temperature, Spin and Isospin, Zakopane, Poland, August 31 - September 5, 2004
Nuclear Structure: Nuclear Forces, Shell Model, Collective Models, and Methods
P.F. Mantica
invited lectures at the National Nuclear Chemistry Summer School, Brookhaven, New York, June 28 - July 2, 2004
The Toolbox for High-Precision Mass Spectrometry
G. Bollen
NIPNET Workshop on High-Precision Mass Measurements, Saariselkä, Finland, April 18-20, 2004
*(d,p) and (d,n) Reactions at Intermediate Energies
B. Roeder
NSCL User Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, October 25-26, 2004
Explosive Hydrogen Burning
H. Schatz
Workshop on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics - Challanges and Opportunities, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 7-9, 2004
Charge Exchange and Weak Strength for Astrophysics
S.M. Austin
Workshop on Supernova Theory and Nucleosynthesis, Seattle, Washington, July 15-17, 2004
Spectroscopic Factors from Nucleon Knockout with Radioactive Projectiles
P.G. Hansen
Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Denver, Colorado, May 1-4, 2004
*Excited-State g-factor Measurements in 38,40S with Fast Fragment Beams
A. Stuchbery
NSCL User Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, October 25-26, 2004
Weak Strength for Astrophysics
S.M. Austin
First Argonne/MSU/JINA/INT RIA Workshop, Seattle, Washington, January 8-10, 2004
New Magic Numbers Towards the Drip Lines
B.A. Brown
Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Society of Brazil, Santos, Brazil, September 7-11, 2004
Making Carbon in Stars
S.M. Austin
Nuclei in the Cosmos VIII, Vancouver, Canada, July 18-23, 2004
Collective Motion in Heavy-Ion Collisions and Star Collapses
W. Bauer
Blueprints for the Nucleus Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, May 17-22, 2004
*Spectroscopy of 27-29Na through Beta-Decay of Ne Isotopes
I. Wiedenhoever
NSCL User Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, October 25-26, 2004
Supernova Modeling via Kinetic Theory
W. Bauer
First Argonne/MSU/JINA/INT RIA Workshop, Seattle, Washington, January 8-10, 2004
Spectroscopic Factors in Exotic Nuclei
A. Gade
Fourth International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses (ENAM'04), Pine Mountain, Georgia, September 12-16, 2004
Experiments with Radioactive Beams of r-process Nuclei
H. Schatz
Nuclei in the Cosmos VIII, Vancouver, Canada, July 18-23, 2004
Rare Isotope Research Capabilities at the NSCL Today and at RIA in the Future
C.K. Gelbke
8th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Key Topics in Nuclear Structure, Paestum, Italy, May 23-27, 2004
The RIA Beta Decay Station
P.F. Mantica
Workshop on Experimental Methods for Next Generation Rare Isotope Beams, Chicago, Illinois, October 27, 2004
Fluctuations and Correlations in STAR
G.D. Westfall
Quark Matter 2004 - 17th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Oakland, California, January 11-17, 2004
Beta Decay Studies of n-Rich Nuclei
P.F. Mantica
Fourth International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses (ENAM'04), Pine Mountain, Georgia, September 12-16, 2004
Knockout Reactions with Rare Isotope Beams
P.G. Hansen
Workshop on New Perspectives on p-Shell Nuclei - The Nuclear Shell Model and Beyond, East Lansing, Michigan, July 22-24, 2004
Super-radiance: From Nuclear Physics to Pentaquarks
V. Zelevinsky
8th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Key Topics in Nuclear Structure, Paestum, Italy, May 23-27, 2004
Detection Methods for Fragmentation Beams
M. Thoennessen
Workshop on Experimental Methods for Next Generation Rare Isotope Beams, Chicago, Illinois, October 27, 2004
Bulk Nuclear Properties from Reactions
P. Danielewicz
First World Consensus Initiative Workshop, Catania, Italy, January 19-24, 2004
New Directions in Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities for Accelerators
T.L. Grimm
2004 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, October 3-8, 2004
Shell-Model Configuration Mixing – Phenomenology and Foundations
B.A. Brown
Conference on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, Illinois, July 26-30, 2004
r-process Experiments
H. Schatz
ECT Workshop on Advances and Challenges in Nuclear Astrophysics, Trento, Italy, May 24-28, 2004
Reaction Studies and Astrophysics with In-Flight Beams
R.G.T. Zegers
Workshop on Experimental Methods for Next Generation Rare Isotope Beams, Chicago, Illinois, October 27, 2004
Summary of the Session on Equilibrium in Reactions
P. Danielewicz
