FRIB is registered under the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety standard after the successful external audit of FRIB’s Environment, Safety and Health Management System (ESHMS).
The ISO 45001 standard is the new ISO standard that replaces OHSAS 18001. In addition to keeping hazards under control, this standard gives the framework for:
- maintaining a safe workplace,
- performing work safely, and
- working within predetermined controls designed to prevent injuries and illness.
Auditors from the certification organization NSF International Strategic Registrations (NSF-ISR) conducted a five-day on-site audit. The audit included visiting departments within the FRIB Laboratory and interviewing staff members. The auditors assessed the FRIB ESHMS against the new ISO 45001 standard and the current ISO 14001 standard.
The audit resulted in zero non-conformances. NSF-ISR recommended the FRIB ESHMS for registration to the ISO 45001 standard and continued registration to the ISO 14001 standard. The external auditors will return for an annual audit in 2020.
FRIB operates under the following:
- ISO 9001-registered Quality Management System (since 2008),
- ISO 14001-registered Environmental Management System (since 2006),
- ISO 2700-registered Information Security Management System (since 2018), and
- ISO 45001-registered Occupational Health and Safety Management System.