‘Distinguished Trailblazers in the Sciences’ competition kicks off for second year

11 September 2023

FRIB, Michigan State University (MSU), and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) are kicking off the second annual Distinguished Trailblazers in the Sciences competition. For the competition, pre-college students are invited to create video presentations about scientists and engineers who have excelled or contributed to the fields of nuclear science, accelerator science, and accelerator engineering.

There are two categories based on grade level:

  • Category one: Grades 5-8
  • Category two: Grades 9-12

Competition participants will create an original artistic design expression, personalized poem, musical performance (song/rap), video, or poster to highlight their selected “Distinguished Trailblazer in the Sciences.” They will then create an original video in which they present their submission. The submission deadline is 17 November 2023.

The competition was developed under the Student Training and Engagement Program for Undergraduates in Physics (STEP-UP). STEP-UP is a national organization of physics teachers, researchers, and professional societies that designs high-school physics lessons to inspire young people to pursue physics in college. It is a joint initiative between FRIB and Jefferson Lab.

To learn more, visit the Distinguished Trailblazers in the Sciences competition page.

2022 winners

Last year’s winners and their winning videos are:

First place: Deshaun Foster, Jr. (Booker T. Washington Middle School; Newport News, Virginia)

Presentation on Clarice Phelps

Second place: Cash Tillman and Greta Roddy (Barton Academy; Mobile, Alabama)

Presentation on Marie Curie

Third place: Sara Lovelace (Barton Academy; Mobile, Alabama)

Presentation on Lise Meitner