First World Consensus Initiative Workshop, Catania, Italy, January 19-24, 2004
A Radiation Resistant Dipole Magnet
A.F. Zeller
2004 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, October 3-8, 2004
Observation of the First 2+ State in 40Si and Trends in Collectivity Approaching N = 28
C.M. Campbell
Conference on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, Illinois, July 26-30, 2004
Correlations in Nuclear and Atomic Wavefunctions
P.G. Hansen
Symposium HHA04 – Basic and Applied Physics with Accelerators, Odense, Denmark, May 26, 2004
First Observation of 60Ge and 64Se
A. Stolz
Fall Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Division of the American Physical Society, Chicago, Illinois, October 27-30, 2004
Dynamics and Thermodynamics with Nucleonic Degrees of Freedom
M.B. Tsang
First World Consensus Initiative Workshop, Catania, Italy, January 19-24, 2004
New Magic Numbers Towards the Drip Lines
B.A. Brown
Workshop on Nuclear Forces and the Quantum Many-Body Problem, Seattle, Washington, October 4-8, 2004
Neutron-Rich Ti Isotopes and Possible N=32 and N=34 Shell Gaps
D.-C. Dinca
Conference on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, Illinois, July 26-30, 2004
Experiments at the New Superconducting Coupled-Cyclotron Facility at MSU
P.G. Hansen
Annual Meeting of the Danish Physical Society, Nyborg, Denmark, May 27-28, 2004
Modern Nuclear Chemistry at Michigan State University
D.J. Morrissey
American Nuclear Society National Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 3-6, 2004
In-Beam Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy with Fast Exotic Beams and SeGA at the NSCL
T. Glasmacher
Miniball Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, February 5-7, 2004
Beta-Decay Studies of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Produced Using Projectile Fragmentation at the NSCL
P.F. Mantica
18th International Conference on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2004), Fort Worth, Texas, October 10-15, 2004
Nuclear Chirality
K. Starosta
Conference on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, Illinois, July 26-30, 2004
Balance Functions and pT Fluctuations at RHIC
G.D. Westfall
QCD Phase Diagram: From Theory to Experiment, Skopelos, Greece, May 29 – June 1, 2004
Isoscaling in Statistical Models
M.B. Tsang
Subal Das Gupta Festschrift, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, December 4, 2004
Weak Strength in Astrophysics
S.M. Austin
International Symposium on Spin and Quantum Structure in Hadrons, Nuclei, and Atoms (SQS04), Tokyo, Japan, February 19-21, 2004
Production of Rare Isotope Beams with the NSCL Fragment Separator
18th International Conference on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2004), Fort Worth, Texas, October 10-15, 2004
First Observation of 60Ge and 64Se
A. Stolz
Conference on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, Illinois, July 26-30, 2004
Charge-Exchange Reactions at High Energies
C.A. Bertulani
JINA Charge-Exchange Reaction Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, May 31 - June 4, 2004
Deep Crustal Heating: Theory and Observations
E.F. Brown
JINA Workshop on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics of Accreting Neutron Stars, Santa Barbara, California, April 23-24, 2004
Low-Energy Structure of Exotic Nuclei Studied at the NSCL Using Beta-Delayed Gamma Ray and Beta-NMR Spectroscopies
P.F. Mantica
International Symposium on Spin and Quantum Structure in Hadrons, Nuclei, and Atoms (SQS04), Tokyo, Japan, February 19-21, 2004
Design of SuSI - Superconducting Source for Ions at NSCL/MSU - II. The Conventional Parts
P.A. Zavodszky
18th International Conference on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2004), Fort Worth, Texas, October 10-15, 2004
Many-Body Physics on the Border of Nuclear Stability
V. Zelevinsky
Conference on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, Illinois, July 26-30, 2004
Gamow-Teller Strength in Nuclei and Using the Oxbash Shell-Model Code for Windows PC
B.A. Brown
JINA Charge-Exchange Reaction Workshop, East Lansing, Michigan, May 31 - June 4, 2004
Diversity in Type Ia Supernovae
E.F. Brown
Meeting on the Chemical Enrichment of the Early Universe, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 9-13, 2004
Nuclei in the Cosmos
S.M. Austin
Lectures at International School associated with SQS04, Tokyo, Japan, February 21, 2004
Three-Dimensional Imaging of Sources in Central Reactions
P. Danielewicz
International Workshop on Future of Nuclear Collisions at High Energies, Kielce, Poland, October 14-17, 2004
Excitations in Neutron-Rich Nuclei with γ-ray Spectroscopy Techniques
T. Glasmacher
Lectures at Third RIA Summer School on Exotic Beam Physics, Argonne, Illinois, August 8-14, 2004


Low Beta Superconducting RF Cavity Power Coupler Development for the Rare Isotope Accelerator
Adam D. Moblo
Terry Grimm
The Viability of Carbon Nanotubes for Space-Related Technology and Applications
Susan P. Song
Virginia Ayres
Phase Space Characterization of an Internal Ion Source for Cyclotrons
Edward Russell Forringer
Henry Blosser
Beta-Decay Studies of Neutron-Rich Nuclides and the Possibility of an N=34 Subshell Closure
Sean Nicholas Liddick
Paul Mantica
Studies of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in the Isochronous Regime with Strong Space Charge Effects Using a Small Isochronous Ring
Jose Alberto Rodriguez
Felix Marti


Proceedings of the 20th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Trelawny Beach, Jamaica, March 15-20, 2004
W. Bauer, D. Kharzeev. R.A. Lacey, M.A. Lisa, and S. Panitkin
EP Systema
"Nuclei and Mesoscopic Systems," Proceedings of the Workshop on Nuclei and Mesoscopic Systems, East Lansing, Michigan, October 23-26, 2004, AIP Conference Proceedings 777
V. Zelevinsky
American Institute of Physics


Order Generated by Random Many-Body Dynamics
A. Volya and V. Zelevinsky
Acta Physica Hungarica 19 p. 221
Balance Functions at RHIC
G.D. Westfall
Acta Physica Hungarica A21 p. 249
Nuclear Astrophysics in Rare Isotope Facilities
C.A. Bertulani
Acta Physica Hungarica A21 p. 307
Dynamical Simulations of Supernovae Collapse and Nuclear Collisions via the Test Particle Method - Similarities and Differences
W. Bauer
Acta Physica Hungarica A21 p. 371
Pushing the Limits of Nuclear Stability
M. Thoennessen
Acta Physica Hungarica A21 p. 379
Superconducting Magnets for RIA
A.F. Zeller
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 49A p. 758
Superburst Ignition and Implications for Neutron Star Interiors
Astrophysical Journal 614 p. L57
Nuclear Reaction Rates and Carbon Star Formation
F. Herwig and S.M. Austin
Astrophysical Journal Letters 613 p. L73
Models for Type I X-Ray Bursts with Improved Nuclear Physics
S.E. Woosley, A. Heger, A. Cumming, R.D. Hoffman, J. Pruet, T. Rauscher, H. Schatz, B.A. Brown, and M. Wiescher
Astrophysical Journal Supplement S151 p. 75
FaCE: A Tool for Three Body Faddeev Calculations with Core Excitation
I.J. Thompson, F.M. Nunes, and B.V. Danilin
Computer Physics Communications 161 p. 87
Study of Light Proton-Rich Nuclei by Complete Kinematic Measurements

T. Zerguerras, B. Blank, Y. Blumenfeld, T. Suomijärvi, D. Beaumel, B.A. Brown, M. Chartier, M. Fallot, J. Giovinazzo, C. Jouanne, V. Lapoux, I. Lhenry-Yvon, W. Mittig, P. Roussel-Chomaz, H. Savajols, J.A. Scarpaci, A. Shrivastava, and M. Thoennessen
European Physical Journal A 20 p. 389
Direct Mass Measurements of Neutron-Deficient Xenon Isotopes Using the ISOLTRAP Mass Spectrometer
J. Dilling, F. Herfurth, A. Kellerbauer, G. Audi, D. Beck, G. Bollen, H.-J. Kluge, R.B. Moore, C. Scheidenberger, S. Schwarz, G. Sikler, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
European Physical Journal A 22 p. 163
Beta Decay of 71Co and 73Co
M. Sawicka, I. Matea, H.Grawe, R. Grzywacz, M. Pfützner, M. Lewitowicz, J.M. Daugas, B.A. Brown, A. Lisetskiy, F. Becker, G. Belier, C. Bingham, R. Borcea, E. Bouchez, A. Buta, E. Dragulescu, G. de France, G. Georgiev, J. Giovinazzo, F. Hammache, F. Ibrahim, P. Mayet, V. Meot, F. Negoita, F. de Oliveira Santos, O. Perru, O. Roig, K. Rykaczewski, M.G. Saint-Laurent, J.E. Sauvestre, O. Sorlin, M. Stanoiu, I. Stefan, C. Stodel, C. Theisen, D. Verney, and J. Zylicz
European Physical Journal A 22 p. 455
Observation of Bound Excited States in 15B
M. Stanoiu, M. Belleguic, Z. Dombrádi, D. Sohler, F. Azaiez, B.A. Brown, M.J. Lopez-Jimenez, M.G. Saint-Laurent, O. Sorlin, Y.E. Penionzhkevich N.L. Achouri, J.C. Angélique, C. Borcea, C. Bourgeois, J. M. Daugas, F. De Oliveira-Santos, Z. Dlouhy, C. Donzaud, J. Duprat, S. Grévy, D. Guillemaud-Mueller, S. Leenhardt, M. Lewitowicz, S. Lukyanov, W. Mittig, , M.G. Porquet, F. Pougheon, P. Roussel-Chomaz, H. Savajols, Y. Sobolev, C. Stodel, and J. Timár
European Physical Journal A 22 p. 5
Population Inversion of Nuclear States by a Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer
K. Blaum, D. Beck, G. Bollen, P. Delahaye., C. Guénaut, F. Herfurth, A. Kellerbauer, H.-J. Kluge, D. Lunney, S. Schwarz, L. Schweikhard, and C. Yazidjian
Europhysics Letters 67 p. 586
Design of a Superferric Dipole Magnet with High Field Quality in the Aperture
A. Kalimov, G. Moritz, and A. Zeller
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 14 p. 271
Cryostat Design and Fabrication for the NHFL/NSCL Sweeper Magnet
M.D. Bird, S. Bole, S. Gundlack, S. Kenney, J. Miller, J. Toth, and A. Zeller
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 14 p. 564
Performance of the High-Energy Single-Event Effects Test Facility (SEETF) at Michigan State University’s National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL)
R. Ladbury, R.A. Reed, P. Marshall, K.A. LaBel, N. Anantaraman, R. Fox, D.P. Sanderson, A. Stolz, J. Yurkon, A.F. Zeller, and J.W. Stetson
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 51 p. 3664
Real-Time Results Without Real-Time Systems
R. Fox, E. Kasten, K. Orji, C. Bolen, C. Maurice, and J. Venema
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 51 p. 571
Magnetic Moment of 17Ne Using beta-NMR and Tilted-Foil Polarization
L.T. Baby, C. Bordeanu, M. Hass, H. Haas, L. Weissman, and B.A. Brown
Journal of Physics G 30 p. 519
Stopping Energetic Heavy-Ions in One-Bar Helium: Narrow Incident Momentum Distributions
L. Weissman, D.A. Davies, P.A. Lofy, and D.J. Morrissey
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 522 p. 212
Investigations and Corrections of the Light Output Uniformity of CsI(Tl) Crystals
M.-J. van Goethem, M.S. Wallace, B.E. Nett, M.A. Famiano, K.R. Herner, D.J. Oostdyk, M. Mocko, W.G. Lynch, M.B. Tsang, P. Schotanus, J. Telfer, H.L. Clark, A. Moroni, R. de Souza, and L.G. Sobotka
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 526 p. 455
Stopping Energetic Heavy-Ions in One-Bar Helium: Broad Incident Momentum Distributions
L. Weissman, D.A. Davies, P.A. Lofy, and D.J. Morrissey
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 531 p. 416
Reaction Cross Section and Matter Radius Measurements of Proton-Rich Ga, Ge, As, Se, and Br Nuclides
G.F.Lima, A. Lépine-Szily, A.C.C. Villari, W. Mittig, R. Lichtenthäler, M. Chartier, N.A. Orr, J.C. Angélique, G. Audi, E. Baldini-Neto, B.V. Carlson, J.M. Casandjian, A. Cunsolo, C. Donzaud, A. Foti, A. Gillibert, D. Hirata, M. Lewitowicz, S. Lukyanov, M. MacCormick, D.J. Morrissey, A.N. Ostrowski, B.M. Sherrill, C. Stephan, T. Suomijärvi, L. Tassan-Got, D.J. Vieira, and J.M. Wouters
Nuclear Physics A 735 p. 303
Insight into Continuum Couplings
F.M. Nunes, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, C.C. Rosa, and B. Irgaziev
Nuclear Physics A 736 p. 255
Production of Neutrons with Protons of 22, 30 and 40 MeV in Stopping Targets of C, Al, Cu, Ag, Ta and Pb
T.M. Amos, R.R. Doering, A. Galonsky, R. Jolly, and M.K. Zigrang
Nuclear Science and Engineering 147 p. 73
Isotope Yields from Central 112,124Sn + 112,124Sn Collisions, Dynamical Emission?
T.X. Liu, M.J. van Goethem, X.D. Liu, W.G. Lynch, R. Shomin, W.P. Tan, M.B. Tsang, G. Verde, A. Wagner, H.F. Xi, H.S. Xu, M. Colonna, M. Di Toro, M. Zielinska-Pfabe, H.H. Wolter, L. Beaulieu, B. Davin, Y. Larochelle, T. Lefort, R.T. de Souza, R. Yanez, V.E. Viola, R.J. Charity, and L.G. Sobotka
Physical Review C 69 p. 014603
Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlations from Reactions with Intermediate-Energy Beams
H. Olliver, T. Glasmacher, and A.E. Stuchbery
Physical Review C 69 p. 024301
Proton Removal from 8B, 9C, and 12C on Si at 20-70 MeV/nucleon
R.E. Warner, F.D. Becchetti, J.A. Brown, A. Galonsky, J.H. Kelley, A. Nadasen, R.M. Ronningen, B.M. Sherrill, J.A. Tostevin, J.S. Winfield, and P. Zecher
Physical Review C 69 p. 024612
Proton vs. Neutron Halo Breakup
A. Bonaccorso, D. Brink, and C.A. Bertulani
Physical Review C 69 p. 024615
Proton-Tetraneutron Elastic Scattering
B.M. Sherrill and C.A. Bertulani
Physical Review C 69 p. 027601
Isoscaling Bearing Information on the Nuclear Caloric Curve
S.R. Souza, R. Donangelo, W.G. Lynch, W.P. Tan, and M.B. Tsang
Physical Review C 69 p. 031607
One-Neutron Knockout Reactions on Proton-Rich Nuclei with N=16
A. Gade, D. Bazin, B.A. Brown, C.M. Campbell, J.A. Church, D.-C. Dinca, J. Enders, T. Glasmacher, P.G. Hansen, Z. Hu, K.W. Kemper, W.F. Mueller, H. Olliver, B.C. Perry, L.A. Riley, B.T. Roeder, B.M. Sherrill, J.R. Terry, J.A. Tostevin, and K.L. Yurkewicz
Physical Review C 69 p. 034311
The N=14 and 16 Shell Gaps in Neutron-Rich Oxygen Isotopes
M. Stanoiu, F. Azaiez, Z. Dombrádi, O. Sorlin, B.A. Brown, M. Belleguic, D. Sohler, M.G. Saint-Laurent, M.J. Lopez-Jimenez, Y.E. Penionzhkevich, G. Sletten, N.L. Achouri, J.C. Angélique, F. Becker, C. Borcea, C. Bourgeois, A. Bracco, J.M. Daugas, Z. Dlouh_, C. Donzaud, J. Duprat, Z. Fülöp, D. Guillemaud-Mueller, S. Grévy, F. Ibrahim, A. Kerek, A. Krasznahorkay, M. Lewitowicz, S. Leehardt, S. Lukyanov, P. Mayet, S. Mandal, H. van der Marel, W. Mittig, J. Mrazek, F. Negoita, F. De Oliveira-Santos, Z. Podolyák, F. Pougheon, M.G. Porquet, P. Roussel-Chomaz, H. Savajols, Y. Sobolev, C. Stodel, J. Timár, and A. Yamamoto
Physical Review C 69 p. 034312
Coupling a Proton and Neutron to the Semi-Doubly Magic Nucleus 68Ni: A Study of 70Cu via the Beta-Decay of 70Ni and 70Cu
J. Van Rossbroeck, H. De Witte, M. Gorska, M. Huyse, K. Kruglov, K. Van de Vel, P. Van Duppen, S. Franchoo, J. Cederkäll, V.N. Fedoseyev, H. Fynbo, U. Georg, O. Jonsson, U. Köster, L. Weissman, W.F. Mueller, V.I. Mishin, D. Fedorov, W.B. Walters, N.A. Smirnova, A. Van Dyck, A. De Maesschalck, and K. Heyde
Physical Review C 69 p. 034313
New Effective Interaction for pf-shell Nuclei and its Implications for the Stability of the N=Z=28 Closed Core
M. Honma, T. Otsuka, B.A. Brown, and T. Mizusaki
Physical Review C 69 p. 034335
Kerman-Klein-Dönau-Frauendorf Model for Odd-Odd Nuclei: Formal Theory
A. Klein, P. Protopapas, S.G. Rohozinski, and K. Starosta
Physical Review C 69 p. 034338
Gyromagnetic Ratios and Octupole Collectivity in the Structure of the 90-96Zr Isotopes
A.E. Stuchbery, N. Benczer-Koller, G. Kumbartzki, and T.J. Mertzimekis
Physical Review C 69 p. 044302
Absolute Spectroscopic Factors from Neutron Knockout on the Halo Nucleus 15C
J.R. Terry, D. Bazin, B.A. Brown, J. Enders, T. Glasmacher, P.G. Hansen, B.M. Sherrill, and J.A. Tostevin
Physical Review C 69 p. 054306
Low-Lying Levels in 59Cr: Inadequacy of the fp Model Space and Onset of Deformation
S.J. Freeman, R.V.F. Janssens, B.A. Brown, M.P. Carpenter, S.M. Fischer, N.J. Hammond, M. Honma, T. Lauritsen, C.J. Lister, T.L. Khoo, G. Mukherjee, D. Seweryniak, J.F. Smith, B.J. Varley, M. Whitehead, and S. Zhu
Physical Review C 69 p. 064301
Transient-Field Strengths for High-Velocity Light Ions and Applications to g-factor Measurements on Fast Exotic Beams
A.E. Stuchbery
Physical Review C 69 p. 064311
Systematic Extraction of Spectroscopic Factors from 12C(d,p)13C and 13C(p,d)12C Reactions
X.D. Liu, M.A. Famiano, W.G. Lynch, M.B. Tsang, and J.A. Tostevin
Physical Review C 69 p. 064313
High-Spin States in 179Au: Spectroscopy of Shape-Driving Orbitals Beyond the Neutron Midshell
W.F. Mueller, W. Reviol, M.P. Carpenter, R.V.F. Janssens, F.G. Kondev, K. Abu Saleem, I. Ahmad, H. Amro, C.R. Bingham, J. Caggiano, C.N. Davids, D. Hartley, A. Heinz, B. Herskind, D. Jenkins, T.L. Khoo, T. Lauritsen, W.C. Ma, J. Ressler, L.L. Riedinger, D.G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak, S. Siem, A.A. Sonzogni, J. Uusitalo, P.G. Varmette, I. Wiedenhöver, and R. Wadsworth
Physical Review C 69 p. 064315
7Be Breakup on Heavy and Light Targets
N.C. Summers and F.M. Nunes
Physical Review C 70 p. 011602
High-Lying Single-Particle Modes, Chaos, Correlational Entropy, and Doubling Phase Transition
C. Stoyanov and V. Zelevinsky
Physical Review C 70 p. 014302
Effects of In-Medium Cross Sections and Optical Potential on Thermal-Source Formation in p + 197Au Reactions at 6.2-14.6 GeV/c
S. Turbide, L. Beaulieu, P. Danielewicz, V.E. Viola, R. Roy, K. Kwiatkowski, W.-C. Hsi, G. Wang, T. Lefort, D.S. Bracken, H. Breuer, E. Cornell, F. Gimeno-Nogues, D.S. Ginger, S. Gushue, R. Huang, R. Korteling, W.G. Lynch, K.B. Morley, E. Ramakrishnan, L.P. Remsberg, D. Rowland, M.B. Tsang, H. Xi, and S.J. Yennello
Physical Review C 70 p. 014608
Beta Decay of 47Ar
L. Weissman, O. Arndt, U. Bergmann, B.A. Brown, R. Catherall, J. Cederkäll, I. Dillmann, O. Hallmann, L. Fraile, S. Franchoo, L. Gaudefroy, U. Köster, K.-L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer, and O. Sorlin
Physical Review C 70 p. 024304
Interplay of Initial Deformation and Coulomb Proximity on Nuclear Decay
S. Hudan, R. Alfaro, L. Beaulieu, B. Davin, Y. Larochelle, T. Lefort, V.E. Viola, H. Xu, R. Yanez, R.T. de Souza, R.J. Charity, L.G. Sobotka, T.X. Liu, X.D. Liu, W.G. Lynch, R. Shomin, W.P. Tan, M.B. Tsang, A.Vander Molen, A. Wagner, and H. F. Xi
Physical Review C 70 p. 031601
Production of e+e- Pairs Accompanied by Nuclear Disassociation in Ultraperipheral Heavy Ion Collisions
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes A. Vander Molen and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review C 70 p. 031902
Intermediate-Energy Coulomb Excitation of 52Fe
K.L. Yurkewicz, D. Bazin, B.A. Brown, C.M. Campbell, J.A. Church, D.-C. Dinca, A. Gade, T. Glasmacher, M. Honma, T. Mizusaki, W.F. Mueller, H. Olliver, T. Otsuka, L.A. Riley, and J.R. Terry
Physical Review C 70 p. 034301
Probing the Sustainability of the N = 82 and Z = 50 Shell Closures for Neutron-Rich Nuclides: Decay of 120Rh to levels of 120Pd
W.B. Walters, B.E. Tomlin, P.F. Mantica, B.A. Brown, J. Rikovska Stone, A.D. Davies, A. Estrade, P.T. Hosmer, N. Hoteling, S.N. Liddick, T.J. Mertzimekis, F. Montes, A.C. Morton, W.F. Mueller, M. Ouellette, E. Pellegrini, P. Santi, D. Seweryniak, H. Schatz, J. Shergur, and A. Stolz
Physical Review C 70 p. 034314
Momentum Distributions in Stripping Reactions of Radioactive Projectiles at Intermediate Energies
C.A. Bertulani and P.G. Hansen
Physical Review C 70 p. 034609
Rapidity and Centrality Dependence of Proton and Antiproton Production from 197Au+197Au at √sNN = 130 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes M.B. Tonjes, A. Vander Molen, and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review C 70 p. 041901
Onset of Intruder Ground State in Exotic Na Isotopes and Evolution of the N=20 Shell Gap
Y. Utsuno, T. Otsuka, T. Glasmacher, T. Mizusaki, and M. Honma
Physical Review C 70 p. 044307
New T=1 Effective Interactions for the f5/2, p3/2, p1/2, g9/2 Model Space: Implications for Valence-Mirror Symmetry and Seniority Isomers
A.F. Lisetskiy, B.A. Brown, M. Horoi, and H. Grawe
Physical Review C 70 p. 044314
Centrality and Pseudorapidity Dependence of Charged Hadron Production at Intermediate pT in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 130 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes A. Vander Molen and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review C 70 p. 044901
Photon and Neutral Pion Production in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 130 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes M.B. Tonjes, A. Vander Molen, and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review C 70 p. 044902
Isospin Symmetry of TZ = ±3/2 going to ±1/2 Gamow-Teller Transitions in the A=41 Nuclear System
Y. Fujita, Y. Shimbara, T. Adachi, G.P.A. Berg, B.A. Brown, H. Fujita, K. Hatanaka, J. Kamiya, K. Nakanishi, Y. Sakemi, S. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, Y. Tameshige, M. Uchida, T. Wakasa, and M. Yosoi
Physical Review C 70 p. 054311
Nuclear Structure in the Vicinity of N=Z=28 56Ni
K.L. Yurkewicz, D. Bazin, B.A. Brown, C.M. Campbell, J.A. Church, D.-C. Dinca, A. Gade, T. Glasmacher, M. Honma, T. Mizusaki, W.F. Mueller, H. Olliver, T. Otsuka, L.A. Riley, and J.R. Terry
Physical Review C 70 p. 054319
Measurements of Transverse Energy Distributions in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN= 200 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes A. Vander Molen and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review C 70 p. 054907
Beta decay of 26Ne
L. Weissman, O. Arndt, U. Bergmann, J. Cederkäll, I. Dillmann, O. Hallmann, L. Fraile, S. Franchoo, L. Gaudefroy, U. Köster, K.-L. Kratz, A.F. Lisetskiy, B. Pfeiffer, O. Sorlin, and S. Tabor
Physical Review C 70 p. 057306
Development of Shell Closures at N = 32, 34. I. Beta Decay of Neutron-Rich Sc Isotopes
S.N. Liddick, P.F. Mantica, R. Broda, B.A. Brown, M.P. Carpenter, A.D. Davies, B. Fornal, T. Glasmacher, D.E. Groh, M. Honma, M. Horoi, R.V.F. Janssens, T. Mizusaki, D.J. Morrissey, A.C. Morton, W.F. Mueller, T. Otsuka, J. Pavan, H. Schatz, A. Stolz, S.L. Tabor, B.E. Tomlin, and M. Wiedeking
Physical Review C 70 p. 064303
Development of Shell Closures at N = 32, 34. II. Lowest Yrast Excitations in Even-Even Ti Isotopes From Deep-Inelastic Heavy-Ion Collisions
B. Fornal, S. Zhu, R.V.F. Janssens, M. Honma, R. Broda, P.F. Mantica, B.A. Brown, M.P. Carpenter, P.J. Daly, S.J. Freeman, Z.W. Grabowski, N. Hammond, F.G. Kondev, W. Krolas, T. Lauritsen, S.N. Liddick, C.J. Lister, E. F. Moore, T. Otsuka, T. Pawlat, D. Seweryniak, B.E. Tomlin, and J. Wrzensinski,
Physical Review C 70 p. 064304
E2 Excitation Strength in 55Ni: Coupling of the 56Ni 2+1 Collective Core Vibration to the f7/2 Odd Neutron Hole
K.L. Yurkewicz, D. Bazin, B.A. Brown, C.M. Campbell, J.A. Church, D.-C. Dinca, A. Gade, T. Glasmacher, M. Honma, T. Mizusaki, W.F. Mueller, H. Olliver, T. Otsuka, L.A. Riley, and J.R. Terry
Physical Review C 70 p. 064321
Correlated Two-Nucleon Stripping Reactions
J.A. Tostevin, G. Podolyák, B.A. Brown, and P.G. Hansen
Physical Review C 70 p. 064602
Pseudorapidity Asymmetry and Centrality Dependence of Charged Hadron Spectra in d + Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes A. Vander Molen and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review C 70 p. 064907
Fixed Spin and Parity Nuclear Level Density for Restricted Shell Model Configurations
M. Horoi, M. Ghita and V. Zelevinsky
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 69 p. 041307(R)
Spin Determination of Particle Unstable Levels with Particle Correlations
W.P. Tan, W.G. Lynch, T.X. Liu, X.D. Liu, M.B. Tsang, G. Verde, A. Wagner, H.S. Xu, B. Davin, R.T. de Souza, Y. Larochelle, R. Yanez, R.J. Charity, and L.G. Sobotka
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 69 p. 061304(R)
Symmetry Energy for Fragmentation in Dynamical Nuclear Collisions
A. Ono, P. Danielewicz, W.A. Friedman, W.G. Lynch, and M.B. Tsang
Physical Review C - Rapid Communications 70 p. 041604(R)
Particle-Type Dependence of Azimuthal Anisotropy and Nuclear Modification of Particle Production in Au + Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes M.B. Tonjes, A. Vander Molen, and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 052302
Azimuthal Anisotropy at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider: The First and Fourth Harmonics
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes M.B. Tonjes, A. Vander Molen, and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 062301
Isospin Diffusion and the Nuclear Symmetry Energy in Heavy Ion Reactions
M.B. Tsang, T.X. Liu, L. Shi, P. Danielewicz, C.K. Gelbke, X.D. Liu, W.G. Lynch, W.P. Tan, G. Verde, A. Wagner, H.S. Xu, W.A. Friedman, L. Beaulieu, B. Davin, R.T. de Souza, Y. Larochelle, T. Lefort, R. Yanez, V.E. Viola, Jr., R.J. Charity, and L.G. Sobotka
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 062701
Azimuthal Dependence of Collective Expansion for Mid-Central, Symmetric Heavy-Ion Collisions
FOPI Collaboration and P. Danielewicz
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 072303
Lowest Excitations in 56Ti and the Predicted N = 34 Shell Closure
S.N. Liddick, P.F. Mantica, R.V.F. Jannsens, R. Broda, B.A. Brown, M.P. Carpenter, B. Fornal, M. Honma, T. Mizusaki, A.C. Morton, W.F. Mueller, T. Otsuka, J. Pavan, A. Stolz, S.L. Tabor, B.E. Tomlin, and M. Wiedeking
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 072502
ρ0 Production and Possible Modification in Au+Au and p+p Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes M.B. Tonjes, A. Vander Molen, and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 092301
Identified Particle Distributions in pp and Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes M.B. Tonjes, A. Vander Molen, and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 112301
Unambiguous Identification of Three Beta-Decaying Isomers in 70Cu
J. Van Roosbroeck, C. Guenaut, G. Audi, D. Beck, K. Blaum, G. Bollen, J. Cederkäll, P. Delahaye, A. De Maesschalck, H. De Witte, D. Fedorov, V.N. Fedoseyev, S. Franchoo, H.O.U. Fynbo, M. Gorska, F. Herfurth, K. Heyde, M. Huyse, A. Kellerbauer, H.-J. Kluge, U. Köster, K. Kruglov, D. Lunney, V.I. Mishin, W.F. Mueller, S. Nagy, S. Schwarz, L. Schweikhard, N.A. Smirnova, K. Van de Vel, P. Van Duppen, A. Van Dyck, W.B. Walters, L. Weissman, and C. Yazidjian
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 112501
Cross Sections and Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries in Forward Neutral-Pion Production from Proton Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes M.B. Tonjes, A. Vander Molen, and G.D. Westfall
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 171801
New Approach for Measuring Properties of rp-process Nuclei
R.R.C. Clement, D. Bazin, W. Benenson, B.A. Brown, A.L. Cole, M.W. Cooper, P.A. DeYoung, A. Estrade, M.A. Famiano, N.H. Frank, A. Gade, T. Glasmacher, P.T. Hosmer, W.G. Lynch, F. Montes, W.F. Mueller, G.F. Peaslee, P. Santi, H. Schatz, B.M. Sherrill, M.-J. van Goethem, and M.S. Wallace
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 172502
Multistrange Baryon Production in Au-Au Collisions at √sNN = 130 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes A. Vander Molen and G.D. Westfall
Physical Review Letters 92 p. 182301
Azimuthally Sensitive Hanbury Brown - Twiss Interferometry in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes M.B. Tonjes, A. Vander Molen and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review Letters 93 p. 012301
Reduced Occupancy of the Deeply Bound 0d5/2 Neutron State in 32Ar
A. Gade, D. Bazin, B.A. Brown, C.M. Campbell, J.A. Church, D.C. Dinca, J. Enders, T. Glasmacher, P.G. Hansen, Z. Hu, K.W. Kemper, W.F. Mueller, H. Olliver, B.C. Perry, L.A. Riley, B.T. Roeder, B.M. Sherrill, J.R. Terry, J.A. Tostevin, and K.L. Yurkewicz
Physical Review Letters 93 p. 042501
Shell Structure of the Near-Dripline Nucleus 23O
D. Cortina-Gil, J. Fernandez-Vazquez, T. Aumann, T. Baumann, J. Benlliure, M. J. G. Borge, L. V. Chulkov, U. Datta Pramanik, C. Forssén, L. M. Fraile, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, F. Hammache, K. Itahashi, R. Janik, B. Jonson, S. Mandal, K. Markenroth, M. Meister, M. Mocko, G. Münzenberg, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, Y. Prezado, V. Pribora, K. Riisager, H. Scheit, R. Schneider, G. Schrieder, H. Simon, B. Sitar, A. Stolz, P. Strmen, K. Sümmerer, I. Szarka, and H. Weick
Physical Review Letters 93 p. 062501
Direct Mass Measurements on the Superallowed Emitter 74Rb and Its Daughter 74Kr: Isospin-Symmetry-Breaking Correction for Standard-Model Tests
A. Kellerbauer, G. Audi, D. Beck, K. Blaum, G. Bollen, B.A. Brown, P. Delahaye, C. Guénaut, F. Herfurth, H.-J. Kluge, D. Lunney, S. Schwarz, L. Schweikhard, and C. Yazidjian
Physical Review Letters 93 p. 072502
The Mass of 22Mg
M. Mukherjee, A. Kellerbauer, D. Beck, K. Blaum, G. Bollen, F. Carrel, P. Delahaye, J. Dilling, S. George, C. Guénaut, F. Herfurth, A. Herlert, H.-J. Kluge, U. Köster, D. Lunney, S. Schwarz, L. Schweikhard, and C. Yazidjian
Physical Review Letters 93 p. 150801
Mass Measurement on the rp-process Waiting Point 72Kr
D. Rodríguez, V.S. Kolhinen, G. Audi, J. Äystö, D. Beck, K. Blaum, G. Bollen, F. Herfurth, A. Jokinen, A. Kellerbauer, H.-J. Kluge, M. Oinonen, H. Schatz, E. Sauvan, and S. Schwarz
Physical Review Letters 93 p. 161104
Chiral Bands, Dynamical Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, and the Selection Rule for Electromagnetic Transitions in the Chiral Geometry
T. Koike, K. Starosta, and I. Hamamoto
Physical Review Letters 93 p. 172502
Azimuthal Anisotropy and Correlations at Large Transverse Momenta in p + p and Au + Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration; includes A. Vander Molen and G.D. Westfall)
Physical Review Letters 93 p. 252301
Entropy Production at RHIC
S. Pal and S. Pratt
Physics Letters B 578 p. 310
Electronic Stopping in Astrophysical Fusion Reactions
C.A. Bertulani
Physics Letters B 585 p. 35
Isospin Symmetry Breaking and the Nuclear Shell Model
J.F. Shriner, G.E. Mitchell, and B.A. Brown
Physics Letters B 586 p. 232
Direct Mass Measurement of Bare Short-Lived 44V, 48Mn, 41Ti, and 45Cr Ions with Isochronous Mass Spectrometry
J. Stadlmann, M. Hausmann, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, H. Eickhoff, M. Falch, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Y.A. Litvinov, K.E.G. Löbner, M. Matos, G. Münzenberg, N. Nankov, F. Nolden, Y.N. Novikov, T. Ohtsubo, T. Radon, H. Schatz, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, H. Weick, and H.Wollnik
Physics Letters B 586 p. 27
“Super-Radiance" and the Width of Exotic Baryons
N. Auerbach, V. Zelevinsky, and A. Volya
Physics Letters B 590 p. 45
First g-factor Measurement Using a Radioactive 76Kr Beam
G. Kumbartzki, J.R. Cooper, N. Benczer-Koller, K. Hiles, T.J. Mertzimekis, M.J. Taylor, K.-H. Speidel, P. Maier-Komor, L. Bernstein, M.A. McMahan, L. Phair, J. Powell, and D. Wutte
Physics Letters B 591 p. 213
11Be Continuum Studied Through Proton Scattering
A. Shrivastava, Y. Blumenfeld, N. Keeley, T. Zerguerras, T. Aumann, D. Bazin, M. Chromik, G.M. Crawley, T. Glasmacher, K.W. Kemper, F. Maréchal, D.J. Morrissey, T. Nakamura, A. Navin, E.C. Pollacco, D. Santonocito, B.M. Sherrill, T. Suomijärvi, M. Thoennessen, E. Tryggestad, and R.L. Varner
Physics Letters B 596 p. 54
Experimental Evidence for Chirality in the Odd-A 105Rh
J. Timár, P. Joshi, K. Starosta, V.I. Dimitrov, D.B. Fossan, J. Molnár, D. Sohler, R. Wadsworth, A. Algora, P.Bednarczyk, D.Curien, Z. Dombrádi, G. Duchene, A. Gizon, J. Gizon, D.G. Jenkins, T. Koike, A. Krasznahorkay, E.S. Paul, P.M. Raddon, G. Rainovski, J.N. Scheurer, A. Simons, C. Vaman, A.R. Wilkinson, L. Zolnai, and S.Frauendorf
Physics Letters B 598 p. 178
Nuclear Structure, Random Interactions and Mesoscopic Physics
V. Zelevinsky and A. Volya
Physics Reports 391 p. 311
The Stopping of Low Energy Ions in Reactions of Astrophysical Interest
C.A. Bertulani
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 154 p. 325
Reaching the Limits of Nuclear Stability
M. Thoennessen
Reports on Progress in Physics 67 p. 1187
